WTF! Someone please explain...

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You tried to enlighten someone who doesn't want to be enlightened. Be glad you have some taste & let those who don't wallow in their swill. You might consider finding a new bar. Next time some a$$hole asks you if you think you're too good for something tell them "YES, I do." Odds are you'll be correct. Regards, GF.
Once upon a time I would add salt to my Milwaukees Beast Ice brews upon cracking them. It made them foam like hell, but it actually made it taste a little better. Mind you this was post HS (Early 20s) when I knew nothing about *Good* beer, and when I still drank to get drunk.

In other words, it didnt happen often, but it happened.
You failed to grasp upon his actions of putting salt in a bland, flavorless beer.

What do you do when you have a bland and or flavorless plate of food?
Put SALT on it right?
The guy is flat out admitting the beer is bland and tasteless by putting salt on it.
A friend of mine's dad used to drink Pabst and tomato juice. I'd never seen anything like it. I was horrified.

As much as I love my homebrew and more flavorful beers than BMC, this is a common breakfast drink up here. Especially when we go out on the ice fishing. Although I see a lot more Clamato + Beer than just straight tomato juice. A dash or three of Franks if its handy doesnt hurt either.
My cousin douses everything in Lawrys (except beer.) It's actually damn good when you pile it on bacon and then use the grease to cook eggs. It doesn't seem very healthy, tho :cross:

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. - that is just pure awesomeness. Salting and already salted fat meat product. Not even being sarcasitic here in the least. :mug:
Putting salt in a beer will reduce the percieved bitterness of the hops. That is a major role of salt in cooking - reducing bitter flavors. It makes me chuckle to think that people find BMC too bitter. What these people need to do is to try a good Helles. I suspect they're looking for more malty flavors. Not that there is much of that in a BMC, but adding salt will help to mask the bitterness and bring out what little malt flavors are there.

Try it on an IPA, you'll be amazed with the difference. Not necessarily in a good way if you like your hops.
I think I have learned something. Next time I'm stuck with a BMC (usually I just pass) I'll try to locate a salt shaker and give it a try. I can't imagine that it would hurt. ;)
I've done it all. Salt in beer (SWMBO still does it). Tomato/bloody mary mix (we call them a poor man's bloody mary) especially in the morning trying to drink through a hangover.

And the best one yet: 12 pack of your favorite BMC, a fifth of the cheapest vodka you can find, a can of frozen lemonade, and a can of frozen limeade. Mix that **** together and you have what we used to call back in college mop water. Looks terrible but actually tastes decent and after a couple glasses don't stand up too fast! Of course I haven't had it for years but from what I remember it didn't taste awful.
I can't stand when someone like that talks to me at a bar. I don't mind a random conversation (wait, I do), but don't try to make me feel out of place or like I'm doing something wrong for drinking a "different" beer.

I've seen bacon flavored salt at the local grocery store. I think that would be great in BMC. Or on anything. Or by itself.

Good try, but some will never get it. And that's ok, 'cause that means more for us.

In that situation, when mocked I usually reply with "so you like rice and/or corn syrup in your beer, eh?" That usually stops 'em in their tracks.
I can't stand when someone like that talks to me at a bar. I don't mind a random conversation (wait, I do), but don't try to make me feel out of place or like I'm doing something wrong for drinking a "different" beer.

I've seen bacon flavored salt at the local grocery store. I think that would be great in BMC. Or on anything. Or by itself.


I am definately gonna pick some of this up.. it looks like Hypertension in a bottle.
Good try, but some will never get it. And that's ok, 'cause that means more for us.

In that situation, when mocked I usually reply with "so you like rice and/or corn syrup in your beer, eh?" That usually stops 'em in their tracks.

I enjoy the 'acceptable amounts of urea?' point.
Of course, an article like Beer for the Ignorant would make great 'light reading' at the bar! ;)
I was up in Chicago and a co-worker joined me at a very irish bar downtown for drinks. Now, we're from south Texas and this guy actually asks for a corona "dressed". This involves salting the neck of the bottle and inserting a lime wedge. So the bartender just looks at him with this WTF? is that look and just hands him the beer. My co-worker is trying to explain this to the bartender that sounded like he just got off the boat from Ireland what he wanted with his beer. The bartender was still like WTF? I had to explain to my co-worker that salt and lime with a beer isn't exactly something an Irish guy is going to be familiar with.

At least he didn't accuse the bartender of being British...............
So... how was the SA oatmeal stout?

The Sammy SMITH's Oatmeal Stout was freeking amazing! I am planning an oatmeal stout as a future brew so I'm researching different oatmeal stouts to "train" my taste buds. I figure I can read all day long but I still can't grasp a particular style unless I study the actual know?

On another note, I probably never would have even spoken to the beer-salter if he hadn't started the conversation. I doubt I would have torn my senses away from the Oatmeal Stout. Like BoonDoggie, I salt the coaster to prevent the sticky bottle syndrome. What struck as being "off" was the guy questioning my taste and THEN salting his beer. Seemed like screwy timing.

The lesson I learned is that there are plenty who do want to learn and plenty who do not. I know it isn't my JOB to convert the masses but I am in some ways evangelistic about a cause that excites me. I need to learn to identify who is willing to learn and save my energies for them.

My Dad used to do that when I was young. That is, before his heart surgeon pulled him off of salt entirely.

He's from the Ohio River Valley near the junction of West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. You know... Mothman territory. So, I don't know if it's a "redneck" thing as much as a "hillbilly" thing in this case.

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