Big Mouth Bubblers are dangerously thin

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I just cant believe after last year's Credit card scandal with Midwest showing how incompetant of a company they are that people still actually buy products from them.

Does no one else remember the fact they denied/hid that their customers credit card #'s got stolen for like 4 months and got investigated by the state District attourney over it?

I'll pay the extra few dollars and buy off Williams or any of the other multitudes of homebrew shops than give the sleezballs running Midwest/NB any more money.

Then to repay people who got scammed because of their horrible security, they gave people a $25 Midwest gift card so you can buy more **** off their site lol....god the balls on that CEO are gigantic.
Northern Brewer still has them for sale in their fall catalog...

Maybe I should send northern brewer some receipts of things not bought from them as I have been upgrading to 10 gallon capacity.
Northern Brewer still has them for sale in their fall catalog...

Maybe I should send northern brewer some receipts of things not bought from them as I have been upgrading to 10 gallon capacity.

Do you really think that they will care?
I have 2 big mouth bubblers made of glass, and I bought the harnesses and have no problems. I don't really throw around my carboys that badly though I guess? I am always very gentle with them. Thick glass or not?

Personally, I love them. Easy clean up for sure.

I also just found out Northern Brewer has dual port lids for the glass tops, but they just are not publicly available on the website yet (and they are on temporary backorder just FYI)

I've been really pleased with mine. I've found the harness really does protect them well.
I have 2 big mouth bubblers made of glass, and I bought the harnesses and have no problems. I don't really throw around my carboys that badly though I guess? I am always very gentle with them. Thick glass or not?

Personally, I love them. Easy clean up for sure.

I also just found out Northern Brewer has dual port lids for the glass tops, but they just are not publicly available on the website yet (and they are on temporary backorder just FYI)

I've been really pleased with mine. I've found the harness really does protect them well.

I suggest keeping a few tourniquets close by....911 on speed dial as well.

Sorry, I just see no reason to use glass, stainless or plastic is much less dangerous.
Look what I found just sitting in the bushes near the front door of my doctors office :D


First random carboy I've ever seen in the wild. And what a surprise, its a broken big mouth bubbler!
Look what I found just sitting in the bushes near the front door of my doctors office :D

How the heck does a broken glass carboy end up there?

Obviously the carboy maliciously attacked someone, and that person required medical attention.

The carboy followed the victim to the doctor's office, and was waiting for him in the bushes outside to finish the job.

These things are evil, man.... pure evil....
I suggest keeping a few tourniquets close by....911 on speed dial as well.

Sorry, I just see no reason to use glass, stainless or plastic is much less dangerous.

This isn't a glass vs plastic issue its a quality glass vs. crap glass issue.

BMB's are crap and dangerous even when handled properly.
Obviously the carboy maliciously attacked someone, and that person required medical attention.

The carboy followed the victim to the doctor's office, and was waiting for him in the bushes outside to finish the job.

These things are evil, man.... pure evil....


I just pitched my first batch into my new PLASTIC Big Mouth....all seems well so far. I'm happy with how much attention this subject has received. I've since recycled my old harness to use with a regular carboy. It's not a perfect fit but it's good enough to securely move the carboy. So I suppose not all is lost! :tank:
Came back to this thread today to eat some crow.


I posted a few times in here as a proponent of the design and someone who handles their carboys very gently. That still bears true, but when I turned my carboy the other day at a 45 degree angle to empty out the last remaining gallon or so of wash water, my Glass Big Mouth Bubbler cracked.

You guys were right - do not use these things. I'll be posting some additional information on my situation either tonight or some point this week.
Came back to this thread today to eat some crow.


I posted a few times in here as a proponent of the design and someone who handles their carboys very gently. That still bears true, but when I turned my carboy the other day at a 45 degree angle to empty out the last remaining gallon or so of wash water, my Glass Big Mouth Bubbler cracked.

You guys were right - do not use these things. I'll be posting some additional information on my situation either tonight or some point this week.

I've stopped using mine since seeing this thread and also noticing air bubbles in the actual glass, probably manufacturing defects. I've been using a SS Conical now along with a 7 gallon Spiedel I picked up on sale for like $35 or so a few months ago.

I wonder if Midwest will take these things back before people get really hurt?? Hell, even if it's just in the form of a credit to purchase ingredients or other equipment.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again. These are the same cheap-o glass jars they sell at the Korean market for fermenting kimchi. So this doesn't surprise me one bit
I bought mine about 2 months ago and have 5 gallons of Belgian Tripel aging in it now...Has anyone asked NB if they can get a plastic BMB before the glass BMB actually breaks? Now I'm worried about ruining the beer when I lift the bottle out of my freezer in another least it is in a harness so I might not get cut...
A few weeks ago I was talking with the owner of my nearby LHBS. He said he had been contacted by someone from NB, who asked if this LHBS would be interested in doing a sort of "affiliate" program and sell BMBs. The owner, being fully aware of the design flaws, respectfully declined.

Either NB wants to get other stores to help sell off those white elephants and/or they are looking to spread the liability around when someone gets hurt by them. My lawyer-spidey-sense tells me it's more likely the latter.
I have one of the glass BMB that I have used to secondary. It does seem to be thin and lightweight for its size. The LHBS where I got it has stopped selling them because of breakage. Wasn't too expensive so I'll probably just chuck it rather that risk injury.

I just got a Fastferment system so if it pans out I probably will avoid glass in future.
I have a plastic bmb and I like it. This thread makes me glad I didn't buy the glass one.

It would be interesting to know the mass of these bubblers and compare them to a name brand glass carboy.
I was just reading on Reddit about a guy that got cut pretty good by a glass BMB. He was holding it in his hands and it spontanously crumbled, cutting him pretty good. There's a pic there of the injury.

I know you've seen this threads before, and I had also and thought wow I've been lucky. No longer true. I was washing out my big mouth bubbler carboy with hot water and sanitizer. I laid it on my lap and rolled it back and forth for a good 10 minutes. Went to the sink to pour it out, and when I started pouring... it just shattered and crumbled in my arms. Trip to the ER has left me thinking of alternatives. Pictures linked below, if you're squeamish I wouldn't go.
Http:// Http://
I posted this earlier in the thread but for those that missed it here is an email chain between Midwest and me on the issue with the Big Mouth Bubbler.

My email discussion with Midwest is below. They answered all my questions honestly and courteously, although I was surprised by some of the answers

TL;DR: They are aware of the reports of breakage with the Big Mouth Bubbler and are always looking to improve the product but feel the breakage is exaggerated online compared to the overall number of happy users.

They DO filter out 1-2 star reviews. The 4.X star review you see on the site is NOT an accurate representation of all reviews. They do this because of spam, trolls, swearing, and because they feel that if they work with customers that gave a product a 1-2 star review then they can usually improve the customers review of the product. You can read more detail on this process below.

I'm a homebrewer and have seen several posts on the Big Mouth Bubblers and breakage. Enough so that one forum I frequent is putting up a warning to avoid them. I see on your site they show a rating of over 4 stars with what looks to be all positive reviews. However on ALL homebrewing forums as well as Amazon there are several reviews mentioning that they shatter for no reason. Several people have cleaned up spilled beer and broken glass and a few have ended up in the emergency room. This item seems to be extremely dangerous.
Are you aware of the issues with the Big Mouth Bubbler? If so what are you doing to address these issues? Are you filtering the reviews on your site for this product? I looked through all the reviews on the 6.5 gallon version and all of them are positive, this seems very inconsistent with the reports on every other homebrewing site.
I hope you'll take that time to reply to these questions and that you are taking note of the issues people are experiencing with your product.

Thanks for the email. We are aware of the posts regarding our Big Mouth Bubblers and are always working hard to make this hobby better (and in this case safer). We have also seen a number of forum posts on using glass in general. Our awesome hobby does carry some safety risks with some of the equipment we use, right down to a slippery floor in the basement causing a bruised tailbone (my own story for another time). We really wish that Reddit would post threads of all the awesome experiences customer's are having, but those would probably be down-voted and always on the bottom of the page for nobody to see. There are currently thousands of these fermenters in home breweries across the country. We keep a close eye on breakage and the percentages that we are seeing are very low compared to what we are shipping.
We are listening, and working hard to deliver the best products possible. We recently added a "caution" warning to the Big Mouth Bubbler web pages that will hopefully alert customers to the hazards of working with a large vessel that has been hand made. We have also added a "caution" sticker to our packaging to ask for care while opening. The homebrewing community was ecstatic when the Big Mouth Bubbler was announced, and we know that they are still excited. There was a lot of "why didn't anyone do this sooner" chatter and the fact that they are hand -formed is a big reason why. We had them at the National Homebrewer's Conference this year so that the 3000+ attendees could get their hands on them. The response was almost entirely positive, but we did get some feedback that we can use as well. There were many thoughts on the the lid design of the glass version, and we will keep working to make them as consistent as possible.

We use our reviews to make all of our products better. Our Customer Service team contacts all reviewers that give a product that we carry a negative review. We work with the customer to make sure that the product they end up with is what they would rate a 5.
I am personally a huge fan of the warning on the sidebar for some homebrewing hazards. There are a lot of people who are unaware of things that can happen (thermal stress is the most common we see) when they get started and it is just as important as knowing what equipment you need.
TL;DR We are here to help and want homebrewers to be safe, wherever and whatever they are doing. We did post a caution notice on the product page and will continue to work on even better products.
Thanks for the email. Please let me know if you would like any further clarification or have any additional feedback. We look forward to your next order.

Thanks for the reply and the information on the Big Mouth Bubbler. I love the idea but have to admit that the posts I've seen make me hesitant, perhaps I'll try the plastic one as I prefer plastic. Could you clarify something for me? You said, "We use our reviews to make all of our products better. Our Customer Service team contacts all reviewers that give a product that we carry a negative review. We work with the customer to make sure that the product they end up with is what they would rate a 5.",which I completely understand. Are all the reviews that are posted shown on your site, or just selected reviews? If someone leaves a 1-2 start review are those figured into the overall review shown on the product page?

I hope I can clarify.

There are reviews that are not posted, and there are many reasons why.
We find that the 1 or 2 star reviews are upgraded to a higher score for that product after our customer service contact. It is possible that the product that was reviewed is not reflective of our entire line of that product. When we have resolved the issue, we encourage the customer to write another review (currently, we are unable to edit/change the original It is in the works though).

Other reviews are left by trolls with guest accounts, and no means to connect them to an order. We cannot allow reviews from people who have not purchased product.
There are also reviews that come in that are laden with profanity or vulgar comparisons. One of my favorites that couldnt be posted was a very positive one for a honey ale. The brewer made mention of some creative uses for the honey and the beer.
Any review that is submitted is read by our product team, and those reviews that contain negative feedback are also read by our President. We take them very seriously and it will drive changes for the better in homebrewing. Keep your eyes open, because we are trying to do a lot of things that brewers on forums are asking for.
Once again, let me know if I can help with anything else. Happy brewing!

Thanks again for your reply.
I have to admit that I'm pretty shocked that the reviews are manipulated that way. While I understand the issues with trolls and profanity and the desire to make a customer happy the open review system works for other companies, both small and large.
The major issue I see with this is that your system isn't telling potential customers what the full customer base thinks of a product, only the average of all 3-5 star reviews. In the simplest terms this is dishonest and in the case of a product like the Big Mouth Bubbler it is potentially dangerous, as no visitors to your site would be aware that anyone has had an issue with breakage.
I'll hope you'll pass on the information that this policy really should be reevaluated as it's extremely deceitful and potentially dangerous to your customers.

I will pass our thread onto our entire product team, and our leadership team. It will be discussed and we appreciate your feedback.
We do have our caution warning on the site, on both of the galss Big Mouth Bubbler pages. We hope that visitors would see that, as it is even more up-front then the reviews. We do not have intentions to be deceitful, only to offer high-quality, innovative products that are designed specifically for brewers (and winemakers).
On our last email exchange I was offered a plastic Big Mouth Bubbler to try out. I was going to decline but decided 1) sweet, free carboy! and 2) I will use it and post an honest review. I was pretty surprised at the way they handle reviews, and I did let Midwest know I intended to share this info as I think everyone needs to be aware of this.

So, as far as the Big Mouth Bubbler goes, use plastic or proceed with extreme caution. As far as buying from Midwest goes, just be aware that the reviews you see are not an accurate representation of all customer reviews of the products.
I binned mine last night, I like my glass carboy but that BMB had bubbles in the glass and decided it wasn't worth the risk of a break.
As promised here's the photos of my break. The glass on these things isn't thicker than a quarter (as demonstrated in the photos)



Holy crap that's thin! I think plastic better bottles are thicker than that. No wonder why these spontaneously crack. After so much pressure put on those thin surfaces stresses the glass out. I think these things were made to be disposable after one time use for whatever their original purpose was.
Holy crap that's thin! I think plastic better bottles are thicker than that. No wonder why these spontaneously crack. After so much pressure put on those thin surfaces stresses the glass out. I think these things were made to be disposable after one time use for whatever their original purpose was.

I agree I bet these were to be one time use and were repurposed.

After following this thread I decided to toss it in the recycle bin. Mine had air bubbles in the glass and I noted how thin the glass was. Yes I paid $30-$40 for and used it a few times without incident but seeing broken carboy threads about ER visits, stitches and cut tendons, why take a chance. I have one carboy that I will continue to use with care but it is probably over twice as thick going by the weight. I will handle with care.
Wow, that is scary thin! It's amazing that thin wall can even support the weight of the vessel itself, let alone with 5 gallons of liquid inside.

Someone is going to get hurt by one of those, and hurt badly. It's like the Corvair--unsafe at any speed.
I was PBWing my plastic BMB and found a ~4" diameter area that is much thinner than the rest of the unit. I have only dry hopped twice in it but may not use it again. It's scary thin.

Beer and crabs were meant for each other!
I was PBWing my plastic BMB and found a ~4" diameter area that is much thinner than the rest of the unit. I have only dry hopped twice in it but may not use it again. It's scary thin.

I have four plastic BMBs. One is fairly rigid all the way around, two have inconsistent thickness but nothing alarming, and one has a fairly large patch of plastic that is so thin that it almost wrinkles. They all work OK, but I am cognizant of where I hold them and make sure to avoid any sharp table edges, etc. I would prefer Better Bottles if they made a 6.5 or 7 gallon carboy, but these work OK and provide a little extra headspace. I would never buy the glass version of the BMB...
I have four plastic BMBs. One is fairly rigid all the way around, two have inconsistent thickness but nothing alarming, and one has a fairly large patch of plastic that is so thin that it almost wrinkles. They all work OK, but I am cognizant of where I hold them and make sure to avoid any sharp table edges, etc. I would prefer Better Bottles if they made a 6.5 or 7 gallon carboy, but these work OK and provide a little extra headspace. I would never buy the glass version of the BMB...

Why not use Spiedel fermenters? Granted they aren't clear but they are pretty damn good and are built solid! I have a stainless conical which I love but when I want to brew multiple batches, since I can't afford multiple conicals, I picked up a spiedel one that was on sale. Plenty of headspace and it comes with a big ass airlock.