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I've been called Hagen for almost 15 years. It was my medieval name when I was doing the medieval recreation thing. Nowadays it's my callsign when playing airsoft. More people know me as Hagen then by my real name.

As for my avatar, well, that's me!
Evan! said:
My av is the brother of "history's greatest monster", who attempted to use his minor celebrity-by-association status to try to launch a beer, which he aptly named "BILLY!" As a matter of fact, it's the best beer he's ever tasted, and he's tasted a lot.

I jest love the look on his face as he's shoving his mass-produced light lager in your joint.

Hehe, I though that might have been a pic of you at some lumberjack competition. Billy Carter never even came to mind!
I spent the last 35 years thinking the baby chicken that was always kicking Foghorn Leghorn's butt was named Poindexter.

When I found one of the cartoons on the intrawebbzz for avatar fodder it turns out the character's correct name is Egghead Jr.

So there you go.
Tall, gangly, and catches many fish=TheCrane

I realize that lanky piscivorous birds are usually called herons, but the friend who bestowed me with the moniker did not.

the avatar is just a picture of a luna moth that I snapped while working in Minnesota.

The signature is a suggestive reference to an often ignored caveat of multiple statistical analyses performed on a single data set.
EdWort said:
My name is Ed or Edward, and wort is unfermented beer, and EdWort was a login name that was not taken, cause someone beat me to Cheesefood.:cross:

I lived in Germany, speak German, and travel there several times a year, so this German guy blowing a little foam seemed appropriate for me. Ja? Und so?

I thought it had to do with the movie Ed Wood. :)

Anyways, ive got your haus pale ale going. Will probably bottle in maybe 2 weeks.
The name:

Sophomore year of college some friends and I were playing with those stupid refrigerator magnets and spelling out funny sentences. One of the ones that wasn't that funny, but somehow stuck with me was "eat fluffy death weed."

Anyways, A couple months later I had to make a new account for Diablo II (yeah I know... I am one of THEM) due to blizzard wiping mine for no apparent reason, so the first thing that popped into my mind was "eat fluffy death weed". Deathweed has been my internet and gaming handle ever since.

As far as the avatar:

It is the back of our chilifest team's T-shirts from three years ago. Looked like a good picture to use as an avatar:) Plus I am a HUGE Simpson's fan:D

i'm ugly, and a goat.

seriously, UGLI is an online gaming clan i was/still am in. we mostly played total war series, but ventured into a few others. all the members had 'ugly' before their handel. we were different from other clans in that we didn't value a win over a loss, but had fun, and were able to beat consistently some of the most 'skilled' groups out there.

my avatar is one i used to use for a napoleanic mod of medieval total war online. it's some spanish/portugese officer, cannot remember his name.
My name is Linc and even though that is unique enough, I try not to use my real name, plus whenever I'm not here I guess I am missing, so Missing Link works for me. I've been able to use it on every forum I've ever joined.

I suppose someday I'll get an Avatar.

Vav = 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, 3rd letter in the Tetragrammaton.

Also, first 3 letters of my last name, and consequently the name i write music under.
SInce I purchased my membership and was able to change my username, I decided to use my handle from my job.

Like many others in the forums, I am military and work in a fighter squadron. Most people in the squardron earn a callsign from some activity or event they have been involved with.

I had been away from the squadron for about a year doing some training. We had a new troop working the ops desk that, to put it politely, was not the sharpest tool in the shed. She had never met me so didn't know who I was. I was standing at the ops desk with about 10 or so pilots, including both the Wing Commander and the Vice, waiting for a flight briefing. A phone call came in for Lt Cahill ( me ) and this troop put the call on hold and asked the group if anybody knew some Lieutenant Cakehole? After the laughter stopped, I figured that she was looking for me and took the phone call.

I figured this would just pass on by and I would never hear about this again, but I was wrong.

A few days later I was in the Wing Commanders weekly briefing with all of the senior staff. This Commander would end all of his meetings by going around the room asking each person, by name, if they had any inputs or comments for him. when he got to me he asked " Cakehole, you got anything for me?" So, with the Wing Commander's blessing and use of the callsign in a formal occasion, I was named.
Cakehole said:
SInce I purchased my membership and was able to change my username, I decided to use my handle from my job.

Like many others in the forums, I am military and work in a fighter squadron. Most people in the squardron earn a callsign from some activity or event they have been involved with.

I had been away from the squadron for about a year doing some training. We had a new troop working the ops desk that, to put it politely, was not the sharpest tool in the shed. She had never met me so didn't know who I was. I was standing at the ops desk with about 10 or so pilots, including both the Wing Commander and the Vice, waiting for a flight briefing. A phone call came in for Lt Cahill ( me ) and this troop put the call on hold and asked the group if anybody knew some Lieutenant Cakehole? After the laughter stopped, I figured that she was looking for me and took the phone call.

I figured this would just pass on by and I would never hear about this again, but I was wrong.

A few days later I was in the Wing Commanders weekly briefing with all of the senior staff. This Commander would end all of his meetings by going around the room asking each person, by name, if they had any inputs or comments for him. when he got to me he asked " Cakehole, you got anything for me?" So, with the Wing Commander's blessing and use of the callsign in a formal occasion, I was named.


Thats CLASSIC!!!
Mine is Simple,
I am a C-23 Sherpa (Shorts 360) FLight Engineer. Hence....Shepa FE

My Avatar will be changing, but right now, it is the patch that we wore in my Unit for my latest deployment over to the big sandbox.

With the bottom title being " Want a ride in my shorts"?
This thread desires a bump. I'm new here so I'll explain me.
My sn comes from the fact that for the last several years I have been quite in to bass tournament fishing and have been the director of an American Bass Anglers district for 6 years. I run more tournaments per season than most districts, and for the past 3 years ran a second, more informal, local tournament trail as well. That added up to around 24 tournaments a season so most weekends the question, "Where's Ken?" could be answered with "Gone fishing." Hence the name. Lack of a logo means that I haven't spent brewing money to become a supporter here yet, but will at some point. Where I do use an avatar it is my label.
Just found this thread from the previous bump (thanks Gonefishing). Mine goes back to when I first signed up for an email address while at a Best Buy. There was a Simpson's promo going on at the store, and I started going through the characters and an easy, non-obvious, non-cheesy, unique (my name is David) name. Mosyslack....Moe Syzlack (I think is the official spelling) is the bartender on the show.

The pic is from the Guinness brewery. As you walk into the tour building, opposite the entrance is this view. It's not the St. James gate, but still a cool shot. Very cool tour, and the best part is the free pint (after a $25 tour) at the Gravity Bar on the 8th floor. One of the taller buildings in Dublin.
My avatar is a recent photo of myself. My username is self explanitory.....I am a gnome, I laugh a LOT, and, I am indeed invisible. (Especially when drunk and no decent person admits to being able to see me)
I'm a Packer fan. During a game in the late 1990's (I believe it may be the 49ers Jerry Rice FUMBLE, T.O. drops & touchdown debacle) John Madden was on the game. He kept talking about "the old huck and buck", a pose somewhat like the Heisman Trophy pose, that players used to use for their footbal card/ media photo. He would shut up about the damned huck and buck. It was irritating. My college friends and I turned the old huck and buck into many an inside joke and I occasionally use it for my handle.
Name comes from when I was originally thinking up a name for the first beer. I had always liked dragons, I have a tattoo of one on my arm, and thought of Dragon Tail Ale, the screen name kind of stuck. In some other forums I'm DragonTail 281, the 281 was/is my racing #. The avatar happens to be me at one of my trackdays this past year. :)
Screen name comes from a couple of colleagues from years ago who added a sarcastic "shecky" to my many attempts at humor. Now even my wife calls me that on occasion.

Current avatar is seasonal because I'm a huge It's a Wonderful Life fan. Stay tuned, it will change soon.:D
Screen name comes from a couple of colleagues from years ago who added a sarcastic "shecky" to my many attempts at humor. Now even my wife calls me that on occasion.

Current avatar is seasonal because I'm a huge It's a Wonderful Life fan. Stay tuned, it will change soon.:D

Sorry, I just can't watch It's a Wonderful Life without doing Stewart impressions and cracking jokes. Yes, it's a great movie, but for whatever reason I just can't take it seriously.
My SN came about in late 95/96 and has a triple meaning...

I am a huge outdoorsman (rock climbing, bouldering, hiking, ice climbing, snowboarding, and of course backpacking) so that was a natural lock.

It also though takes on another meaning in that I have been a "backpacker" hip hop head for many moons. The "backpacker" identity in hip-hop arose from the majority of the fans of more independent/underground hip hop and their predilection to wearing their headphones at all times and walking around wearing their backpacks with stacks of music, etc in said bags.

Lastly the fact that I was "exploring" the internet, "camping out", and "hiking" ties it all together into Cyberbackpacker.
sn is and old life long nick name 1220 part of it is a date that has some significance.
Sorry, I just can't watch It's a Wonderful Life without doing Stewart impressions and cracking jokes. Yes, it's a great movie, but for whatever reason I just can't take it seriously.
Movies aren't supposed to be taken seriously. :D
It's kitschy sure, but the message is all too forgotten many times.
I could have sworn I have posted in this thread, but a search found nothing in my name and I didn't feel like looking at all 31 pages. Pardon me if this is a repeat...

I have been using the moniker 'Bugeater' for over 15 years. I attended the University of Nebraska. Before they were the Cornhuskers, they were known as "The Mighty Bugeaters". A sports writer for the Omaha Herald suggested that if they were to be taken seriously, they need a 'serious' mascot, so naturally....a Cornhusker was the logical replacement :drunk:.

The moniker "Bugeater" is used quite frequently by the hoards of UNL alum, so I added MN since I have lived in Minnesota for over 10 years now.

The avatar is my brewery logo for Bugeater Brewery. I combined a football with a hop bud to create the iconic logo sitting in barley.
The names been stuck on me since way back in the year 2000. I happen to like the flightless birds and im somewhat of a collector of penguin junk. I bought me a copy of half-life and soon found myself playing the Day of Defeat mod. I needed a name and the default name was Private so i added an _Penguin to the end of it and before long it had become my internet call sign ever since. Private_Penguin has since been shortened to just Penguin. The end.
Oh yes a little FYI.....The "Invisible" part of my user name is in French, so it is actually pronounced: Ang-vees-eeb-lah (in my head, anyway)
I was in a boat accident two years ago. We hit the shore doing 40 mph.
One person was airlifted to the hospital with a crushed orbital socket.
One person hit the side of the boat and landed on the shore with back injuries. Two years and two operations later and she's walking OK now.
One person hit the wake board tower on the boat and sliced open his forehead.
One person was thrown to the shore with only minor cuts and scratches.
Me? I hit the opposite side of the boat, bruised my ribs really, really bad. Almost had the boat land on my head. And I had a cut that went from the bottom of my ribs, up through my nipple (OUCH!) and up to my shoulder.

I am, indeed, lucky2balive! :mug:
Jacksonbrown because that's a nick name from friends, as is Action Jackson! The current avitar is pretty self explanitory and is on the doorway to local micro, Ale Asylum. The previous one is my dog, Dexter, lick his lips for beer.
Hoserama: from the movie strange brew; in the beginning the McKenzie brothers were showing a movie... in "hoserama"
Hm. Guess I haven't answered, either. Here goes.

Username is my Amateur Radio call sign. Since I'm the only person on the planet with that callsign, issued by FCC, it's always available on forums. (I have three hobbies, two of which are also business. Life is weird.)

My current avatar is extremely amusing to people like me, with simple senses of humor and a history with polyhedra. If you really want to be bored, remind me to tell you the story about nearly killing a pal of mine with a d20 for real. ;) It'll change soon, probably to something equally banal.

Name : Guys in the VW club I belong to were at a show, commenting on how hot and muggy it was... One mentioned he was suffering a condition he referred to as "duckfoot", where his applebag was stuck to his thigh and he assumed the skin looked similar to the webbed part of a duck's foot upon attempting separation...

It has become a pseudo battle cry for our car club...

I also collect rubber ducks as well...

As for the avatar, it was some image that google came up with when I entered duckfoot...
just added my avatar pic of me driving the Autobahn at 180kph

here is the bigger pic

one of my lifelong dreams was to drive over 100mph (legally) on the Autobahn

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