Favourite Artist?

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gratus fermentatio

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2008
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Out of curiosity, who is/are your favourite artist(s)? I'm talking classic painters. I've always liked the garden series by Claude Monet, but I also groove on Renoir, mostly because so many of his models were so beautiful. Apparently, I also have a twisted side that likes some of Salvador Dali's work. I find the works of Bosch interesting, but I don't think I'd hang one in my living room.
Regards, GF.
I am a big fan of the impressionists (I know, join the band wagon) but my favorite artist overall is probably J. M. W. Turner. And I'll agree with you on Dali. There is a very nice Dali museum a few hours south of me in St. Pete. It happens to be the most recent art museum I have visited, so it is fresh on my mind, but I was pleasantly surprised. On the other hand they had quite a bit of Andy Warhol's art...underwhelming. I wasn't old enough to live through the social phenomenon that was Warhol but I really don't get it.
M.C. Escher. I dig his creativity in perspectives. Weird Al mentions him in his White and Nerdy song.

I also like a couple of the Dali paintings I've seen, but some of his stuff is just a bit... weird.

Other than that, paintings don't usually hold my interest. I don't think I'm very appreciative of some of the arts.
Hard to say favorite, I like a lot of different stuff from Van Gogh to Hopper to Picasso. I'd say one of my top picks is Vermeer though. What he does with light is just amazing, IMHO.
Dali and Escher
If we do include Fantasy Art, Frazetta is good but I also like Roger Dean, Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo.
To further take this off topic, sort of, for Science Fiction Art, I like Richard Corbin and H. R Giger.
OK, 1 step further OT; for Anime/Manga, I love Shirow Masamune's work.
Thanks for listening!
Oh, well if you are going to go with fantasy art, that's a whole different story!

I love them all.

Aah, I missed the "classic painters" part. :eek:

Never got into the high-brow impressionist stuff personally, but I can still appreciate most of it to an extent.
You guys have some good choices in art! I find it interesting to see what others like/dislike; it's sort of like momentarily seeing the world (or at least a small portion of it) through someone else's eyes.

I'm not sure he's a "classic painter," but I also really like Norman Rockwell's work. I'm actually trying to adapt one of his paintings to a wine label.
Regards, GF.
Out of curiosity, who is/are your favourite artist(s)? I'm talking classic painters. I've always liked the garden series by Claude Monet, but I also groove on Renoir, mostly because so many of his models were so beautiful. Apparently, I also have a twisted side that likes some of Salvador Dali's work. I find the works of Bosch interesting, but I don't think I'd hang one in my living room.
Regards, GF.

Monet, Renoir and Dali are my three favorite artists. I also dig me some Van Gogh. Monet at the top of my list.
I'm not sure he's a "classic painter," but I also really like Norman Rockwell's work. I'm actually trying to adapt one of his paintings to a wine label.
Regards, GF.

He's certainly iconic, if not classic. Everything he does really captures the feeling of nostalgia in a profound way. Make me nostalgic for a period of time I never even lived through...
Picasso. I love his entire body of work, but this painting defines emotive painting for me and forces and emotion that most do not.

Michelangelo wins for me. The guy could do everything from sculpture to oil to fresco. Hell, he made Pietà when he was in his early twenties. I'm lucky enough to have seen his David in person and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
I have a oil on canvas repro of Gogh Sunflowers. Other than that the "art" I like for wall hanging are the comic book style prints. Lichtenstein.

Picasso. I love his entire body of work, but this painting defines emotive painting for me and forces and emotion that most do not.

That's Guernica. I don't like cubism (which is what I think picasso is), so I'm no fan, but I have studied art in the past and recognized that one instantly from the mutilated bull and people.

My love of history taught me about Guernica. Germans needed to test out the effectiveness of a new combat tool, the airplane. Back then they would just toss TNT (or something similar) right out of the airplane cockpit. They couldn't hit the backside of a barn, of course; it was just a terror tool. They sorta sided with one side of a civil war going on in Spain, and entered briefly with a small squadron of primitive aircraft. They bombed Guernica, and the carnage of that bombing inspired the spanish Picasso to paint that picture. I heard this story on a Dan Carlin Hardcore History podcast, can't remember which one. Much more detail there.
That's Guernica. I don't like cubism (which is what I think picasso is), so I'm no fan, but I have studied art in the past and recognized that one instantly from the mutilated bull and people.

My love of history taught me about Guernica. Germans needed to test out the effectiveness of a new combat tool, the airplane. Back then they would just toss TNT (or something similar) right out of the airplane cockpit. They couldn't hit the backside of a barn, of course; it was just a terror tool. They sorta sided with one side of a civil war going on in Spain, and entered briefly with a small squadron of primitive aircraft. They bombed Guernica, and the carnage of that bombing inspired the spanish Picasso to paint that picture. I heard this story on a Dan Carlin Hardcore History podcast, can't remember which one. Much more detail there.

The sense of chaos is what I enjoy most in Guernica. It's one of the few paintings that any emotion.
Esao Andrews

I like his work, much of it reminds me of Dali's work, though less stark & more vibrant. A couple of pieces remind me a bit of Escher. I really like his use of color. Even though much of his work is reminiscent of others, he certainly has a style all his own. I like it!
Regards, GF.
Monet, Renoir and Dali are my three favorite artists. I also dig me some Van Gogh. Monet at the top of my list.

Me too! I always loved the French impressionists, and Dali is just well, special.

I don't really know at all about modern art, so maybe that's why I stayed stuck in the 1800s and early to mid-1900s in my appreciation but I think one of the highpoints of my traveling life was visiting the Louvre at the tender age of 18 or 19 and seeing these awesome works for the first time.
Me too! I always loved the French impressionists, and Dali is just well, special.

I don't really know at all about modern art, so maybe that's why I stayed stuck in the 1800s and early to mid-1900s in my appreciation but I think one of the highpoints of my traveling life was visiting the Louvre at the tender age of 18 or 19 and seeing these awesome works for the first time.

St. Petersburg down here in FL houses the Dali Museum. You should check it out if you're ever in the St Pete / Clearwater area - it's very cool. Check out this site - click the pic at the top and check out some of the pictures of the building - it's as cool as the pictures on the walls.


Me too! I always loved the French impressionists, and Dali is just well, special.

I don't really know at all about modern art, so maybe that's why I stayed stuck in the 1800s and early to mid-1900s in my appreciation but I think one of the highpoints of my traveling life was visiting the Louvre at the tender age of 18 or 19 and seeing these awesome works for the first time.

Unfortunately Dali was ruined by dorm rooms for me.
Monet has always had a special place for me.
Kind of reminds me of my thought process; a lurred bunch of crap,'til you take a step back and all of a sudden the beauty hits you.
Childhoo hero:Herb Ritz