Anyone done the AHS Our Special Holiday Ale?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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So AHS Our Special Holiday Ale was the first beer I have done. Its been bottled for just about 3 weeks. I was wondering if anyone else has done this kit. The reason why is that mine has a weird after taste. It is hard to explain but it kind of tart or slightly sour, which I am HOPING is the ginger in the beer. I know the key is letting it do its thing and not to worry, but the off flavor, if that is even what it is, has weakened since week one so I am hoping its just the ginger int he beer.

Any one else have this issue with either this brew or another beer with holiday spices in it?
I believe that is the holiday beer I made last year. I brewed it in Sept or Oct of last year and let it condition till about Xmas. It didn't have any strange aftertaste.
slantedbolt - I have this kit in my cart but haven't pulled the trigger yet. The reviews on AHS look good. The 15% off may lead me to buy it. Some of the other kits are priced well too, something to store away for later brewing.

If you do a partial mash, the kit prices drop a few bucks.
I believe that is the holiday beer I made last year. I brewed it in Sept or Oct of last year and let it condition till about Xmas. It didn't have any strange aftertaste.

Since this is my first brew, I dont know if its just green or if something it wrong with it.

I guess I will just wait and see...
Mine's in the primary at the moment. It's been in for just under a week, but I was hoping to keg it before NYE. We'll see.

Something tells me it will take a little time for the spices to meld.
Mine's in the primary at the moment. It's been in for just under a week, but I was hoping to keg it before NYE. We'll see.

Something tells me it will take a little time for the spices to meld.

Same place i'm at. I wanted to get it brewed a couple of weeks earlier but life got in the way. Plan on kegging it also, we'll see.
Any time there are spices (hops are a spice as well) the longer it needs to age. It just needs more aging. It should turn on a dime and be wonderful by Christmas.

I did a partial mash brew on Thanksgiving day. Moved it to secondary (5 gal keg) last week and plan to chill and carb this Thursday so it has a full week to carb. Hopefully it will be ready to go for Christmas Eve - I'm excited about serving this one.
So AHS Our Special Holiday Ale was the first beer I have done. Its been bottled for just about 3 weeks. I was wondering if anyone else has done this kit. The reason why is that mine has a weird after taste. It is hard to explain but it kind of tart or slightly sour, which I am HOPING is the ginger in the beer. I know the key is letting it do its thing and not to worry, but the off flavor, if that is even what it is, has weakened since week one so I am hoping its just the ginger int he beer.

Any one else have this issue with either this brew or another beer with holiday spices in it?

out of curiosity, did you happen to buy the 1% alcohol boost with the kit?
KenneBrew - keep us posted. I'm planning on this one also. It seems like a great beer at a good price.
out of curiosity, did you happen to buy the 1% alcohol boost with the kit?

I did not. I am glad AHS replied on here to my concern.:D

I am going to wait it out and see how it goes. Like I said, my best guess is that it is the ginger in the beer. It uses dried ginger chunks, so I can see why it would be strong.
So I brewed this about a month ago, and I have it in secondary now. I plan on kegging it this week. In the mean time, my family did our annual xmas gift exchange... On my list was a link to AHS's site, saying "any kit from there." Of the 700 kits available, my sister happened to buy me this EXACT SAME KIT AGAIN. Now I'm not complaining, I'm happy to get any AHS kit, but I'm the type of person who needs to change up what I'm drinking very often, and 10 gallons of the same brew will take me well into July to finish.

So a question for you all (specifically Forrest :) ) - Any suggestions on how to change this kit up a bit? Maybe more, or less spices? Maybe make it an Imperial (and which way would you do that?), Maybe change the hops or yeast? I'm open to about anything, but wouldn't mind upping the abv and let it age for a while.... Thoughts?
You could add 2 more pound of extract to bump it up. Adding 1/2 ounce of Simcoe at last 15 and the other 1/2 oz at flame out would be a nice addition.Just make sure you age it for at least 2-3 months in the bottle.

Transfer to the secondary 2 days after you reach final gravity. Leave in the secondary for 2 weeks. bottle or keg. Age at room temp for 2-3 months. The last bottle will taste the best.
Thanks Forrest, that was what I was looking for! I'm probably going to do exactly what you said, and perhaps instead of adding the spice pack, I'm thinking maybe some vanilla beans soaked in bourbon. Any reason that wouldn't work or would taste bad? I'm not sure which yeast she ordered (its not here yet)...
Going on two weeks in the primary. Probably going to leave it in there 'til after New Years.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Thanks Forrest, that was what I was looking for! I'm probably going to do exactly what you said, and perhaps instead of adding the spice pack, I'm thinking maybe some vanilla beans soaked in bourbon. Any reason that wouldn't work or would taste bad? I'm not sure which yeast she ordered (its not here yet)...

That would work too. Probably wont need to age as much with the vanilla.
So a bit of an update for anyone interested.... I kegged mine tonight. I used dry yeast, primary for about 2 weeks, secondary for closer to a month.... This stuff is FANTASTIC! There was someone on Austin's site who commented that the stuff tastes like a gingerbread cookie and they were dead on. The stuff is GREAT! I'm almost considering making a second batch of this instead of tweaking it with the vanilla and bourbon.

I'm having a Festivus party on thursday with my Festivus Ale, I'm hoping I can force carb it by then in the keg. Even if not, this stuff is great as is. Thanks again AHS!!
I had one on friday and it still had that bad aftertaste. I just tried one again tonight since I am extremely impatient and it is SO much better. My guess is next week it will be awesome.

I can really taste the Gingerbread cookie flavor now!