Hello from Western Massachusetts

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Active Member
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
Hey Folks,
A few of the guys from a another board I belong to are home brewers, they talk
about their experiences once in a while and they got me interested.
Just starting out so I'm here to get some ideas on equipment and try to learn a thing or two.

Welcome to the boards. best thing I can say is to read How to Brew. Its free, gives you an idea of what is going to happen and helps you from getting overwhelmed.
Welcome Ernie,
Just like Big John said, check out our group, HomeBrewTalk Groups - Yankee Ingenuity . The_Bird and I are both members; it is a chill group of people and we get together, brew, eat, drink & talk beer. We don't have a date set for our next get together, but it will be enjoyable. Good luck and I look forward to meeting you.

Welcome to HBT Ernie! If you ever find yourself in boston, swing by the brewery!!

PS Hippie I had no idea that you guys had that yankee ingenuity group, I just joined!
Welcome Ernie,
Just like Big John said, check out our group, HomeBrewTalk Groups - Yankee Ingenuity . The_Bird and I are both members; it is a chill group of people and we get together, brew, eat, drink & talk beer. We don't have a date set for our next get together, but it will be enjoyable. Good luck and I look forward to meeting you.


It's about time for a get-together, methinks. Where the hell's Glibbidy, we've got to invade his house again!
Hello from a fellow n00b. As I mentioned in my intro thread, I work in Springfield. But please don't hold that against me.
Brother I used to live in Chicopee and work in SF. There is a great LHBS in North Hampton right as you go from the highway into downtown. Did a search on the web and the name sounds different but the address sounds right. Check them out, they were really knowledgeable guys.

154 King Street, Northhampton, MA 01060
Phone: (415) 586-0150
Thanks again for the welcome! Been reading a lot and have learned a bunch already, you guys have it pretty much all covered. I can't believe how well everybody seems to gets along here, something I don't see often on internet forums. I just bought some equipment and a couple beer kits to start off with and hope to get started in a week or two.
Gonna try and get over to Hamp and check out the LHBS

Howdy from another noobie from Ma. I'm on the South Shore just above Plymouth.
Looks like a great forum with lot's of info. I need to do lots of reading to learn and get to know the other members.
Paul, you might be in luck, I don't know how much longer I'll be in VT, I got laid off and don't expect to find work up there anytime soon (it took me 3 months a few years ago). This past weekend I went to maine to help a buddy work on his house and my jeep had a drivetrain grenade go off, so I am stranded in Mass and starting a job search in this area.
Paul, you might be in luck, I don't know how much longer I'll be in VT, I got laid off and don't expect to find work up there anytime soon (it took me 3 months a few years ago). This past weekend I went to maine to help a buddy work on his house and my jeep had a drivetrain grenade go off, so I am stranded in Mass and starting a job search in this area.

I don't take that as a bad thing. Be glad to have you back as a masshole. Best of luck on the job search.
Sorry I missed this.

Glad you made it over. This is right up there with the other board I know you post at. Great people, lots of information, and always time for a smile and a brew. I am just a youngster at brewing, but if there is anything you need just ask. Either here, or on CP.

Thanks John, You know what they say, you can take the boy out of Mass(hole), but you can't take the masshole out of the boy!

And Hi again Ernie!
Hey Ernie, I happen to be from Wmass as well. I haven't started brewing yet, but I've been reading around. I want to start with some applewein and maybe some mead, seems like those are low maintenance and don't require much in the way of equipment.
harrydrez, I'm planning on some applewien also. We have Honey Bees and a lot of honey so maybe some mead and a little experimenting with ale once I get a few batches under my belt.
Were abouts are you located?