drinking during fermentation

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Aug 21, 2012
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i am in 3rd day of brewing and i couldnt help myself my booze is all bubbling up like something out a chemistry set and the foam is reaching spilling stage so i poured a glass which had sedament in it and it tasted amazing strong alcohole taste already just want to know if this will do anything bad to me drinking it while its still bubbling away i have not taking a hydrometer reading yet as i do not want to waste anymore than i have to unless the sample i take is safe to drink ? :drunk:
thx dbm1265 it have drunk some and it was realy nice is it normal that it taste so much of alcohle at this early stage ?
i have a 5ltr water bottle and took it down to about 4.3 ltrs now but the foam is still rising at an alarming rate i put extra sugar in it and enough yeast for 22.5ltrs maybe that has alot to do with the rate its fermenting
Ok, I'm on board with tasting your beer as it progresses, but while it's fermenting is something I cannot agree with. It's all full of yeast, probably a little kreusen in there and wholly not representative at all of what the beer will even kind of taste like. I feel that there's precisely zero knowledge to gain by tasting your beer mid-fermentation. I understand the excitement that comes along with brewing your first batch, but three days of fermentation?

To answer your question, though, no there's no harm to come from drinking fermenting beer. Maybe some wicked gas, but you won't get sick.
Tasting your beer is never a bad thing at any stage. I always taste mine before fermentation, the hydrometer sample. And guess what. It always tastes the same...sweet yucky hoppy malty bleh. In the middle of fermentation you probably won't learn much either, but nothing wrong with trying it.
It's all good. I'd be worried about infection because you can't keep your filthy paws off your brew for two minutes, but drinking it is fine. I believe cask beer is like drinking beer that's not done fermenting-maybe not 3 days old but there's still yeast doing it's thing.
That's nice that it tasted good. Usually when I drink a sample while its fermenting it tastes like a mouthful of yeast which kind of tastes like playdoh. Not good.
I drink a glass or 2 just because I don't know better, or because I am out of the finished stuff and am too lazy to go to the store or too broke to buy some anyway. I get a good buzz whether it has a foamy top or not so maybe it isn't beer yet, but it is Beeee. Sorry, when I drink flat beee my fingers go numb.

BTW I have 2 buckets of beer going now and you made me thirsty.
I'll do a couple/few trub dumps during fermentation, always do a hydro reading and taste after I have crashed the sample in 33F keg fridge,(yeast settles out) in a sealed, hard plastic restaurant version of tupperware. Nice to know where it is headed and be sure no infection is working. Drink it in volume?,no, I'd rather save it until it gets good.
Like @Dland, I crash mine when tasting because the yeast have a flavor, and you'll get a surprising amount in a six ounce tasting glass. I personally taste at all stages, from uncrushed malt through to carbonated beer to make sure that I have a good baseline throughout the whole process.