Which is Better Opinion or fact either one.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Ok i would like to know which you guys and gals think is better, your reason can be based on Opinion or facts either one. So here it is, Which is better White labs or Wyeast Yeasts? Also include why you feel your choice is best. Me personally, when i am not using Dry Nottingham(my fav yeast) i tend to prefer Wyeast because no matter how i try to open them i always seem to make a mess with white labs tubes!
What does it matter? They're both professional companies making good quality products. Besides, 90% of people couldn't distinguish between an opinion and a belief (of which facts are a subset) if their life depended upon it.
What does it matter? They're both professional companies making good quality products. Besides, 90% of people couldn't distinguish between an opinion and a belief (of which facts are a subset) if their life depended upon it.

Oh it doesn't much matter just curious lol
I find that Wyeast tastes great, but White Labs is less filling.

(j/k, I've actually only used liquid yeast twice and both times so far it was Wyeast)
I don't always use a liquid yeast, but when I do, I prefer White Labs... Stay thirsty, my friends.

I use white labs generally, because I like their cool vials that you can reuse. I'm making a starter anyway, so other than that, I see no compelling reason to choose one over the other.
I use white labs generally, because I like their cool vials that you can reuse. I'm making a starter anyway, so other than that, I see no compelling reason to choose one over the other.

This is similar to what I do.

If I'm making a starter, I usually go White Labs.

If I'm not making a starter and it's a low gravity brew, I'll go with a big Wyeast smack pack.
I've only used Wyeast liquid so far. I like the smack pack since I KNOW the yeast is good before I open it up and pitch it in. Most of the time I make a starter in order to get enough yeast into the wort.

I might need to use a vial of WL high gravity to finish off my barley wine though (planning for about 14% there).

In the end, they're both pretty inside the wort. Of course since its dark in there beauty doesn't matter. Its all about who performs as you want. :D
Both are good products

I prefer Wyeast because it's cheaper, but I'll gladly swap between the two based on what I need.
I prefer Wyeast. I always seem to get faster starts from Wyeast whether it be in my starter or in my carboy if I didnt make a starter. I recently made a 3 gallon batch of 1040 beer to use as a starter for an imperial stout using WLP007. The beer did not ferment from brewer's yeast. I saw no activity for a week. (Yes it was temp controlled, yes the yeast and wort were the same temp at pitching, etc) I've brewed a lot of beer and never had an issue like this. I checked it after 2 weeks nad it went from 1040 to 1020 due to some sort of sometihng in there. I pitched a packet of dry yeast just to see what would happen and it took off and finished the ferment. So I know it could have been a lot of factors (shipping, homebrew store) other than WL, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth.... (get it?)

Sorry for my rant.... I prefer Wyeast.

I prefer Wyeast because it is an indisputable fact that it is the only liquid yeast brand my lhbs carries.
Just to even out the vote, I prefer White Labs. My first several experiences were with Wyeast, and things went fine, but I really prefer White Labs from a handling standpoint. Personally, I always found the smack pack a bit awkward, where as cracking open a tube and pouring it into a starter flask could not be any easier.

I could see how if someone didn't make starters, they might appreciate using the smack pack because it is kind of an easy way to "proove" viability, but since I always make a starter (and you should too) that issue becomes a moot point.

They all make beer. INCLUDING DRY YEAST.

That's all that matters. There is no such thing as "best" or "better" in homebrewing, just what works best for me.

There is a saying in homebrewing "ask 10 homebrewers the same question and get 12 different answers, all of them correct."

What "facts" are going to be out there to make one "better" than the other, other than a bunch of marketing BS?

My better is going to be different than your better, and we're both going to be right, so does it really matter? Try them all and use what you like.
Agreed. I have Some beers where Notty tastes amazing. Others that just don't work without a liquid yeast and big started. That's to my tastes. A buddy of mine brewed my Irish red with Notty, and liked how it came out. I don't care for it as much as the Wyeast Irish yeast.
I find that Wyeast tastes great, but White Labs is less filling.

(j/k, I've actually only used liquid yeast twice and both times so far it was Wyeast)

Thanks, man. That made my day! :mug:

LHBS only sells Wyeast; I always make a starter, never had a problem. I have noticed a lot of people reference White Labs (and Safale for that matter) when they post but I assumed it was what was readily available to them.
I use Wyeast. I don't really think it's better though. I think the first liquid yeast I ever used was Wyeast because that is what the recipe called for. Since then I've just stuck with the same brand because it works every time. I'm sure if my first experience with liquid was white labs then I would have stuck with white labs.

Only time I've used White labs is when I had no choice at the homebrew shop. It worked perfectly fine...but I still go with Wyeast when I have the choice.
I prefer Wyeast because it is an indisputable fact that it is the only liquid yeast brand my lhbs carries.
All that matters is the strain being offered, not supplier. Don't limit yourself to only one brand. Both provide excellent yeast strains, all with their own pros and cons. Many dry yeasts will work better than anything White Labs or Wyeast makes too. Pick your yeast based on the beer you are making.
All that matters is the strain being offered, not supplier. Don't limit yourself to only one brand. Both provide excellent yeast strains, all with their own pros and cons. Many dry yeasts will work better than anything White Labs or Wyeast makes too. Pick your yeast based on the beer you are making.

Oh i dont limit myself, i just tend to prefer wyeast, but if i went by what MY LHBS carried, which isn't really a LHBS its a convenience store that carries a few brewing items, all i would ever use is Dry Yeast, that is all they have lol But they do carry star san, so that has saved my butt a few times!
But then again, in this county there is i think 10 people that i know of FOR SURE that home brew.The price you pay for living in a small town.
Wyeast, because I mail order all my yeast. And on the off chance that I don't do a starter, I'd like to proof it before pitching it.