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Finally got to try out my hood vent in my brewing shed...for roasting!!! With the seasoning of the drum going past 2nd crack and the bullet's capability of smoking up the place, I would say my "theory" of ventilation worked like a champ! So, I was able to complete the other 4 seasoning rounds, and did a pound of Ethiopia Kayon Mountain Taroo lot2 and a pound of Kenya Nyeri Ruthagati AB, which I enjoyed this morning. Missed, or overshot, the blackberry tones in that coffee and wound up in the tart orange area. An excellent coffee either way....and I was using it to help me learn on the bullet.
I roasted some on Saturday and it’s OK. A decent, clean sweetness, milk chocolate finish & light berries mixed in. I’d say it’s bascually as advertised
Three roasts done tonight...
1) Costa Rica @ 900 gm
2) Sulawesi @ 900 gm
3) Ethiopia at 500 gm
The 2 at 900 took about 17 minutes, the one at 500 took about 12. All of them smell fantastic. I am very happy so far with the bullet
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I roasted some on Saturday and it’s OK. A decent, clean sweetness, milk chocolate finish & light berries mixed in. I’d say it’s bascually as advertised
It says grade 4. I have only ever ordered gr 1. Do you know what the difference is? Milk chocolate and berries sounds good to me!
Hood vent exhausted by 10 inch ducted outside blower, the array of 6 inch ducting feeds wall stacks that feed air into the area, and it is driven by a blower motor inside the box up in the rafters...it is fed by 2 10 inch ducts and the air flowing through gets triple filtered. I revamped my grain Mill cart to be the roaster cart...and that roaster blows some smoke!!! You will not ever have to contend with it in there[emoji3]
@applescrap its an ECX (Ethiopian Coffee Exchange) thing which is utterly confusing and ridiculous. not even worth trying to memorize that BS. it’s a good coffee and if I were scoring it I’d probably give it an 86 and Sweet Maria’s would probably add a cuppers correction of 2 & list at an 88.
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Ethiopia Sidamo (natural process) posted @ the GCBC. Berry notes are supposed to be easily detected in the cup with a light Blueberry that shows after a week+ of rest. I went in for 5lbs but I'm biting at anything that sounds interesting right now and roasting all sorts of sh|t to a find a decent cup of coffee lately.

$36/5lbs or $66/10lbs (including shipping)
Cupping notes
Link for purchase: Organic Ethiopian Natural Sidamo
Can anybody get in on this? Just need to register on that site and pay the man or is there more to it?
Can anybody get in on this? Just need to register on that site and pay the man or is there more to it?

You should register, and for some reason that sometimes takes a while. Before my registration went through, I just PayPaled a couple of the sellers and got in on it.
I registered yesterday without a problem. Then my wife tells me that she wants to pass on this so at least I'm set up for the next offering. Thanks.
No one pick any of the Guats up at 25 percent off? At 7 dollars plus a pound those were nice a couple of them. That's the deal I got at Christmas. I have a pound of the guji maho roasted and cant wait to try it. It has been a while since I had it as I have been drinking only the bogali Turkey. Cant wait for the geisha. I researched the ecx thanks.
No, I quit on Bodhi a year or so ago and haven't looked back. The prices were decent but it was not worth it for me to save $.50 a lb for something I didn't care for so much.

Pretty much exclusively order from SMs and Burmans. Burmans gets a nice selection of different types of beans you don't normally see, so it's nice every once in a while.

Separate note: A friend wanted me to age some coffee on a coconut rum he likes, so I have been aging 1lb of Colombian on 2 tbsp of coconut rum. Usually when I do this with bourbon I only do 1 tbsp but he wanted it boozy, plus I don't think the rum flavors will shine through as much as with a bourbon. I'm going to also rest it for 2 weeks instead of 1 week. I'm kind of excited to try this once it's done.
Sounds awesome cant wait to hear how that coconut rum turns out. I guess instead of cream, you put lime in the coconut!
The behmor upgraded brazen coming out, what the difference from original brewer?

I roasted a Yemen Beni Haraz. Those beans can take a LOT of heat! Took it slower because they were small, but I think was a mistake. I think took it to nearly 13:30 before I dropped from memory. Also roasted a couple others over weekend, some vintage 2015 Ethiopian and Kenyan I have from SM. Hard to get good ROR peak without rushing into yellowing too quickly... I’ve got MUCH to learn still in controlling the bullet....
It appears Sweet Maria’s new Beans has a Kenyan bean that scores a 90. I don’t need more beans but I’m tempted to get some. It’s the “Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AA” bean.
It appears Sweet Maria’s new Beans has a Kenyan bean that scores a 90. I don’t need more beans but I’m tempted to get some. It’s the “Kenya Nyeri Gichichi AA” bean.

the notes are killer on this one. the 2 strikes are the sweetness @ 8.6 (low for a "90pt" coffee) and personally double A coffee for me is tougher to roast; the larger screen size beans can be tricky to slow down after 1C
I pulled the trigger on it and tossed in some beans from Peru too. After this and our trip next month where I hope to buy more beans, I’ll be set for a while.

I decided to try a full pound of beans in the Behmor today. These were Ethiopian beans I got for free from the local coffee roaster/shop. I’ll give them some time to rest but I wanted to see if I could roast a full pound and not go too dark but not bake them either.
FC started at 16:15, stared cooling them at 18:21 with about a 11.44% development. Cooled with the door open and chaff all over the garage. I’m happy to be roasting out of the house again.
Fingers crossed it turned out well!
Cooled with the door open and chaff all over the garage.
Fingers crossed it turned out well!

ha - ive definitely had that happen before. on my TJ, you reeeaaallllyy don't want to open the cyclone door with the fan cranked - it's like a chaff confetti bomb!

i roasted those 2 ethiopian coffees last night and brewed them simultaneously this morning. 1 on the v60, & 1 on the wave. it's nice having 2 scales for this. i find that if start the wave first and ration the water slower for the v60 you can get similar brew times for comparing coffees. both were too muddled to get a good read on them so I'm happy i didn't put roasting off until today.
i can say this, neither one of them was easy to lock in on from smelling the aroma from the trier at the end of the roast. i rely on that heavily to know what to end the roast so the 91.5pt coffee from SM's developed a bit longer than id like ~ 14.5%
On a good day I have one or two days of coffee left when I roast, but some time I am out coffee and need to use some within 12 to 18hrs of roasting. Most central American coffee does not need much if any rest.

I don't these folks let their coffee rest, also seem to roast quite dark.
Roasted the geisha. Dense looking bean that has a subtle tiger stripe to it. Full power and fan to 6 minutes, noticed the outside was definitely progressing a tad fast. Switched to 83 percent power for 2 minutes and a little more. That little more dried them a pinch much, but they were a nice even color. Ramped up and blazed into 1c at 1144. Loudest cracking I have ever heard. Loud quick and powerful. I backed off heat right away, took it a minute more to 1244 and dumped.

Couldn't wait, made a pot and it was hard to tell. Tasty for sure. I think I could taste fruit loops but hard to say. Not overly unique, but I perceived a unique flavor to this coffee different than almost everything else. Without rest was to hard to tell.
Working on my heat gun roasting-fu today. Roasted a pound of Honduras and the last pound of Sumatra. Instead of roasting it 1/4 lb. at a time as I had been doing (and the roast sometimes being done too quickly), I roasted 1/3 lb. at a time, so that there would be a slightly larger thermal mass, hopefully making the operation a little slower and ensuring the beans have been roasted through and through. It went well, 1c at about 5:00-5:30, 2c at about 8:00. I stopped right at the start of 2c, giving me a nice Vienna roast. I put the cooled beans in two 1/2 gal. Mason jars.

Then I did something utterly moronic. I mixed the beans.

I didn't mean to mix them, but mix them I did. I know, NEVER MIX THE BEANS. Wrath of god, dogs and cats living together, and so on.

I had been weighing the finished product as I often do and had dumped the Honduras into a bowl on the scale. Then the phone rang. After the phone call I instinctively grabbed the container of Sumatran beans and dumped them in with the Honduras already in the bowl on the scale. I realized my error in about 2 seconds and was thoroughly pissed at myself. Good thing no one else was around, as I said a few choice words. Now I have 26 oz. of "east-west breakfast blend." Those two kinds of beans couldn't be more different. I hope the flavors compliment one another.

At least I didn't fark up the roast itself, and that went well. Grrrr. :mad: :mad: