getting fat!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Dang, I've gained 10 lbs since I started brewing.

that is really dissappointng, given how much I enloy brewing.

anyone have any good solutions to the weight gain? (besides diet and excercise :D ).
oh...umm...stop drinking...wait...that's not an option....drink less? no's not much you can do pal!

except diet and exercise!:mad:
Try to drink during the day more. Beer (even home brew) is packed full of carbs that come with no nutritional value. If you stop drinking 4+ hours before bed it will reduce the tendancy to gain weight. To this end I have begun using GMT as the start of Happy hour so I'm done drinking on weekends and nicely buzzed by dinner time.
Increase activity levels. You can consume 3000 calories a day without weight gain easily if you exercise enough to offset the intake.
Get rid of all your mirrors and scales, only hang out with people fatter than you and only have sex with the lites off.

you could also take up meth and/or crack.
I forgot, have a little girl who loves to run and climb. That keeps me moving, trying to keep her from cracking her fool head open.
Get two big dogs and move your mail box 3500 feet east and 200 feet down. Visit two or three times a day. I've lost five pounds & gone from 38" to 34" slacks in two years.

On the practical side, make lower gravity ales. Balancing bittering and hops is more difficult when you ABV is 3-3.5%, but it can be done. Check out German Octoberfest recipes, they can be as low as 2%.
if you like snack foods, measure them out in a bowl instead of eating from a bag. I've done that since Thanksgiving and it's helped me drop some weight. I guess I didn't realize how small a 'serving' is/how much you can throw in your mouth when you grab it by the handful out of the bag.

EDIT: I've also tried to lower my calorie intake and excercise, but those are obvious. I'm trying to lose the weight I gained in 4 years of college in the same amount of time.....I've got about 10 months to go and 13 more #s to lose, but fall/winter/spring are my good time of the year. I drink and eat too much in the summer to lose much weight.
Get teenagers.

Seriously, the life expectancy of any kind of remotely appealing snack food in my house is measured in nanoseconds.

I used to tend to snack at night after the kids went to bed. Now there's never anything good in the house and as often as not I'm in bed before they are.

Unfortunately, the kids being up later is affecting other kinds of late-evening indulgances, as well. I think we need a lock on our bedroom door.
Tell the wife that sex burns alot of calories and that a constant regimine of sex will help you look younger. If she buys that, remind her how oral sex is still sex, so technically even though you're just laying there and enjoying it, it still counts towards your exercise regimine and this way you don't have to worry about pulling a hammy.

If she buys that let me know. I'll rationalize her right out of your life and into mine.

Seeing how this stuff will never happen, force yourself to work out more. Force yourself to run. At least once a day, look your wife in the eye and say with pure sincerety "You weren't this fat when I married you." A fight like that should help you sweat out at least 10,000 calories. More if she's the cook.
I eat a hearty breakfast, lunch....and I just drink dinner.... :)

stopped drinking soda, potato chips, and junk food

Maybe spread drinking out throughout the day so your metabolism goes up.
I think a Burgess Merideth "Grumpy Old Men" diet is in store for you!

Un-filtered cigarettes will be your excercise. All that coughing HAS to burn some calories.

For breakfast? A whole pound of bacon. Lunch?? A bacon sandwich! And dinner...drink your dinner.
As silly as it sounds, I've found the Susan Summers diet pretty easy to live with most of the time.

<pause for laughter to die down>

Basically, you separate your carbs from your protein and don't eat them in the same meal. You can have a nice steak with veggies and a salad one night and pasta with a marinara sauce the next.

If you stick to that diet during the week, you can splurge a bit on the weekends after you get down around the weight you want to be. Save your pizza and burgers for then.

The hardest part of any diet is sticking to it long term. This one is the easiest one I've found. Additional exercise is always good too. You're should get at least 5 hours a week.
I notice weight gain as well but countered it early. I cut out on un-healthy snack foods and lowered my intake of pop to 1 can/bottle a day. Along with that I lowered my portion size and try to run for an hour a day on the Treadmill or out on a trail. All in the name of drinking homebrew.

Man, who knew homebrewing could make people more healthy? ;)
everytime youre about to eat something you know damn well is bad for you, remember that you could probably have 1 or 2 beers instead. salads with balsamic vinaigrette for dressing dont taste so bad when you know you can afford a couple beers later.
Walk everywhere, whenever possible. Worked for me! I have a bad knee form football and track in my youth. Had surgery a couple years back and can't run any longer. But walking and some weight training did the trick.:)
All these are very good tips, and of course Cheese has the best advise, but that only works in a perfect world, and in such a world no one would be fat anyway...

My $0.02:

If you are not really active, simply cut your portions at mealtimes. Don't eat until you are "full", and eat slower to boot. After a few days/weeks you body gets used to eating less and you aren't hungry all the time. It isn't difficult and no way I would call it a diet, because you still eat what you want. Just have one slice of pizza instead of two. Keep in mind I am talking NY pizza slices here. If it's from dominoes maybe go for 2 instead of 4.
And don't forget breakfast is basically a "free" meal. It is "free" because you body metabolizes stuff at max rate in the AM, when everything inside is getting up to speed. So the calories are used up at a much faster rate then.
Just lifting some light weights around the house can boost your metabolism, which helps you burn up the stuff that otherwise would park itself in your gut and stay there.
Rhoobarb said:
Walk everywhere, whenever possible. )

That works well, I started taking the stairs at work and it made a difference. Having a job where I sit almost all the time made a big difference. It was quite a shock after having 30 plus years of having to try to keep weight on.

I'd like to lift some weights, but their currently burried under all the stuff I have in my basement while I'm fixing it up.
so I've heard several people say they stopped drinking Soda.

I drink at least 36 oz of Diet mt dew every day, and often at least one or 2 MONSTER sugar free energy drinks. Diet soda doesn't count as soda, right?

I rarely eat much for breakfast. I eat salad every weekday at lunch, but it has blue cheese, ranch dressing, vinagrette (sp) and Walnuts (not in huge amounts).

If I eat junk food it is almost always goldfish crackers or baked lays. sometimes granola bars.

I drink maybe 2 16 oz beers every night. I usually fall asleep shortly after :)

OH and about lighter gravity beers: you mean Final gravity??? or is it hte original gravity that determines the fatness factor??? I always figured lower fg beers must not have that many sugars in them, hence fewer calories...
I don't know how many alcoholics that I have run across that can't hold a job because they are too busy holding a can. Have you ever noticed their physique? They are some of the thinnest people on earth. Many of them consume 4,000+ calories per day. Of couse they don't eat anything, but the calories are still there.

That's why I am convinced that it isn't the beer that makes you fat. It is everything else that one stuffs into their pie hole before and after they have a few pints. :mug:
Lower OG and lower FG. Half of the sugar becomes alcohol, half becomes CO2. High carb snacks are deadly, not because of the caloric content of a single serving, but because it is so easy to eat a lot of them and they don't satisfy. I looked at these dinky little "muffin bars" I have, 170 Calories. I could eat two of them, a bag of corn chips, ahandful of crackers and still feel like I haven't eaten anything.

The Atkens diet works because people tend to eat a lot less food total. Think about it, how many servings of mashed potatoes can you eat vs. burgers?

Just standing vs sitting burns 40% more energy. Put your computer on a high shelf.
Cheesefood said:
Force yourself to run. At least once a day, look your wife in the eye and say with pure sincerety "You weren't this fat when I married you."

Run for your life.

I believe this is what you meant to say, Cheesefood:p

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