Have i ruined my brew with too much water?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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Brew craft Munich lager starter kit is in the fermentor and has been for about a week, theres four litres too much water because i was an idiot and didnt read the instructions properly...

have i ruined my very first batch on kit beer?
or is there a way to fix the issues?

Relax bro - didn't ruin it, just may be a little less ABV and thinner mouthfeel. It's still beer.

How was the fermentation? What are your gravity readings? Did you take any?

Not much you can do now but let it ferment out and bottle. Then start another batch and away you go.
Do not try to "fix" it now. It was a small mistake, but you still made beer. Probably good beer with low alcohol content. Let the fermentation finish, bottle and enjoy. Consider it a lesson learned and you will make better beer next time.
+1 to the previous posts. Don't fret over it. On the positive you get 11 more 12 oz bottles out of it :mug:

You can plug in your kit ingredients to www.beercalculus.com to figure out the new abv/ibus and what not.

Live and learn, and keep on brewing.

Thanks guys, its still fermenting, its been in for a week so far. took a reading to see what the story is its at 1.010

I figured it would just be a bit less tasteful and probably lower alcohol content. I'm going to leave it for another week or so see what it reads then. :)

thanks guys for the tip.
WEll, I just put the beer finings in, to help clear it all up, meter has been at 1.011, I didnt measure originally.

smells like beer and looks like beer. :). will be bottling in 254 hours and it will then sit in the garage for 2 weeks before i try the first one to see how it tastes.

this one is defintely a learning curve. Will let you know how it turns out.
crusader1612 said:
will be bottling in 254 hours and it will then sit in the garage for 2 weeks before i try the first one to see how it tastes.
Man thats a looooooong time fermenting :)
1 week in the bottle, found a dodgy bottle with a few floaty bits in it, so i figured I'd try it. still relatively flat, but taste is good so far.. anoher bottle to try next week.

I'm trying to learn more about the process and what happens over a period of time.
2 weeks in the bottle - People probably don't care so much anymore but I tried another bottle and its relatively clear, smells not so nice, probably the older bottles/second hand bottles. but it tastes actually pretty good consideringthe mistakes made, lol... the first was a carbonated water taste, which to me means it still needs another week or so., but I'm happy it has turned out drinkable.

so provided my estimatationa are correct. I am using the instruction packet here, that it came out at 1.035 before fermentation, and 1.011 after, I'm sticking with 3.5% alc, probably a bit lower with the extra water, but as a wet finger method it works.

I'll see you all again in another week. :)
Yeah, we care. And if it doesn't turn out, drink it, or toss it, and start again. I'm 10 brews in, a couple great, a few good, a couple so so, and a couple yuk, and one thrown out. I will continue to pursue the great, enjoy the good, live with the so so, and tolerate the Yuk. I think I've learned enough here to not have another throw away ;)
I'm 24 batches in and some are great, a few not so much and a lot of them ain't so bad. I wouldn't recommend tossin' a batch unless it made ya hurl. My worst so far was my russian imperial stout 'Dark Night of the Soul' found in the recipes here. I didn't pitch enough yeast so after a year it was still a bit sweet and flat. Twenty months later it's still flat but the sweetness has mellowed. It's 10.5% ABV and a 22 oz bomber is all it takes!
I'm 24 batches in and some are great, a few not so much and a lot of them ain't so bad. I wouldn't recommend tossin' a batch unless it made ya hurl. My worst so far was my russian imperial stout 'Dark Night of the Soul' found in the recipes here. I didn't pitch enough yeast so after a year it was still a bit sweet and flat. Twenty months later it's still flat but the sweetness has mellowed. It's 10.5% ABV and a 22 oz bomber is all it takes!

Holy Crap, Sounds Potent!
Yeah I'm glad its drinkable, I've got cider down now :) thats my second brew.
Well, It certainly has alcohol in it :). I pretty much drank it over the weekend, it doesnt taste greast at all... taste is very watery, with the carbonation in it as well. has a hint of beer taste, but it is too watery, at least its drinkable though, and I've put it down to experience.
Amazing what a couple of weeks will do. It still has a watery taste to it, but its much much better now. I can taste malt thanks to all on here for their advice, fingers crossed my next one has a more "beery" taste, my latest is promising.