Christmas shopping?

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My SWMBO loves her Ipod, I think it was $250 or $300. It plays music as well as movies and has games and the ability to store adresses/phone numbers. She uses it a lot waiting at the doctor's office and the like. Sometimes she even watches that in bed instead of the TV.
desertBrew said:
Re: Ipod's. If any of your wives are like mine which is probably rather common; girls don't like tech stuff usually.

I was thinking about a Roomba as one gift (anyone have pro/con's to say about these)? But that's techy and a vaccum cleaner. Where are our female homebrewers to help us Marty Maroons?
Tickets to a show is a good idea; I wrote that one down :ban:. Lets keep them coming!

I personally love the digital camera idea. I would love an IPOD (I have 3000 songs on my hard drive, and just as many pictures) but I don't know if I'd actually use it. I think a Roomba is a bad idea in a way- are you saying the house is so dirty that I need an automatic vacuum???? Sob!!

Tickets to a show- particularly a musical or other "chick" show is a great idea. The calendar with pictures of the kids is a great idea. Silk long johns for any SWMBOs above the 45th parallel. One year I got down "booties". Great gift for someone who's always cold!

Definite don'ts: cleaning items, clothes (unless it's a gorgeous designer thing in the perfect size) because it's hard to get that right, cooking items unless she's a chef, "mom" things like bathrooms, and lingerie. All bad, bad, bad.

I'll think some more and have some ideas later- I'm out of town on a little business trip right now.

rdwj said:
As far as shows go, I know Wicked is pretty popular and most of the people I know that have seen it really liked it.

We saw it. It's a bit long. I was done with it after the first half, but we stayed till the end. We both thought it was over-hyped.
Dude said:
I tried the ipod route for my SWMBO 2 years ago--even after she asked for one, and I struck out big time. She has never used it.

She is impossible to shop for and is disappointed every year. She is one of those people that would be happier with the money still in the checking account. :rolleyes:

You're married to my wife! Yet, I love toys so it's bizarre to me that someone wouldn't want things.
Why don't you try the X-Mas list route. Have each other write an X-Mas list then you know some posibilities that she wants:)
Walker, your idea is king so far. I actually had thought of putting together a "Miles' First Year" scrap book, but completely forgot about it until you reminded me. I just sent my cube-neighbor an e-mail about it because her sister used to do them for pro-athletes.

Last year, I hit a home run with a digital camera, even though she didn't ask for one. The one we have is way too complicated for her, so I got her a Canon Elph that's a simple point-and-click. She loves it. For Mother's day, I bought her a digital picture frame. It almost never gets used. (I got my mom one also, and notice that hers is always turned off as well.)

I also like the idea of booking a night at a B&B. We've been talking about how we need a weekend away and my parents love taking care of their favorite grandson.

As for cooking, I was going to get her the "Cooking for Dummies" book, but I thought it would be too advanced for her. I handle that part of the domestic arrangement.
Last time I was really on a budget I printed up "coupons" for different things for my wife and gave them to her in a card, stuff like a day trip to the city, cooking her dinner, ect... She ate it up (perhaps I should do that all the time).

I also couldn't agree more with the comments on iPods/appliances, stay far far away from both.
Cheesefood said:
As for cooking, I was going to get her the "Cooking for Dummies" book, but I thought it would be too advanced for her. I handle that part of the domestic arrangement.

Ouch! Hope she never browses these boards - lol
rdwj said:
Ouch! Hope she never browses these boards - lol

It's an old joke between us. Originally I told it to her Mom, who cracked up and told it to all of her friends. I always joke that I want to send my wife back home for "Wifeing Lessons" like learning how to cook. Her family are farmers, so comfort food is always on the menu and ALWAYS YUMMY.
My wife and I have a joke about her cooking. This is her 3 course meal.

First course:

Main Entree:
Noodles with butter

Eskimo Pie
While this method may be a little short notice for this Christmas, it has always worked wonders for me. (WARNING: This process requires active listening.) Throughout the year, if SWMBO mentions that there is something she likes or would like to have, I make a mental note and, if necessary, write it down. Then, I can just go back and choose from that list. She loves what I get for her and half the time she doesn't even remember she told me she wanted it. :D
trinitone said:
(WARNING: This process requires active listening.)

Oh well...count me out then. All I hear is blah blah blah, nag nag, and the whole time Im thinking which beer i would like to be drinking.


god, I hope she doesnt read this.
trinitone said:
While this method may be a little short notice for this Christmas, it has always worked wonders for me. (WARNING: This process requires active listening.) Throughout the year, if SWMBO mentions that there is something she likes or would like to have, I make a mental note and, if necessary, write it down. Then, I can just go back and choose from that list. She loves what I get for her and half the time she doesn't even remember she told me she wanted it. :D

Well aren't you little Mr. Thoughtful :D
Sort of off topic, but a buddy of mine, when asked by his girlfriend what he wanted for Christmas, said "why don't you lose 20 lbs?"

that is not a good answer.
freebird said:
Sort of off topic, but a buddy of mine, when asked by his girlfriend what he wanted for Christmas, said "why don't you lose 20 lbs?"

I can think of worse, but ouch!
freebird said:
Sort of off topic, but a buddy of mine, when asked by his girlfriend what he wanted for Christmas, said "why don't you lose 20 lbs?"

that is not a good answer.

Do you mean his x-girlfriend?

That's the type of comment you NEVER live down.
Chimone said:
Oh well...count me out then. All I hear is blah blah blah, nag nag, and the whole time Im thinking which beer i would like to be drinking.
god, I hope she doesnt read this.

True... there is a price to pay. :D
rdwj said:
Do you mean his x-girlfriend?

didn't take her long to achieve that status. wonder why?

Back on topic -- (well not really) I don't never know what to get my SWMBO. so this past week for her birthday, she got a 4 slice toaster, 2 pairs of pajama pants, and a rolling suitcase thing (said "craft caddy" or something on it.)

I went into the Tuesday Morning store, with no idea, no hint, nothing.

But the 4 slice toaster has a dozen features (like a bagel setting, frozen setting, etc,) and the rolling cart thing held all her yarn & crochet hooks well, and can be zipped up snug & stuffed in a corner easily enough... so I guess I hit a home run.

With no idea, no hint, nothing.

moral of the story - hell I don't worry no more. I go on the day of and come home with something pseudo-random.

(been eyeing a double 15" toaster oven at Tuesday Morning - she likes to make homemade pizza, it'll cook 2 and we don't have to heat up the big oven... hmmmm.... Christmas around the corner).

FWIW, for Christmas gifts we make oddball treats - like toffee popcorn balls, beef jerky, some kind of odd (not run-of-the-mill) cookie, etc. and give that out. Our extended families appreicate that more than a cheap flashlight or pair of electric socks or whatever...
OK, I still haven't figured out a good present yet. I dropped the ball on getting the scrap book made. I picked up the gift certificate for the spa, but that's all for now.

Anyone think of any winners?
rdwj said:
... I got SWMBO a quesadilla maker as a stocking stuffer ...
A quesadilla maker?! WTF?!:D :cross: ROTFLMAO! Sorry, could not let that one go!

Okay, now to address Cheese's problem: well, there's always a night at the Sybaris! Or, (being serious now), if you don't mind a drive to Southwestern Wisconsin, there's this place. Was there with my 'assistant brewer' last February and really enjoyed it! We had Bungalow #1 and it was great. It's not far from LaCrosse. We plan to go back again in the Fall. We may try Chalet #3 next time; it looks intriguing! It wasn't yet finished when we were there.

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