Anyone ever call in sick just to brew?

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Lawncare and Landscaping enthusiast
Jun 10, 2017
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I'm really considering calling in sick tomorrow so I can finally brew a dark, funky Rye Saison with honey that I've been planning for weeks. I work 6-7 days a week and I really need a mental break. Not to mention my boss is a total dick (I'm self employed lol)! I have the grain/hops, my starter is done and my my primary is is so very tempting..

What about you guys and gals? Have you ever called in sick, or made up some equally unbelievable excuse just so you could have a brew day to yourself?
Sure I did. I can go on holiday whenever I want, so that has never been an issue. Say if tomorrow I wanted to brew or do something else than work, I can call in and say I need to do something. It's always accepted without hesitation / fuss. So yeah... I'm with you there.
I call in sick to go to the beach, to a music festival and to go skiing.
I rarely get sick, so I have to use up the time somehow, its use it or lose it.
Unfortunately, with all the work available these days, my brewing (and time spent drinking) has been seriously reduced.
Perhaps I should reconsider my priorities....
Haven't done that in a long time but I used to before I had kids. Gotta take it where you can get it sometimes.
Pre-Kids: Totally, your mental health day can consist of brewing...there is no right or wrong way to have a mental health day!

Post-Kids: I suck it up most of the time unless I'm really sick or really need a break from's more work for me to miss work then it is to just show up and do what I have to do. Also, with the kids at daycare they are bound to catch something so I'll get my days off that way.
If you're self employed, who do you call to call in sick?

I own an operate a Lawn business, so in this case I would be calling in sick to my customer(s). I'm behind schedule on a landscaping job (which is 100% the customers fault..she has wanted to change the design 3 times now so we can't get anything done)

it's more work for me to miss work then it is to just show up and do what I have to do.

I agree completely. As much as I want to brew this batch I know I will feel 100x better once this landscaping job is behind me and my aerating season is over, which will make brewing this batch even more enjoyable. I work 6-7 days a week April through October but my snow removal contracts don't start until mid December so ALL of November is mine. There's finally a little light at the end of the tunnel lol
I schedule my PTO time to brew. I typically require some planning for brew days, so calling out sick to brew doesn't work for me.
I've called in sick for no particular reason then couldn't go back to sleep so I brewed since I had the time. May as well be productive!
I work about 2.6 days a week so not really. Im off about half a Thursday, then off Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday. No lie i schedule myself around football lol, being the boss has it perks.
My normal schedule is to prep on Saturdays, brew on Sundays. Never lied about a sick day in my life, but have used vacation for a Monday brew once or twice. Usually no need to though, as I plan way in advance.
Hard to predict when a small crack in your mental health could turn into a big one. If you can already feel malaise kicking in, just schedule a day off. That way you're not last minute cancelling on your clients, any guilt you may have will be assuaged and brew day!!

This particular scenario might be a little difficult for me. My boss lives in the same neighborhood and is also a home brewer. It would be beyond creepy, trampling all over privacy, etc., but it would be really odd if on a day I call in "sick" they happen to pass by and the unmistakable odor of brewing is emanating from my house...
I've called in sick because I was actually sick, and then 2 hours later the sore throat went away...then decided to brew or go golfing. Didn't feel bad at all. I was sick when I called in, so it wasn't a lie. 😄
Hard to predict when a small crack in your mental health could turn into a big one. If you can already feel malaise kicking in, just schedule a day off. That way you're not last minute cancelling on your clients, any guilt you may have will be assuaged and brew day!!

That's a good plan. I usually take about 7-10 days off in the middle of each season to break up the monotony and go on a road trip but Covid killed that this year so I've just been grinding 6-7 days a week since April. I can definitely feel the frustration starting wear me down. Brew day coming up soon, cheers!
I've never "intentionally" called out sick to brew, but I have called out "sick" on days when I had vision issues...just couldn't see myself going in to work. And brewed that day because when I do call out (or take a scheduled day off, or a vacation) I have to be near the laptop/work cell phone all day to handle issues my colleagues can't deal with. If they can't reach me I just tell them I was taking a nap (IRL at the LHBS buying supplies).

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