Good Job Spitzer...

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skinfiddler said:

I just keep thinkin that if prostitution were legal (and it aint goin away) that there would not be $5000 whores.

Of course there would... probably a lot more expensive than that as well.

People that have the money spend that much on a fine bottle of wine, when they could have had a $50 bottle instead and still have a good bottle of wine and the dizzying euphoria it provides.

Why pay $5000 on a bottle of wine when a $50 bottle will suffice? Because you want the BEST. Some idea behind driving a Ferrari.

Think of all of those men with a LOT more money than looks etc, they would NEVER get to have sex with someone as hot as this woman (unless she was marrying him for his money...same thing, except it's legal) if they didn't pay for it.

You want the best? It's gonna cost you.

And before anyone pipes in and says "She's not THAT great" Of course she is! She's AMAZINGLY someone/s She's maybe not what you would like, but then your dream hottie may not be the greatest to a lot of other guys either.

I never saw the attraction to Pamela Anderson, but a lot of guys certainy did. If prostitution were legal and and Pammy were charging $10K for a session, the line would still be 5 miles long, and she's old news...
kornkob said:
As far as I am concerned, netiher being blind or being black makes you a bad candidate for the job. Being a hypocrite and participating in the very crimes you claimed to be fighting as you climbed into the job does make you a bad candidate.

Touche' :)

Point Taken
PeteOz77 said:
Of course there would... probably a lot more expensive than that as well.

People that have the money spend that much on a fine bottle of wine, when they could have had a $50 bottle instead and still have a good bottle of wine and the dizzying euphoria it provides.

Why pay $5000 on a bottle of wine when a $50 bottle will suffice? Because you want the BEST. Some idea behind driving a Ferrari.

Think of all of those men with a LOT more money than looks etc, they would NEVER get to have sex with someone as hot as this woman (unless she was marrying him for his money...same thing, except it's legal) if they didn't pay for it.

You want the best? It's gonna cost you.

And before anyone pipes in and says "She's not THAT great" Of course she is! She's AMAZINGLY someone/s She's maybe not what you would like, but then your dream hottie may not be the greatest to a lot of other guys either.

I never saw the attraction to Pamela Anderson, but a lot of guys certainy did. If prostitution were legal and and Pammy were charging $10K for a session, the line would still be 5 miles long, and she's old news...

Nope. Like pot, the price is inflated because of illegality.
$5000 for a whore doesn't sound so expensive now that Sir Paul McCarntey has just paid $47 MILLION for his.

What a gold digging, money grubbing pig she is.. She even fired her lawyer and represented herself to save the fees.

$1500 per hour for every second she was married to him.

But of course she is appealing the ruling because she wants $247 Million.

I reckon Spitzer got good value at $5K!

I think the question is morals here folks. In the end everyone has a different perspective on what is "Moral" and I don't have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with this guy who has built a career on his morality, and then lo and behold! He's paying big bucks to nail a 22 year old, committing the very crime he has been targeting others for. Moral? Not even remotely. I don't give a damn if he's banging hookers, just don't build a career on tearing down others because you don't approve of their morals when you are no better than those you are targeting. In fact it makes you worse because you abused the public's trust in the process. You were elected by the people to help eliminate the issue, not perpetuate it. Which is what the people of New York chose to do.

I don't vote for politicians on moral issues.

I vote for politicians to build roads, keep the infrastructure up and running.

I do NOT elect them to tell me how to live my damn life. There are other countries on the planet I could live in if I wanted that.


It's Hot, Sexy and you save $4,291.01 :D LOL
Whoever even cared about the NY Gov? Just another phony...

But she's friggin' HOT! :D

I thank him for the nice pics.