What's Boiling Away This Weekend?

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...My Junk is Ugly...
HBT Supporter
Jan 17, 2007
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St. Louis, MO
I'm planning an AG "Ordinary Bitters" courtesy of BYO this month. It will be my ninth brew since the new year. My English Ale is about gone *sniff* and I'm going to miss that session brew. :eek:

What is everybody else brewing this weekend:

Style? AG - Extract? How many batches does this make? ...etc...

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Just finished up a Marzen, I know to early, racked my SNCA to the secondary and started up a Cider. Oh, I check the gravity of my marzen into the boiler and I hit 83% efficency, oh I love my crankandstien. Good thing to, since I had two boil overs. I need to have my equipment up stairs, running up and down stairs is killing me. Oh, and never pour whole hops down a drain.
Golly I am not sure yet but I know I am bottling my DunkelWeizen and then brewing something. Not sure what tho! hehe I have so many recipes coming along....Imperial Stout, Belgian Strong, the list goes on and on...
Since I finally have all of the trees buried, I might do the Brown Porter. I've also got 3 kg for 20/80 wheat/malt pale extract. I could knock out a Maclay's 56 Mild (although a 56 IBU, I'd call it a bitter) at the same time. Have to check the dry yeast supply, as it's too late for a starter.
zoebisch01 said:
Golly I am not sure yet but I know I am bottling my DunkelWeizen....

Hey ZoeB, what's a Dunkelweizen like? I've never experienced. I'm of German blood and that...well...sounds German?

There is NOTHING better than the Friday night before a Saturday brew session. Except the Saturday brew session... :cross:
A Kolsch...first one ever. Using yeast from a buddy's batch from a few weeks ago. I'm pretty excited about it. Its supposed to be 27 degrees....and Im outside.....can't wait!
I was gonna brew a stout this weekend (extract, from Palmer's book), rack onto the yeast cake of a bitter I've got going in the primary now. That would make 4 batches this year.

BUT, fermentation of the bitter seems to be going a bit slower than I'd hoped. Been in the primary for 9 days, SG at 1.020 & still bubbling once a minute or so. I thought I could get away with 62 degrees in the basement, but I guess not. If the SG drops below 1.012 tomorrow night (after a swirl & turning on the space heater), I'll go ahead with the plan. Otherwise.... I guess my brewing plans will have to wait 'til later this week.
vtfan99 said:
A Kolsch...first one ever. Using yeast from a buddy's batch from a few weeks ago. I'm pretty excited about it. Its supposed to be 27 degrees....and Im outside.....can't wait!

GREAT choice. My first AG was a Kolsch a few weeks ago. I Primaried for 1 week. Held in the 2ndary for 10 days and then moved to a corny for cold conditioning for about a week. When I racked to a bottling bucket, it was perfectly clear. I just chilled a few bottles this week and they taste AWESOME. It's the first beer my SWMBO has asked to have 2nds.

In fact...the link below is of my Kolsch...in honor of my first AG brew.
Making a second attempt tomorrow on a Double IPA for graduation this May. Big ole' Partial Mash with lots of hops. Woooooot!
I went to morebeer store and got the hazelnut porter tonight. Anyone brew that one? Sounds good..thought I'd give it a try...
Kicked out the Maclay's 56 (1909). Should be interesting: 47 IBU, SRM 9 and an SG of 1.044. Got it out of a Mild Ale book, but it isn't a Mild, an ESB or a bitter by current definitions. Fuggles & EKG, can't be too harsh.
I boiled up a partial grain American Pale Ale. The recipe was one I happened on online and it didn't give an OG or FG. I plugged the ingredient list into the calculator on www.tastybrew.com and it gave me an OG of 1.071 - my OG after yeast pitch was 1.066 - pretty close although a bit high for an APA according to the style comparison. Looks like the ABV will be kinda high - in the 6.5 - 7% range. I'm not complaining mind you.
david_42 said:
Kicked out the Maclay's 56 (1909). Should be interesting: 47 IBU, SRM 9 and an SG of 1.044. Got it out of a Mild Ale book, but it isn't a Mild, an ESB or a bitter by current definitions. Fuggles & EKG, can't be too harsh.

I did my AG Bitters today using EKG...(mmmmm EKG....).

Smelled great and came in just right. I wanted a nice session (light) ABV% and my OG is 1038 with a nice hoppy bite. A perfect bitter....bound for the keg.
Yuri_Rage said:
I brewed a 5 gallon extract batch of porter this weekend. If it turns out well, I'll do a larger AG batch when I get home. The recipe and brew details can be found in this thread.

Mmmmmm Porter...

I'm sipping one right now...two weeks since kegging and getting sweeter by the day. I added a 1/4 lb of lactose when I kegged and it really smoothed out the taste. Rich and creamy. And at 6.3%, the perfect put-you-to-bed-while-your-surfing-the-forum drink. :drunk:
I'm planning to brew a Bock this evening (lhbs recipe). It felt like time for a gathering of friends...nothing brings 'em out of the woodwork like brew day. :D
Well tomorrow I'll be brewing a session wheat, more specifically a AG Heffe. Need to get ready for the spring cherry blossom season known as Hanami over here where we go out to a park under the cherry blossoms and drink. The trees should be in full bloom here in Tokyo in another 3-4 weeks. I'll brew another session beer later in the week; a pale ale. During the next 6 weeks I'll be alternating brewing wheats and ales to use my original yeast cakes. Also going to try a barley wine and an cider during the upcoming 6 weeks. (why 6 weeks? Because I have 6 weeks of paid time off to use up :) ).
I'm going to tackle the Old Speckled Hen based on Orfy's thread this morning. It's a 10 gallon grain batch, going on the yeast cake from last week's bod clone which just went into secondary. This will make 45 gallons so far this year!

I brewed a 5-gallon EG Celebration Red Ale at the Sonoran Brewout. Started early, finished early, and hung around to kibitz. Beautiful day to hangout and brew.

KalvinEddie said:
Hey ZoeB, what's a Dunkelweizen like? I've never experienced. I'm of German blood and that...well...sounds German?

There is NOTHING better than the Friday night before a Saturday brew session. Except the Saturday brew session... :cross:

Yeap, German (specifically Bavarian in origin I think?). Well to be truthful I am very partial to this style. Think of a wheat which leans toward a clove nose, pours up an ice-cream cone head, beautiful brown-orange color, a fairly good maltiness and low bitterness (just to balance), and for the most part no hop aroma. It is so darned drinkeable imo with just a bit of malty sweetness that is sooo good. If you want to try an excellent commercial offering get a Franziskaner DunkelWeizen. It is not so rare these days, and many stores offer it. The nice thing if you buy a case is you have great 16 oz heavy glass bottles when you are done.
zoebisch01 said:
Yeap, German (specifically Bavarian in origin I think?). Well to be truthful I am very partial to this style. Think of a wheat which leans toward a clove nose, pours up an ice-cream cone head, beautiful brown-orange color, a fairly good maltiness and low bitterness (just to balance), and for the most part no hop aroma. It is so darned drinkeable imo with just a bit of malty sweetness that is sooo good. If you want to try an excellent commercial offering get a Franziskaner DunkelWeizen. It is not so rare these days, and many stores offer it. The nice thing if you buy a case is you have great 16 oz heavy glass bottles when you are done.
Okay...so a little like my Hefe?

It has a real clove flavor. I wasn't shooting for that, but the yeast (Wyeast - can't recall the specifics) must have been Bavarian. I like it though my SWMBO is not fond of the strong characteristics. More for me though....
KalvinEddie said:
Okay...so a little like my Hefe?

It has a real clove flavor. I wasn't shooting for that, but the yeast (Wyeast - can't recall the specifics) must have been Bavarian. I like it though my SWMBO is not fond of the strong characteristics. More for me though....

Yeah think of a malty Hefe...mmmm. Actually my SWMBO isn't too fond of the Hefe's and lots of the Belgian styles because of the high levels of carbonation.
The wife was away this weekend, so it made for a great brew session, no distractions other than the dog. I brewed my second AG, a Wit. Hands down, the smoothest brew day ever, including all extract brews. I finally have the core equipment together and tuned in, quick dis-connects and all. The only slip I really had, other than the hose spigot originally being frozen, was when I forgot the post brew sanitizing of the hopstopper. Should have been in the oven for 15 minutes, I kept it in for closer to 30. No harm.

This was really good because I had some issues with liquid yeast on a few brews, so I stuck with dry yeast for a while. Since this was a wit, I went with WYeast 3944 Belgian White Beer. I did a 2L starter and the fermentation took off in under 6 hours. Still bubbling away.

Next up, my first Oktoberfest...
What's boiling away you ask.... My blood pressure! I gave up beer for lent....WHAT WAS I THINKING????

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