DUI's and you

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Here is the deal. I was arrested back in on March 13th for a dui. I had 6 relatively regular beers (Reaper Double Ipa's to be exact) while playing poker at a friends house and while leaving got on my phone. Not paying attention to my surroundings, there was a police officer on a very dark 4 way stop with his lights of hiding. He pulled me over, smelled the booze and I was arrested. I was also kind of celebrating, because my background check came back good for a new job that is a stepping stone in my future career of Cisco Networking Technologies while being hired for technical support for a telecom.

I am taking my medicine , and although I blew .097 I am above my states limit of .08
1st offense is a 1500 dollar fine, a day in jail, and an ignition interlock for a year.

I hired an attorney, because my initial pre trial conference was originally set for the 2nd week of my initial training. I didn't hire an attorney expecting to get out of it, rather to handle my court dates interfering with my job training and upcoming vacation.

So long story short, I am being offered the minimum and go back to court in a few weeks.

Within this time, one of my best friends from high school gets arrested for his 2nd dui (with 1 month left for his old one to fall off his record), assault with a deadly weapon (i guess he flashed his gun) and a few other things.

Turns out he stayed silent, and he also hired an attorney. Given they didn't have enough evidence on him, and they didn't have probable cause to pull him over... it was thrown out. Even so.... his vehicle is impounded for 30 days and he cannot get it out. He is a best friend and he needs wheels to get around. I lend him my other car. He is going to use it to go to work and back and get groceries.

Well, I work nights, and I get home at midnight, and fall asleep about 1:15 am.
I awaken to a LOUD banging on my door, and as I yell "WHO IS IT!!???" I tell my gf to load my rifle as I find out who the hell is banging at my door so loud. Turns out it is the Police. Asking for the owner of an 03 Impala.

After I then go put some underwear on, I come to find out someone is attempting to evade Police in what they call felony flight.

Turns out my friend finally pulled over, and he was "Highly intoxicated".
He just got out of a very serious offense a few weeks ago and is drinking and driving MY car????

I am seriously worried he is an alcoholic. The odd thing is... it seems there are 2 sides to him. The side I see when we kick it with all my friends... and the (he makes 6 figures) baller, stripper buying, party animal that I have not seen.

I for one have definitely learned my lesson with drinking and driving. I used to think that as long as I am "ok to drive", the law doesn't see it that way.
I will refuse to get behind the wheel now out of fear of getting put away for a long time. I never drove "Smashed" . . .

As a lot of this community has probably had a few and drove somewhere, we all know our limits and when it is affecting our motor skills and judgment. My friend would NEVER run from the police if he had only 6 beers.

Anyway, I am up. I cannot sleep, and I am really worried about my friend. I can't go bail him out because I don't have the money, and I am on a restricted use permit (due to my DUI) until the end of July . To and from work only am I allowed to drive.

So this is my sober rant. I am going to attempt to put myself to sleep after a couple of my peach ale bombers.

Anyone else had a dui?
6 IPA's is not SMASHED? I will not drive after 2-5%ABV beers. Done it twice, willl never do it again.

Anyway, I hear it all the time, you think you are fine to drive, but you are not. I know many a friend who follows that theory, a few have had accidents, luckily they were one vehicle accidents.

Anyway, be lucky, here is it only a $1000 fine, 1 day in jail BUT 1 year suspended license. That mean for some people, NO WORK.
FYI - IIPA's are not "Regular" beers. And 6 of them would put me under the table.

My method of knowing if I'm starting to feel the effects is simple. I note a waitress, or some so-so looking girl, and when I start thinking I want to do her, I know that I'm starting to get a little buzz on. Somtimes it only takes about 1 beer. It really depends on how long it's been between...
I have a pretty good threshold for the amount of alcohol I drink. Although yes.. the moral of the story is don't drink and drive and don't let your friends borrow your car.
And you would be correct, alcohol affects everyone differently and some can handle more etc, BUT Legally, the difference is much less. 1 per hour is a good rule of thumb (1 regular brew) and even if you think you are ok, you really do not notice the little things. I have lady friend 4'10" who drive after 5 or 6 (or more) bud lights all the time, so far she has been lucky and she feels she is safe to drive. I have driven behind her and was terrified.

I am quite sensitive to my reaction times, but many just do not notice the lag in reaction times.
FYI - IIPA's are not "Regular" beers. And 6 of them would put me under the table.

My method of knowing if I'm starting to feel the effects is simple. I note a waitress, or some so-so looking girl, and when I start thinking I want to do her, I know that I'm starting to get a little buzz on. Somtimes it only takes about 1 beer. It really depends on how long it's been between...

****, dude, I think I've been wasted since I was 12 years old.
****, dude, I think I've been wasted since I was 12 years old.

Exactly what I was thinking...

As for me, I did some dumb things when I was younger, but I grew up and out of it before getting caught. Now, I don't drink a drop if I'm going to be driving my kids anywhere, and don't drink more than half a beer if I'll be driving within 2 hours of that drink. My theory is that I'm too poor to pay the fines, so better safe than sorry... (oh, and that whole safety thing too...)
Thats rough with your buddy, but DAMN! best friend or not, I think I'd be re-evaluating the type of people I hang around. "assault with a deadly weapon" and now a police chase!!
Thats rough with your buddy, but DAMN! best friend or not, I think I'd be re-evaluating the type of people I hang around. "assault with a deadly weapon" and now a police chase!!

Especially if he never took you to any of the stripper buying parties. :ban::ban::rockin:
Exactly what I was thinking...

As for me, I did some dumb things when I was younger, but I grew up and out of it before getting caught. Now, I don't drink a drop if I'm going to be driving my kids anywhere, and don't drink more than half a beer if I'll be driving within 2 hours of that drink. My theory is that I'm too poor to pay the fines, so better safe than sorry... (oh, and that whole safety thing too...)

I'm with you. a half-glass of lighter beer is all I ever have before driving. But I'm a lightweight too, and know it. And there is no way I'd keep that "friend" around after what he did. If he feels the need to drink, he can pick up soem beers from the store and drink them at home WITHOUT driving, especially someone else's car. Dang.
I'm sorry but I just can't feel bad for you. Best way to not be afraid of the police is to not break the law.
Best way to not be afraid of the police is to not break the law.

Oh, if that were only true.

Anyway, to the OP, seems like you should take this opportunity to help your friend. Do you have other mutual friends? Maybe it is time to sit down with him and tell him that you all are worried about him. I hate it when stuff like this happens and people say "ugh, well, you probably shouldn't be friends with that person anymore...." I would say that as friend it is your responsibility to try to help. I mean you don't become friends with people and then turn around and ignore them when they are going through tough times. Yeah, it could turn out bad and end your friendship, or you could end up helping him and possibly saving his life.
Oh, if that were only true.

Anyway, to the OP, seems like you should take this opportunity to help your friend. Do you have other mutual friends? Maybe it is time to sit down with him and tell him that you all are worried about him. I hate it when stuff like this happens and people say "ugh, well, you probably shouldn't be friends with that person anymore...." I would say that as friend it is your responsibility to try to help. I mean you don't become friends with people and then turn around and ignore them when they are going through tough times. Yeah, it could turn out bad and end your friendship, or you could end up helping him and possibly saving his life.

Yes, I spoke harshly. I would not want to lose a good friend without helping them, but having been in a situation like this when I was younger, you have to be careful about being dragged into something unexpectedly. There is such a thing as having "association".

And problems like these are rarely solved quickly.
I know that alcohol is going to affect my judgement, so I wait until I feel sobor enough to drive, then I wait at least another hour or so. 99% of the time, after an hour I look back and think "Wow... I thought i was sobor an hour ago?"
99.99% f the time, I will not drive until after a good sleep 5 or 6 hours. However, I have had a good afternoon buzz and drove that evening.

I do remember one party and camping out (in my car cause someone stole all the blankets in the camper) and driving home around 6:00 am. What I forgot was, I had only gone to sleep around 4:00. I realized half way home that I shouldn't be on the road. The only other time, a girlfriend had convinced me that I was ok to drive.
It's one of my favorite side effects of homebrewing: the best beer is at home where the furthest I need to go if I've drank too much is from sitting up to laying down.

If I'm guilty of anything while driving is being too sleepy sometimes.
I've barely even had a speeding ticket (14 years ago, due to no cruise control on a hiway and a slightly heavy foot).

can't relate. I won't even look at my motorcycle after a sip of beer, let alone drive anything but my own two feet after 3 beers.
I think I know your friend.............and he is not one of mine.

You are a lot younger than me and I did a lot of stupid things at your age but when I got my first REALLY GOOD job I decided then and there I was not going to let any stupid crap screw that up. Hopefully you will learn from this.
Cops suck. Drunk drivers suck more. However, big-ballin' stripper buying friends are kinda nice. Hopefully when he gets out he will have learned that the cost of a cab is less than just one lapdance.

Yes I have drove drunk. Not in a long time though. A cop started following me and I realized my life was jacked. He finally pulled off and I haven't done it since.
Man, without going onto a rant, I do not like people who drink and drive, who cares if they endanger themselves, its everyone else who they endanger. Kill a family of four going to the movies for a night out and see how you will feel.

With that being said, I have done it in the past when I was younger. Quite a few times. But I wont drive even if I have had two beers anymore and im 6'"3 250lbs.

It's just not worth it, and its a lesson that I learned without getting in trouble or hurting someone thankfully.
And to everyone who think that 'cops' 'suck', that's cool, when you're being robbed in your home by a man who is going to kill you and you're family after he's done, the sucky cop's wont come and bother you, no worries!
When I was young, I drove drunk a number of times. Until one day i was driving through a neighborhood I had not previously been. When I looked in the rear view mirror there were 5 cops cars in a row behind me. I about sh*t myself. It turns out I was right down the street from a police station at shift change. I got lucky and I haven't driven drunk since.
I don't drive if I have had more than 1 beer either. My thoughts always go to the innocent victims of idiots who could have had someone drive them home or call a cab. I love beer as much as the next guy (gal), but it is not worth the risk... period.

I also have couple good friends who are cops and I appreciate all they do. They deal with so much during the day that it is amazing. I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity, take advantage of what some communities do and go on a ride-a-long with an officer. It truly is an experience.
I have - I won't lie...

OP - What happened to your car then? Police chase and weapons?
I would think it's impounded :(

Oh yeah, its been impounded. Man, what a bunch of crap just to get the car out too.....
I'm not even gonna go into that.

Well, here we are 18 hours later, (on my lunch break at work) and I spoke with my friend. Here is the story....

4 years 11 months ago he crashed his car on a rainy night on an on ramp. Woke up in the hospital. He got an extreme dui and had it reduced to regular dui.

When he was recently pulled over and arrested/charged for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon & DUI, they didn't have grounds to pull him over. They charged him with "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" because apparently he flashed his pistol. Didn't pull, didn't point, didn't threaten. When he was pulled over he didn't say a word, or do any field tests, and after meeting with his attorney, they threw out all the charges on lack of evidence to convict him. So basically, they wait for you to screw up again , and then use it against you.

What this means is, the courts can revive/re-instate the charges GIVEN they come up with more evidence to convict him. They can do this UP TO 7 years from the original offense date. He was out with a neighborhood friend having some drinks , and he lives in a rough end of town. (god knows why, he could live in the most expensive part of town on his salary)
In that neighborhood full of all kinds of illegal activity, they usually pull people over for ANY given reason. Although, chances are he was probably swerving. As soon as he saw the lights in his (my car actually) rear view, he knew they would bring back the charges, and he would have to accept some kind of plea that would land him in jail for quite a long time, and his impaired judgement kept him driving. He did NOT want to face the music, because he knew what was gonna happen. If he was sober (or not as impaired anyway), he would be the stand up guy I know him to be and take his medicine.
He ended up just pulling the car over and he was taken into custody.

Before anyone is harsh to judge him, he is a stand up guy. When my license was suspended years and years ago, he drove me around. When I needed money to pay that fine to get my license re instated at paid a fine (I was 19)
He was there to do that. My car broke down over a year ago. He loaned me his truck. He has never raised his voice against me, only in my defense and the guy would do anything for me. I have been really broke and not going to the bar like I used to, and any time he wants to hang, he buys the drinks. He buys the food. Anything I have ever needed he has been there for me. Like a brother from another mother. Anyone who says I should "de-friend" him should think of someone like this they know or a brother/sister even. I want to sit down with him and talk to him 1 on 1 , and see if he would ever consider AA or something of the sort. Although, I do not think that I can approach him with the idea, because we have gotten smashed together on many occasions, and I ... brew and drink fair amounts of beer. During football season he comes over every sunday, and I get smashed arse drunk, and he usually has a couple and then leaves.
So, I feel that someone else needs to approach him. I feel it would be hypocritical of me for ME to present it to him.

However, I have learned my lesson about drinking and driving. I am fortunate that I have never hurt anyone in my youth from getting hammered and driving 4 miles. I , like others that have posted, feel sorry for all those people who have lost loved ones to drinking and driving.

But for those of you who say they can't feel any sympathy for me? Go F yourselves. :mad: If I would have known someone would have done that with my car, I wouldn't have loaned it to him. Esp if I knew he put so many motorists at risk. (not to mention his own life) I did not honestly want to admit that he would be dumb enough to do this, given that he is BAR NONE the most intelligent person I have ever met. But everyone has their weaknesses I guess.
To the OP. Choose to support your "friend" or don't. But if you're not going to support him, he's not your friend. Start treating him that way.

I'm not one to talk about driving less-than-sober. I've played bumper cars with rentals, and driven home with one eye open. Thankfully everyone around me survived and so did I. I've grown a bit and learned my lesson.

Oh yeah, its been impounded. Man, what a bunch of crap just to get the car out too.....
I'm not even gonna go into that.

Well, here we are 18 hours later, (on my lunch break at work) and I spoke with my friend. Here is the story....

4 years 11 months ago he crashed his car on a rainy night on an on ramp. Woke up in the hospital. He got an extreme dui and had it reduced to regular dui.

When he was recently pulled over and arrested/charged for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon & DUI, they didn't have grounds to pull him over. They charged him with "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon" because apparently he flashed his pistol. Didn't pull, didn't point, didn't threaten. When he was pulled over he didn't say a word, or do any field tests, and after meeting with his attorney, they threw out all the charges on lack of evidence to convict him. So basically, they wait for you to screw up again , and then use it against you.

What this means is, the courts can revive/re-instate the charges GIVEN they come up with more evidence to convict him. They can do this UP TO 7 years from the original offense date. He was out with a neighborhood friend having some drinks , and he lives in a rough end of town. (god knows why, he could live in the most expensive part of town on his salary)
In that neighborhood full of all kinds of illegal activity, they usually pull people over for ANY given reason. Although, chances are he was probably swerving. As soon as he saw the lights in his (my car actually) rear view, he knew they would bring back the charges, and he would have to accept some kind of plea that would land him in jail for quite a long time, and his impaired judgement kept him driving. He did NOT want to face the music, because he knew what was gonna happen. If he was sober (or not as impaired anyway), he would be the stand up guy I know him to be and take his medicine.
He ended up just pulling the car over and he was taken into custody.

Before anyone is harsh to judge him, he is a stand up guy. When my license was suspended years and years ago, he drove me around. When I needed money to pay that fine to get my license re instated at paid a fine (I was 19)
He was there to do that. My car broke down over a year ago. He loaned me his truck. He has never raised his voice against me, only in my defense and the guy would do anything for me. I have been really broke and not going to the bar like I used to, and any time he wants to hang, he buys the drinks. He buys the food. Anything I have ever needed he has been there for me. Like a brother from another mother. Anyone who says I should "de-friend" him should think of someone like this they know or a brother/sister even. I want to sit down with him and talk to him 1 on 1 , and see if he would ever consider AA or something of the sort. Although, I do not think that I can approach him with the idea, because we have gotten smashed together on many occasions, and I ... brew and drink fair amounts of beer. During football season he comes over every sunday, and I get smashed arse drunk, and he usually has a couple and then leaves.
So, I feel that someone else needs to approach him. I feel it would be hypocritical of me for ME to present it to him.

However, I have learned my lesson about drinking and driving. I am fortunate that I have never hurt anyone in my youth from getting hammered and driving 4 miles. I , like others that have posted, feel sorry for all those people who have lost loved ones to drinking and driving.

But for those of you who say they can't feel any sympathy for me? Go F yourselves. :mad: If I would have known someone would have done that with my car, I wouldn't have loaned it to him. Esp if I knew he put so many motorists at risk. (not to mention his own life) I did not honestly want to admit that he would be dumb enough to do this, given that he is BAR NONE the most intelligent person I have ever met. But everyone has their weaknesses I guess.

Just flashing a gun could get you shot, he is lucky. Did he say he had a gun first or just pull it out to show them?
I carry a gun most of the time, but If I know i might drink, like when the family goes out for dinner, it stays at home......

That is one quick way to the slammer, being arrested for an alcohol event, and having a firearm present...........

However, I have also driven having way to much to drink in my younger years.....I've mellowed out and gotten older now.....

I mean hey, 3 good beers, and I'm asleep....

I'd support your friend, but never lend him a car again.....that is, when he gets out of jail.....
When I was 13 my 18 year old brother was killed by a drunk driver. Really horrible. So I never drive if alcohol is involved - period. My wife is really helpful. If I am going out she will take me and pick me up. It is a hassle, but it is worth it to not be killing somebody. Anymore I don't go out much and that is fine too. Honestly, I don't drink that much anymore either. Gawd, I am getting to be an old man.

On another side of this I do not like where the folks at MADD have taken all of this. There is a difference between working against DWI/DUI and neo-prohibition.

(insert the sound of me getting off my soapbox)
On another side of this I do not like where the folks at MADD have taken all of this. There is a difference between working against DWI/DUI and neo-prohibition.

(insert the sound of me getting off my soapbox)

Candy Lightner, MADD founder, was quoted after she left MADD as saying MADD "has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned … I didn’t start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving."
Candy Lightner, MADD founder, was quoted after she left MADD as saying MADD "has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned … I didn’t start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving."

Great quote. I had not seen that.
This is a obviously a ***** no matter how you take it. This world has moved into a liability society compounded by political correctness so there is a whole hell of a lot of s**t that used to be fine and now is a f***ing crime against humanity, punishable by death.

DUI is one of those things and it is backed up by figures of the fatalities where alcohol is involved. So, as the other friends on this thread have stated driving on more than two beers is literally taking your life, career and the lives of those riding with or driving around you in your hands.

But I can not disagree strongly enough with other posters that you should drop your friend because he is having serious issues. This guy sounds like the kind of friend anyone would stand up for. Don't let him down. Stand with him and both of you work this out together.
So I got my car back today. He had his sister pick me up from my house, go to the DMV, Police station and then the impound yard. His sister paid all the fees , and I didn't have to do anything, but go through the rounds to get the car. My car was in one piece. Although I found this on the floorboard of the front passengers seat. I could not help but laugh at this part of the situation . . . .


He must have had the WORST drunk munchies I have ever seen. Not pictured here is another huge burrito from some local mexican food joint. His brother lives with him, but he is barely ever there. If I didn't know any better , he was going to feed a family of 5. Lol. In the AZ sun, if this food sat any longer, I would have a moldy science experiment in my car. There was 5 tacos, 5 taquitos and a huge burro in all. Probably 20-25 bucks worth of food. It must have fallen off of the seat and broke open in midst of the pursuit.
I got a DUI in highschool. That was about as much fun as it sounds. Man those blow-and-goes are a PITA.

Anyway the thing I wanted to point out is that you are physically drunk before you are mentally drunk. Meaning that there is a period (that's different for everyone) that your motor skills and reaction times and whatnot are impaired but you don't feel drunk. This is probably one of the biggest causes of drunk driving accidents and arrests.
Anyway the thing I wanted to point out is that you are physically drunk before you are mentally drunk. Meaning that there is a period (that's different for everyone) that your motor skills and reaction times and whatnot are impaired but you don't feel drunk. This is probably one of the biggest causes of drunk driving accidents and arrests.

I was just about to point this out... there is drunk driving and there is DRINKING and driving. You may not be drunk BUT even one beer does slow your motor skills. One is likely not enough to be serious for 99% of the population, and 2 may not be for 75% of the population but you are still somewhat impaired.

I had about 10 or so last night in celebration of Canada Day (July 1st) I felt pretty good really, I knew I was in no shape to drive, but feeling pretty aware. BUT I have had other days in the hot sun, no food, little water, where one beer knocked me on my ass.

The point is, you may feel fine, and you can get away with it 100 times, the fact is some day you will likely cause and accident.