Fughin' hiccups, wtf?!

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Nov 26, 2016
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I get them from time to time, usually after a night of imbibing. My wife is a Kung-Fu master of getting rid of them, she can usually rid herself of a case in just a couple of minutes. Me, however, I get them for hours on end, and have had them for as long as a couple of days. The usual tips do zero for me, I'm looking for a no-fail rescue plan. Help me to salvage my dignity.

usually i just cuss out, well...this IS a public forum....but anyway, i feel better.....then well, i suppose i get made fun of in other ways....more cussing, rinse repeat.... :mug:
Damn - a couple of days of hammering your diaphragm must get painful. Yikes!
I can't remember the last time I had a run longer than maybe 10 minutes but I'm in the "teaspoon of sugar" camp.
Mostly because it can't make things worse and might just work...
Next time you get them just picture your wife finding out how much you have really spent on brewing. Of that doesn't scare the hiccups out of ya I don't know what will!

but in all seriousness, my son is the same way. When he gets hiccups it will usually be a multi-day affair, not a matter of minutes or hours. I feel for you, it has to be exceedingly frustrating.
Ugh. I get them too. I've found if I try to get rid of them as soon as they start, I have better success. If I wait to see if they'll go away on their own, it's tougher to get them to stop. There are 2 solutions I've found works about 80% of the time. First thing I try is sucking on a large slice of lemon. Cut a good size wedge and put it in like a mouthpiece. Get all of the juice out as quickly as possible and keep it there for a minute or two even if the hiccups go away. Nothing worse then them coming back. If I don't have a lemon, some other citrus sometimes work. I've even gargled with orange juice to make them stop effectively. If lemon does not work, then a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter all at once is my last hope.

Good luck. Hope these work for you!

Multi-day hiccups sound terrible, ouch. Getting rid of them is all about helping your diaphragm get back in sync. Breathing exercises work for me. Two options:
  1. Square Breathing: breath in for count of 4, hold for count of 4, breath out for count of 4, hold for count of 4, breath in... repeat. Don’t worry if you hiccup while going through it, just keep going. It can take a few minutes of doing this with a bad case. Set a timer or something for 5-10 minutes. Sense of time is meaningless when you’ve got a case of the hiccups.
  2. “Sipping air”: for breathing in pretend like you have to sip air like a glass of water. Breath in with tiny short inhales. Exhale normally.
I hope you find one that works for you!
Wow, thanks everybody for all the great techniques! I'm actually looking forward to trying them out, I'll post back on my results.

Be sure to post pictures! lol :mug:

and don't be scared to mix it up either, i want to see some guy hanging upside down, with both fingers in his ears. drinking raw sugar water with a straw! :D
Bend over all the forward and drink several good gulps of water upside down from the far side of the glass.;)
Have them frequent and random. If I can't hold my breath and settle the breathing or take several gulps of water to get an attack to stop, this over the back of a glass works on me since I was a teenager
I feel this pain. I get them rarely but each time it's for 12-28 hours and nothing I've tried works, i'll have to read up some new techniques here! I think I try to drink my way through it. I don't think beer helps but it's fun to try...
For me it's either one of these, both noted above

Drink water from the far side of the glass by bending over, it's hard but works
And the sugar but for me it's a tsp under the tongue and let it dissolve very slowly
Fool proof mid-evil easy cure for hiccups. Get a glass of cold water, cover the glass of water with a new paper towel, drink the water through the paper towel very slowly. It feels a little weird but I guarantee you that it works. Never fails.
Pay someone sneaky to follow you around, and have them randomly jump out at you in horror movie costume & makeup.
Active case right now. So mad I could break something. Holding my breath as long as possible at at the moment, about to try a spoon of sugar.
For some reason I get the hiccups quite often. My remedy that works the majority of the time is to time the hiccup and right when I‘m ready to hiccup suck in some air and burp. Instantly gone! Now if I continue to crush beers past this point all bets are off.

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