Fermenting a lager at ale temps

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Aug 15, 2011
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Hey all, first post!!
Here are my questions. I recently brewed my second batch of beer.It was a Brewers Best German Oktoberfest from a kit. The fermentables were 6.6 lb of Munich LME and 1 ib. of Amber DME. The instructions said it should be fermented at lager temps but would ferment fine as an ale.I had it in my primary for about 5 days at 74 and in my secondary for 2 weeks at 74.....then I bottled. When I bottled them, I tried a taste and it was great except for a "whiskey" after taste..can anyone explain this?...will it mellow out a bit? I can also put these in a fridge now instead of just in my basement...would this be somewhat of a "lagering" procedure or is that too late?.would this still carbonate at a lower temp? I also added a1 lb. of corn sugar at the end of my boil...would this play a part in the after taste? Thanx in advance for any input or advise.
I'd bet that it will round out a bit. They don't list on their website what they include for yeast. If they say it's OK at ale temps then I'll have to take them on their word. I can't really think of a fermentation characteristic that would come across as "whiskey" so I don't think it's that anyway. More than likely it just needs some age on it and is probably just "green" - remember we're only talking about 19-day old beer here. Enjoy your first beer, and hopefully many more!
I am guessing the Whiskey taste you are noticing is a combination of things. 74 degrees is higher than I would all fermentation to take place for most ales yeasts, let alone a lager yeast. You probably have soem fusel alcohols in there that account for the "HOT" part of the whiskey flavors and then acetaldehyde or diactyl from other stresses of the yeast. That is my theory for why you taste whiskey :)
Yes, check the yeast manufacturer's website for the strain of yeast you used. Understand that yeast activity raises the temperature by 5-10 degrees (NOT exaggeration), so shoot for the low side of the recommended temps. 74 is high for most ale yeasts.

Time may well be your friend for that beer.

Oh, not to miss an opportunity, though -

Whiskey was just the fierst word to pop in my head.....more of a sweet alcoholy taste is more descript. Thanx for all the replies!!!
5 days in primary isn't long enough. Many here don't secondary unless adding oak or fruit,etc. Give it 3-5 days on the yeast cake after a stable FG is reached. Then bottle/keg. 3-4 weeks bottle conditioning helps too. But next time,skip the secondary & let it clean up & settle out more. It'll look & taste better.
As far as I understand it a lager fermented at ale temps would classify it as a "steam" beer...correct me if I'm wrong though. Let it condition should be fine.
I bought the same kit today from my LHBS. I was concerned about it being a lager, but the guy in the shop told me I could ferment at ale temperatures. The only difference he said is that the finished product won't be as clear or crisp as a lager.

I have a fridge that is empty at the moment. A food fridge, but I've moved into a house and using my apartment as the brewery. What temps and timelines would you suggest for lagering?
beer (just like people) will stand up on it's feet better with age. The flavors will balance out with time. As far as using lager yeast at ale temps. That is typical of steam beer or california common (both are the same thing...i think) I do like the lagering idea. It's good to know you're thinking.
Zep....I read your thread prior to posting mine. My next question is should I let it carbonate at room temps or should I go right to the refridge for a month or so to carbonate? If I do refridgerate would that be considered lagering since the yeast has already worked?

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