Who decided that the damned 12 oz. bottles should be the standard???

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S.T. Out

Active Member
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
After I drink a 12 oz. bottle of brew I am almost always unsatisfied. I first take a few sips, then a gulp or two, and I take another look at the glass and its about gone! I know, I know....I should just drink two bottles. But I really believe that an 18oz. bottle would be perfect most of the time. 22 oz. would be even better. But sometimes that is too much depending on the kind of beer, hence the 18oz. bottle. More breweries should offer thier beers in larger bottles.

I mean, who the hell decided that the 12oz. bottle should be the norm? I'm guessing it was all started by the big horse piss producing pansies (ever wonder why they have clydesdales as their mascot??) just to get people to drink more. Cuz you get finished with that 12oz. and you still want more (of the good stuff that is).

Anyhow, I'd like to see more of the excellent breweries offer their beers in 18 or 20+ oz. bottles.

End of rant.

~S. T. Out
I heard something on NPR the other day about one county in Maryland where the Bud comes in 10oz cans. They charge the same as 12oz, but the people there buy it because they think it tastes better in a 10oz:drunk:
No matter how big the bottle it will always be too small for someone! Also, most people feel like more of a man if they are knocking off a lot of bottles!! :mug:
That's why I use 1/2 liter bottles!

(10 oz bottles are a rip off so "they" and "someone" (AKA the advertisers and merchandisers) can charge more for less. IMO, they are blowing smoke up our collective asses. If they can get you to "believe" this is true it'll be the standard too soon.):confused:

I'm an old fart...I remember getting a handful of candy for a penny. I used to go to the movies, which were only a quarter and popcorn and a soda were another quarter.:D I was about 7 when they went to 35 cents. It's been downhill ever since...:mad:

OK, I've been drinking....:drunk:
12 ounce containers have been around for over 200 years. Be happy your aren't buying by the gill (5 oz.) or for "cute cans" (7 oz.).
david_42 said:
12 ounce containers have been around for over 200 years. Be happy your aren't buying by the gill (5 oz.) or for "cute cans" (7 oz.).

Yeah I remember the 7 oz "shorties" we used to get at the bar for like 50 cents or so. We used to buy like 4 at a time or something like that they were gone so quick!:)
I drink a lot of Rolling Rock because my favorite sports bar has 10 cent wings and 50 cent pony bottles every Monday. It's ok though, cause my other favorite haunt has $2 pitchers of Yuengling and Pete's Wicked on Thursdays. It's all about the beer-zen, the ying and the yang, balance the good and the bad.
We used to drink Bud in the little longnecks when I was a kid. Made me feel like a big boy to empty all those bottles in a night.

Now, I'm happy with one or two bottles of my own brew.
Thank God for 40's...:ban:
Yeah, one of life's tradeoffs. Too large a bottle on a hot day will get warm, and too small a bottle just takes too many bottles! Ive found 12's are good for warm days and camping or fishing, but indoors half a litre at a time is the way to go.
Also when camping I'll confess we get Old Milwaukee aka "Old CantWalkie" pounders (16oz cans) which are ok because you have to drink like 3 to get a buzz. Good when you start at 9 am.
For camping, sometimes a couple of Talls of Old Style can really make the day. When it's 85 and sunny and you're playing frisbee or horseshoes, there's just something about an Old Style.

Later at night, when you're sitting around the campfire telling lies, it's time to break out the good stuff.

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