Female Home brewer's Club

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2013
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When I named this the "Hee-man Women Hater's Club" from the little rascals popped into my head.

I know there area few women out there. Yooper comes to mind in all her mod greatness. :) I did do a quick search to see if there were any threads on women brewers and saw 2.

Interesting enough I was reading up on the history of brewing and way way way back in the day women were the only one's brewing beer. In fact, in many cases it was illegal for men to brew. Info Here

It surprises me that more women aren't brewing out there and that this is such a male dominated hobby. Anyway just thought I would open this up to see if I could connect with other women brewers.
I find that less women drink beer for a variety of reasons, namely weight. (At least among my friends.) It seems though that most of my friends/and their friends or sig. others that are female turn down my beer in place of a "light" option or liquor. Damn fools don't know what they are missing, but more for me :) My roomate will only drink vodka and lemon lime because it is "lighter in calories".

Since they don't drink it...they don't want to spend time brewing it. Most of my GF's would be worried about breaking a nail, or heaven forbid, sweating! HAHAHA! Me, I have always been an outdoor girl and hauling a pot with 5 gallons of boiling water doesn't phase me in the least, I don't have manicured nails, and I care about my weight, but you only live once! I started homebrewing because I love to make as much home made stuff as I can..and I love beer!

This last weekend I had a female friend from out of town and I was brewing...she spent the entire time complaining it was too hot out and ended up inside in the AC. As much as I want the female company, I was more than happy with my brew partner and his buddy who didn't complain about the heat (or at least didn't loudly complain)...and who sat there and downed some cold ones with me, while helping!

I think at the end of the day it just takes a different kinda woman to be a brewer :) I was the first female and youngest in my local bricklayers union at one time, now I'm in Construction Management. Being a minority isn't that bad...it's kinda cool and something to be proud of :)

In the mean time, I'm going to keep inviting my female friends to brew until I can find one that can haul an igloo cooler full of water, brew in the heat, and still slam back a cold one without uttering the phrase "why in the hell do you do this?" So brew on FEMALE brewers!!!
Since they don't drink it...they don't want to spend time brewing it. Most of my GF's would be worried about breaking a nail, or heaven forbid, sweating! HAHAHA! Me, I have always been an outdoor girl and hauling a pot with 5 gallons of boiling water doesn't phase me in the least, I don't have manicured nails, and I care about my weight, but you only live once! I started homebrewing because I love to make as much home made stuff as I can..and I love beer!
I do have acrylic nails it's the only way I can keep my hands manicured. Even with those I break one a week because I'm doing some kind of crazy nongirly thing (woodworking, building things, hauling things for garden work). I like you would rather be outside and have always been a "tom boy". As for weight I'm on a constant diet, but seriously a world without beer and chocolate? That is not one I want to live in.

I think at the end of the day it just takes a different kinda woman to be a brewer :) I was the first female and youngest in my local bricklayers union at one time, now I'm in Construction Management. Being a minority isn't that bad...it's kinda cool and something to be proud of :)

After my divorce I worked for a local bricklayer (1-2 guy operation) because it paid better then any other job I could get. The guy gave me a chance because he had known me from bar I was working at in the evenings. After one day he said, you know you work harder than any guy I have ever had on the job. One of the best compliments I have ever gotten. :)

In the mean time, I'm going to keep inviting my female friends to brew until I can find one that can haul an igloo cooler full of water, brew in the heat, and still slam back a cold one without uttering the phrase "why in the hell do you do this?" So brew on FEMALE brewers!!!

Funny story I brewed my first batch and the plan I had for cooling the wort wasn't working so I said screw it and decided to take it up to my garden tub. As I am hauling my 10 gallon pot up the stairs my husband is like uhh... where are you going? The damn thing was so heavy I thought I am not moving this again until it's done so now it's finishing in my closet. :)

As I have gotten older I have become this weird mix of more girly and still that tomboy from my youth. I like that I am able to take care of myself and fix things on my own.

The other day I was thinking about the type of girls that I have ended up long term friends with in the past and i realize that they all have one thing in common. They get **** done and don't wait for someone to do it for them.

Thanks for replying, it's good to connect.
In our homebrew club, we have three women who are brewers, as well as a number who help their SO brew. A minority, but not unusual.
The other day I was thinking about the type of girls that I have ended up long term friends with in the past and i realize that they all have one thing in common. They get **** done and don't wait for someone to do it for them.

Thanks for replying, it's good to connect.

I agree! I can't stand people that just sit around and wonder why it's taking so long...."get off your A$$!" lol. And that is awesome on the bricklaying! I loved it, and it was great money as a 17 year old. (I think I made more money than any of the kids my age). Still miss it, but not the back aches, dry hands, and dust from the saw. What I would give for just a day on the line once in a while though...

So how did you get started in brewing? Me, I always was interested and thought it might be too complicated. My neighbor home brews and invited me over to see how it works...bought my first pot the next week and haven't looked back. He seems amazed at the speed in which we are progressing, but I told him it's all in the internet and research. Without these forums I would still be scratching my head and reading book after book.
So how did you get started in brewing? Me, I always was interested and thought it might be too complicated. My neighbor home brews and invited me over to see how it works...bought my first pot the next week and haven't looked back. He seems amazed at the speed in which we are progressing, but I told him it's all in the internet and research. Without these forums I would still be scratching my head and reading book after book.

I have wanted to try brewing for a long time but just hadn't found the time to teach myself. I am always teaching myself something, canning fruits and vegetables, sewing, quilting, woodworking etc. A friend of ours was growing hops and they were so awesome that I told my husband (HWSBO?) I wanted to try it. He wasn't too enthused that I spent 50 dollars on "sticks", that is until they started growing and he was thought it was awesome. I just picked my first harvest this year and brewing was the next natural step. Once I started reading here it seemed like a much less tedious process so I jumped. :)

I was hooked the first time. Now I just planted an additional 22 hop crowns. I can't wait until next year.
In our homebrew club, we have three women who are brewers, as well as a number who help their SO brew. A minority, but not unusual.

There was an article in our paper the other day that Indiana is about to get it's first female own and operated brewery. I can't wait to try it out.
When I named this the "Hee-man Women Hater's Club" from the little rascals popped into my head.

I know there area few women out there. Yooper comes to mind in all her mod greatness. :) I did do a quick search to see if there were any threads on women brewers and saw 2.

Interesting enough I was reading up on the history of brewing and way way way back in the day women were the only one's brewing beer. In fact, in many cases it was illegal for men to brew. Info Here

It surprises me that more women aren't brewing out there and that this is such a male dominated hobby. Anyway just thought I would open this up to see if I could connect with other women brewers.

How would women react if a man were to start a "Women Hater All Hee-Man Brewing Club"? Probably get some bad press or even charged with a hate crime.
How would women react if a man were to start a "Women Hater All Hee-Man Brewing Club"? Probably get some bad press or even charged with a hate crime.

People are too D*m* sensitive these days. Unless they are attacking women I would probably laugh.
I'm here! Been homebrewing for a few years. I can be a little shy (especially online) so I kind of just lurk on here. My homebrew club has a few women members, in fact - one of ours just won homebrewer of the year last year from the AHA. Nice to meet you.
The women's club is name The Pink Boots Society?
Yeah not really my style.

I'm with ya on the name. Nothing I hate more in my industry than to see the chick walk on our site with pink construction boots or heaven forbid, the hot pink hard hat. :smack: Nothing against the color per se, just can't stand the stereo-type that comes with it.

I will fully admit though, I laughed my a$$ of when an old company I worked for used to make the guys wear the hot pink hard hats when they forgot theirs at home (I made sure never to forget mine). They ended up putting a stop to it since it was "hazing".
Hey ladies. I have been on a few threads, but not a lot. I started brewing because I'm a stay at home mom, don't have an online social life, don't do much off line socially, and don't play games or anything. My boys are small, so they nap or whatever and I get board. My husband and I talked about how I need a hobby and he suggested brewing. I thought, I can cook, I home make stuff all the time, so why not? Its great. So far all my beers are amazing. My husband helps me and sometimes brews one, but we pretend its my hobby. :) I cannot wait to share my beers with people like my dad, friends, etc. (If we don't drink them all first). I'm already planning a beer tasting for my birthday so my non brewing beer loving friends can check it out. I live in the Lakewood/Littleton, Colorado area. Where do you all live?
Hey ladies. I have been on a few threads, but not a lot. I started brewing because I'm a stay at home mom, don't have an online social life, don't do much off line socially, and don't play games or anything. My boys are small, so they nap or whatever and I get board. My husband and I talked about how I need a hobby and he suggested brewing. I thought, I can cook, I home make stuff all the time, so why not? Its great. So far all my beers are amazing. My husband helps me and sometimes brews one, but we pretend its my hobby. :) I cannot wait to share my beers with people like my dad, friends, etc. (If we don't drink them all first). I'm already planning a beer tasting for my birthday so my non brewing beer loving friends can check it out. I live in the Lakewood/Littleton, Colorado area. Where do you all live?

That's awesome! (Although I'm thinking hubby had an ulterior motive in his suggestion of the hobby :D ) I live in Stafford, VA. Single mom of two kids, so trying to find brew time is a bit tough, but I have some awesome friends and my best friend went in on it as a partner with me so it makes it easier to brew on the weekend. I get it going and if I have to run out to soccer or girl/cub scouts I can leave him with it and still do my mom duties. Although I am a bit of a pain in the fact that I don't really trust him to know what he is doing... I am the one reading up on everything and doing all the yeast slants and prep work, he's mostly in it for the end result. I usually measure out all the hops and grains and leave very detailed simple instructions on temps and add times. :cross:

My parents tried talking me out of it saying "well it will take away time from your kids". My kids probably spend more time with me now on the weekends then before, because we all hang out in the back yard while I brew. And now that I brew, I never go out in the evenings with friends. (I guess that is kind of detrimental to meeting someone some day...but hey, it equals more time with the kids...) I have my beer, my kids, and a crazy german shepherd...life is great!:mug:
The beer fox is a female homebrewer and bjcp judge in the northeast. She is very active online through her blog and social media. She really promotes women in brewing and has some awesome stuff she posts from time to time. Hope the ladies don't mind a man helping this thread out a bit :)
In our homebrew club, we have three women who are brewers, as well as a number who help their SO brew. A minority, but not unusual.

I think that's about right- women are a minority, but not unusual, in brewing.

I'm one that refuses to enter an all-female brewing competition and I would never join an all-female brew club. I refused an interview discussing "women brewers".

I love brewing, and like many women who brew, I don't consider us "women brewers". I think that's a good thing, as I don't think of men as "male brewers", either. We're all brewers.

There are actually quite a few women on this site. It's a minority, definitely, but there are more than you'd think. Oftentimes, you'll be "talking" to someone and not realize their gender.

I love that the Brewer of the Year at the NHC was an African American woman. It's not about race or gender- it's about the brew!

I'm glad our forum is a welcoming place for all. I've been ignored in homebrew stores, including a rather well-known one. I was in a store with my dad, and we were the only customers at that time. Two different clerks asked my dad if they could assist him, but not one approached me, even though I went looking for one so I could buy a pH meter. I approached one, at a desk, and he never even looked up at me. That was a while ago, and I think things are changing now in most places!
That's awesome! (Although I'm thinking hubby had an ulterior motive in his suggestion of the hobby :D ) I live in Stafford, VA. Single mom of two kids, so trying to find brew time is a bit tough, but I have some awesome friends and my best friend went in on it as a partner with me so it makes it easier to brew on the weekend. I get it going and if I have to run out to soccer or girl/cub scouts I can leave him with it and still do my mom duties. Although I am a bit of a pain in the fact that I don't really trust him to know what he is doing... I am the one reading up on everything and doing all the yeast slants and prep work, he's mostly in it for the end result. I usually measure out all the hops and grains and leave very detailed simple instructions on temps and add times. :cross:

My parents tried talking me out of it saying "well it will take away time from your kids". My kids probably spend more time with me now on the weekends then before, because we all hang out in the back yard while I brew. And now that I brew, I never go out in the evenings with friends. (I guess that is kind of detrimental to meeting someone some day...but hey, it equals more time with the kids...) I have my beer, my kids, and a crazy german shepherd...life is great!:mug:

I hope to one day be able to do it outside, but until then I use it as a break from the kids. Lol. Hubby knows to take them. You figure I'm with them 24/7 and RARELY have a sitter, so my brew time is mommy time. We are all still together, I just don't have to catch every little thing they do. Its nice. :)
I'm here! Been homebrewing for a few years. I can be a little shy (especially online) so I kind of just lurk on here. My homebrew club has a few women members, in fact - one of ours just won homebrewer of the year last year from the AHA. Nice to meet you.

Don't be shy I don't bite usually and I've had all my shots incase I do. :)
Hey ladies. I have been on a few threads, but not a lot. I started brewing because I'm a stay at home mom, don't have an online social life, don't do much off line socially, and don't play games or anything. My boys are small, so they nap or whatever and I get board. My husband and I talked about how I need a hobby and he suggested brewing. I thought, I can cook, I home make stuff all the time, so why not? Its great. So far all my beers are amazing. My husband helps me and sometimes brews one, but we pretend its my hobby. :) I cannot wait to share my beers with people like my dad, friends, etc. (If we don't drink them all first). I'm already planning a beer tasting for my birthday so my non brewing beer loving friends can check it out. I live in the Lakewood/Littleton, Colorado area. Where do you all live?

I'm in Indiana (Indianapolis suburb to be exact). Nice to meet you! That sounds like an awesome birthday idea by the way.. I'll have to do that!
... I don't consider us "women brewers". I think that's a good thing, as I don't think of men as "male brewers", either. We're all brewers.

That's a refreshing point of view. I think it detracts somewhat from a person's accomplishments to add the asterisk "Women's" or "African American" etc. as if they couldn't stand on their own merit.

Why should I be surprised that a woman can brew great beer? Most of the best cooks I know are women.
My parents tried talking me out of it saying "well it will take away time from your kids". My kids probably spend more time with me now on the weekends then before, because we all hang out in the back yard while I brew. And now that I brew, I never go out in the evenings with friends. (I guess that is kind of detrimental to meeting someone some day...but hey, it equals more time with the kids...) I have my beer, my kids, and a crazy german shepherd...life is great!:mug:

A happy Mom has happy kids. There is nothing wrong with taking time out and doing something you enjoy.

*Warning feminist rant, even though I am not one, ahead*

If a single Dad were to buy a kit and start brewing for a hobby everyone would think it's great. A women gets a hobby and we are neglecting the kids. It's not like you're on the streets hooking.
The beer fox is a female homebrewer and bjcp judge in the northeast. She is very active online through her blog and social media. She really promotes women in brewing and has some awesome stuff she posts from time to time. Hope the ladies don't mind a man helping this thread out a bit :)

NEVER!! Although we have a hazing policy that any man who crosses these sacred lines has to dress up and dance as a spice girl. ;)

Is her twitter, Facebook, Blog name all "The Beer Fox"?
I think that's about right- women are a minority, but not unusual, in brewing.

I'm one that refuses to enter an all-female brewing competition and I would never join an all-female brew club. I refused an interview discussing "women brewers".

I love brewing, and like many women who brew, I don't consider us "women brewers". I think that's a good thing, as I don't think of men as "male brewers", either. We're all brewers.

There are actually quite a few women on this site. It's a minority, definitely, but there are more than you'd think. Oftentimes, you'll be "talking" to someone and not realize their gender.

I love that the Brewer of the Year at the NHC was an African American woman. It's not about race or gender- it's about the brew!

I'm glad our forum is a welcoming place for all. I've been ignored in homebrew stores, including a rather well-known one. I was in a store with my dad, and we were the only customers at that time. Two different clerks asked my dad if they could assist him, but not one approached me, even though I went looking for one so I could buy a pH meter. I approached one, at a desk, and he never even looked up at me. That was a while ago, and I think things are changing now in most places!

I hope this thread didn't come off as some tyrannical feminist thing. I was more just curious how many other women were out there and thought it might be fun to connect with some. Maybe it's because I am in Indiana and home brewing here while also not rare seems to be far less wide spread than many other states.

What I have liked most about this forum is how accepting everyone is. Everyone seems to be here to help each other out. I thought at first it was going to be a guys only club but not at all.

As for the LHBS, I was pleasantly surprised that the staff there was eager to help me out.
allynlyon said:
But at least you have a cool story to tell as to why your manicure looks like crap.

Don't know if its a cool story.... Will cost me a fresh coat of paint before I head out to Minnesota
NEVER!! Although we have a hazing policy that any man who crosses these sacred lines has to dress up and dance as a spice girl. ;)

Is her twitter, Facebook, Blog name all "The Beer Fox"?

Ha! I would be an ugly spice girl. Her blog is called the beer fox and on facebook she is Carolyn Smagalsky. Not sure if she does Twitter since my wife doesn't use it. I am barely social media literate so she keeps me updated about that stuff.
jnr1005 said:
I'm thinking it wasn't dismissing them per se, just the name :)

That's totally correct. I'm sure these women are ones I could aspire to emulate!
Just the "pink" thing; everything for ladies is "pink" this or that. I was a child of the 80s, I like pink. Especially with Ninja Turtle green.
I guess I like to think of myself as an aspiring brewer, that just happens to be female, that may or may not like pink.
I'd enjoy being in a general group, than too specialized of one. Maybe I'd identity with another female because of gender, but maybe I'd identify with a guy that plays awesome guitar and I respect that too. We've already got the brewing demoninator established; the rest can come naturally.
Eh, it's just not my personal style but I'd never dismiss what they're doing.
I've just had a few home brews and am waxing philosophical.
Hope you guys are having a good night too!
Ha! I would be an ugly spice girl. Her blog is called the beer fox and on facebook she is Carolyn Smagalsky. Not sure if she does Twitter since my wife doesn't use it. I am barely social media literate so she keeps me updated about that stuff.

Thanks for the info. You must not be too illiterate you made it here. :)

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