How cold is it

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We were missed by a couple of the snowstorms this year, but my snowbank is officially taller than I am. I am going to have to modify the snowblower to get it to throw over now. And I even left a few feet of extra space for the overflow this year!
Currently -12*F in Missoula, MT. Not as cold as Seeley Lake though, they've got a current temp of -36*F. Those are actual temps, NOT wind chills.
That'll wake you up in the morning!
Regards, GF.
It was +2F here an hour ago or so. All the snow we got yesterday is just up past the Rear bumper cover on my Probe atm. Got nearly a foot in the driveway.
I'm happy that the there isn't a negative sign before the temperature. If only it wasn't going to get colder and the wind would stop...

Global warming? Uh where?

We got down to -8°F overnight. The next five nights will have lows of zero or below, with more snow on Saturday. The house next door has his driveway plowed, but the owner's father had to come over with the front end loader and push the snow piles back so there's room for more!

And I think my avatar is very appropriate, thank you very much!

It got up to +13F here today. not looking forward to more snow. gotta get the driveway shoveled so I can make a beer run!
It really hasn't been too bad in my neck of the woods. The coldest it has been this winter was only -29. It hasn't been above freezing much but that is just normal. I usually see 35 to 45 below at least one morning, and near that for a week. Then again, I had -33 in march 3 years ago, so.....
It's been kind of cold, but the WIND! It's been teens during the day and single digits at night, which ain't bad, but the Wind Chill last night was burning my exposed flesh! Weather site reports temps down to -12 or so, but man it felt colder than that!

Judging by the way the Jeep turned over this morning, it seemed about right, though.
We are currently at -2°F, but our overnight low was close to -10°F. Tomorrow we'll warm to the upper teens and guessed it...more snow. In December 2001, I had a heart attack. Not long after that, I bought my snow blower. THAT decision was the second-best decision I ever made!

It was so bitter coold yesterday near noon,My hands hurt right through my gloves uhooking the battery charger & reconnecting the terminals. Good thing I have the "stinger" terminals. Just use an allen wrench to tighten or loosen quickly.
Not too bad for a midwinter day in northern Illinois. We are currently at +13°F...don't you just love that plus sign...and we've been getting snow flurries since early this morning. With little wind, it's fun to watch the flakes just float in the air. But...Sunday's overnight low: -14°F. Monday's overnight low: -18°F. The large amount of snow this winter, along with the cold temperatures reminds me of my youth in the '50's and '60's in Milwaukee, WI.

Currently +11*F. here, but it's been snowing nonstop for the last 7 hours. Just measured 6 inches of fresh powder & it's still coming down. I'll be shoveling snow later, but I don't mind; more snow now means less fire this summer.
Regards, GF.
We're up to a rousing +14°F. The snow from yesterday afternoon and evening accumulated to around three inches, and it was the light, fluffy stuff so the snow blower didn't even slow down! Overnight lows tonight [-11°F] and tomorrow night [-14°F] will definitely add to the winter misery for some. I am EXTREMELY thankful that my snow blower is running well, and my new furnace is keeping the house warm and toasty.

We are supposed to be mid 20s today and tomorrow I think.

I'm am getting super tired of winter nonetheless. Looks like another round of shoveling and busting up the ice at the end of the driveway. Only got half of it done last time. Not sure I have the energy. If it weren't for the mail man having to drive up on an angle, I'd just forget the ice buildup. That's why we have 4x4s...
"Snowpocalypse" parts two and three are supposed to hit overnight tonight and then again Wednesday. Supposed to have snow showers tonight and tomorrow, then rain/freezing rain and sleet/snow on Wednesday. Joy! :(
it's +21F here,snowed a bit more. Driveway def needs shoveling again. I'm getting tired of looking outside & seeing artic tundra & howling winds. At least the winds died down today.
We're currently up to a balmy +8°F. Overnight low last night was around -9°F; tonight's low will be somewhere around -14°F. I guess that's what Al Gore meant by "global warming." Not much snow in the forecast! Maybe the snow blower can rest for a few days!

Just checked, and we are currently at -18°F. I just heard the school bus run down our street. That doesn't make sense. Earlier in January, during our first brutal cold snap, schools were closed all over the place...with temps in the negative SINGLE digits. Now, with negative DOUBLE digits, school is in session. Guess that's what happens when you run out of "extra" days padded into the school schedule! But we are supposed to experience a balmy +11°F high today.

The sun is shining. It's about 4F here right now. It's beautiful out, but I'm f'in done with this winter. Dish guy came out to upgrade our antenna last night and it was only slightly windy, but it was bitter cold! I tried to stay out with him and keep him company, maybe hand him his stuff, but he was doing fine by himself, so I said F'it! I went inside to get warm.

So now we get local channels again and in HD, and I can record the olympics.
I didn't watch last night. Got sidetracked with loading up a game to play with friends online. I'm definitely watching tonight. Unless we all get on and play online games...
It's projected to be 41° and partly sunny this coming Tuesday. I think I'm going to have a cookout to celebrate the heat wave.
Lake Michigan is now 80% frozen over. It will reduce the lake effect snow we have gotten this year. I was running out of room to put it. 4° out but no wind and better yet no snow..
Currently 5° ABOVE zero here, with a probable high today of +20°F. More snow is in the forecast for Saturday, Monday and next week Thursday. In spite of the fact that we have HUGE mounds of snow along many roads, traffic is moving normally and the pavement is dry. Certainly NOT like Atlanta a week ago.

It was an even 0 at my house this morning. YAY! we're due a big-ish storm tomorrow... every time they start off the weather with an 'impending doom' weather report the snowfall amounts are grossly over estimated.
It was an even 0 at my house this morning. YAY! we're due a big-ish storm tomorrow... every time they start off the weather with an 'impending doom' weather report the snowfall amounts are grossly over estimated.


Your "big-ish storm" mentioned Wednesday was only supposed to give us 3"-6" of snow Wednesday afternoon/evening before moving Northeast towards you. I see that you have it now, but it is still here Thursday morning with 10"-12" on the ground and no letup in sight. I hope that you are right that they grossly overstated your snowfall, but I wouldn't count on it!

It missed us,clear skies the last three days. +5F this morning,roads pretty good,school bus no show. Dammit,I had to freeze my arse off starting the car to drive all the way out to JVS,some 20 miles from here. Then come all the way back to make a right on Rt254,to get cut off by a meat wagon going to an accident some 200ft of the road to block 3 of 4 lanes with other emergency vehicles. Blood pressure pills inflating my kidneys about now,I have to go around the long way to the BP station near home. Get beer,vodka & empty bladder their. Then head accross to McyD's for breakfast for the two of us. Took till 9:42 to get done. Gee,that was fun...:drunk:

Your "big-ish storm" mentioned Wednesday was only supposed to give us 3"-6" of snow Wednesday afternoon/evening before moving Northeast towards you. I see that you have it now, but it is still here Thursday morning with 10"-12" on the ground and no letup in sight. I hope that you are right that they grossly overstated your snowfall, but I wouldn't count on it!


Raining here now. Didn't even get 6 inches!
We started the early morning today ABOVE zero! Currently, we're at +25°F, and the snow/ice on parts of my driveway are melting. Tomorrow night, the overnight low will again be BELOW zero: -6°F. But from the looks of the ten-day forecast, that may well be the end of sub-zero temps this winter. In fact, late next week, we'll have a February thaw! Break out the shorts and flip-flops!


Your "big-ish storm" mentioned Wednesday was only supposed to give us 3"-6" of snow Wednesday afternoon/evening before moving Northeast towards you. I see that you have it now, but it is still here Thursday morning with 10"-12" on the ground and no letup in sight. I hope that you are right that they grossly overstated your snowfall, but I wouldn't count on it!


Wow, I used to see 10"-12" snow storms in Bluefield when I was a kid. You guys don't get them much anymore though, do you?
Well,it looks like we dodged a bullet again. We got a dusting of snow & it's 33F. We're having a tropical heat wave here!