What got you interested in beer?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
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Why beer? What else (brewing wise) are you interested in? Also, what's your favorite beer on the market and what's your favorite beer that you have brewed? I, for one, began to really appreciate beer the more I began to work with coffee. Honing my tasting skills for that really allowed me to appreciate beer far more than I originally had. My favorite beer is Franziskaner Hefeweizen. That banana! I'm hoping to be able to have refined my skills by next summer to be able to make a good clone of it.
what got me into beer: A landlord I had owned a beer distribuor - everytime I went in to pay my rent I saw all kinds of neat beers, so I started buying some. Also a weird/hippy/english major I was dating claimed to be a beer snob - she wasn't really but did introduce me to Chimay.

Interested in: Acquiring hobbies, I built a climbing wall in my garage, just finished a 6 tap long draw beer dispenser, I am into barefoot running, garden, obsess about great food, cook food, grow hops, brew kombucha.

Right now I want to go electric as propane refills are really expensive.

Favorite beer right now: New belgium hoptoberfest - its easy drinking and the smell is just great.
I joined the Air Force and got stationed 45 miles Fort Collins Colorado. I've lived here for 7 years now. If you've never been to FoCo, then you're really missing out. There are so many micros it's ridiculous. Beer and bikes. The time of your life...
My dad would give me cans of Miller High Life on fishing trips back in the 60's. I got into good beer in 1981 on my honeymoon when we spent the summer with my French in laws. My FIL kept a beer fridge with assorted Belgian beers(St. Bernardus, La Trappe come to mind0 and a truck driver BIL would bring me sixers from Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia friday nights when he got home.
It's impossible to pick a favorite homebrew. Right now I'm drinking an altbier that may be my best lately, but so is my pecan wood rauchbier and my Brett saison.
I was 20 and my girlfriend at the time (wife now) wanted to get me drunk and easy so she bought me a mixed 12 pack of Samuel Adams, before this I hated beer, and the rest was history.

Favorite beer on the market is 2 hearted from Bells.

Favorite homebrew was my Munich Helles with Wyeast Octoberfest Blend, until the 24 bottles I capped with the Oxygen absorbing caps soured leaving me with less than 15 good bottles of beer.
I thought it would be cheaper than buying good beer. I also drink a lot of beer.
Mr. Beer as a Christmas present. That set the hook. Couple books later and here I am with yet another passion/hobby. My favorite store bought is Sam Adams Octoberfest or their Irish Red. My favorite homebrew is my Run to the Hills Oatmeal Stout.
I was 20 and my girlfriend at the time (wife now) wanted to get me drunk and easy so she bought me a mixed 12 pack of Samuel Adams, before this I hated beer, and the rest was history.

Favorite beer on the market is 2 hearted from Bells.

Favorite homebrew was my Munich Helles with Wyeast Octoberfest Blend, until the 24 bottles I capped with the Oxygen absorbing caps soured leaving me with less than 15 good bottles of beer.

Let me get this straight, you GIRLfriend wanted to get YOU (a guy) easy?? I thought that just came with the title "man".

I started drinking beer as a teenager, very rarely, and mostly because it was something that I was not allowed to do and I wasn't too keen on it, thinking that Coors Light was too bitter. But I started liking it a bit, and when I asked a friend about his winemaking, he suggested I try it, but I don't like wine, so he gave me his capper (still have it) and got me into beermaking. It was more an interest in the process, the science and biology that really interested me.

The rest, as they say, is history. Well, more like History's second cousin's friend, but...

I also like working on cars, playing with brewing gadgets, I work in IT and like to build and fix things. Currently getting into Cigar Box Guitars, but don't tell my wife...
What got me interested in beer? I was born and raised in Milwaukee, when there were FOUR breweries operating full-bore. During my high school and junior college years, when the classroom windows were open in the spring and fall, we could inhale the aromas of brewing and yeast, from the Miller brewery to the west and from the Red Star yeast plant to the east. Ah, ambrosia! [and yes, sometimes we smelled Ambrosia Chocolate, but that's a whole other ballgame]

I enjoy the entire brewing/bottling process...and especially enjoy a good homebrew with some good food!

The beers that absolutely changed my life were Negra Modelo, Death & Taxes, Old Rasputin, Full Sail Amber, Piraat, Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier, Schneider Weisse, Hoegaarden, and Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye in roughly chronological order.

My favorite beers that are/were on the market are Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Bock and St. Bernardus Abt 12.

The best beers I've ever brewed would have to include Austin Homebrew's Session Series Brown Porter and half a dozen SMaSH lagers.
I didn't really drink much until I was legal, but there was this pizza place with an amazing beer selection across the street from my college campus. I lucked out and skipped the phase of drinking Natty Light until I blacked out and moved on to full-on beer geekery. It was cool to be able to order something new for each round and get a feel for what I liked, not to mention to find out how many different things could still be considered beer.

As for homebrewing, it started out as an ill-fated attempt to make strawberry wine with friends. For whatever reason, we thought making beer would be easier. And the rest, they say, is history...
It was like most relationships, it started with sex. At first, beer and I were real hot and heavy. It rarely ended at a sip or two and we'd inevitably end up drunk and naked. As we got older, we matured, mellowed out, and began to appreciate the subtleties. Now sometimes we just stare at each other like soul mates, noting details of aroma, mouthfeel, and overall adherence to style. Of course, I still like her best when we end up drunk and naked, it just happens less often and isn't as romantic the next morning.
I'm a foodie at heart. Brewing is another extension of what I like to do. I like to make what I consume and share with others. There's a satisfaction in making something that's quality that you can enjoy and look forward to doing again that others apreciate and look forward to.
what got e into beer? The alcohol, of course.
what got me into good beer? Hoegaarden.
Brewing? My dad used to brew, i stopped in at a LHBS (the one i now avoid for price reasons) to get a couple swing-tops for homemade schnapps, and i guess that flipped a switch. started talkign to my sister's friend (used to work at the LHBS i shop at most now) about it. brewed an extract Irish red last spring, then just kinda lurked for a while, made some JOAM and some SKeeter pee, then jumped into BIAB and now i have a 10-gallon cooler setup (still stovetop, but i have a wicked stove) and i'm workign on keeping up a pipeline now.

favorite commercial brew? that is a hard question. Hoptober (as mentioned before) is amazing, and i really like Red Chair. I think i'm goign to have to go with Rogue's John John Juniper Ale.
favorite homebrew? well, the best i've made so far is my ProtoPorter. The one i'm most obsessed with perfecting is the "Rye, God? RYE?" just bottled the second attempt 2 days ago and it seemed improved in all the necessary areas, so we'll see how it goes from here (big plans if i can nail the process on that one)
My first taste of Three Philosophers sold me on never drinking BMC again. I found out easy and fun brewing was from helping a friend, and after finding out how good the results could be, I dove right in. My favorite commercial beers now are Jever Pils in the summer, and Brooklyn Black Ops in the winter.
I used to drink bud light but mostly drank rum/vodka. Around 25 years of age I met the girl that would become my wife. It was then I decided I liked to be able to remember my nights out with her so I quit drink the hard stuff and switched to beer.

I think the beer I tasted that really got me into finding awesome beer was Nostradamus from Brasserie Caracole. I was amazed at the taste, and the amount of alcohol in the beer. After that I started drinking any craft/import beer I could get my hands on. I'm tech/nerd so when I do anything I read a **** ton about it.

I started reading about the process and how these micro breweries were just guys who loved beer and started making it. I remember stories my grandmother would tell me of her making beer for the family when she was younger. I started to talk about brewing all the time to my wife so this pay July she bought me a kit (buckets, boil kettle, etc) and an Oktoberfest ale kit. I brewed that and it was awesome but I drank it too soon. I would love to see how it would be had I let it set until now. I just bottled an Imperial Double Chocolate Stout that is just under 8% Abv, it's going to be a hard time waiting for those.

As far as favorites I tend to fluctuate with the weather. When it was warmer, I was on an IPA/Double IPA kick. Now that it's cooled off a bit, I'm starting to crave the thicker darker beers. I had some Sam Adams Imperial Stout (only imperial stout the store had) and picked up Cigar City's Winter Warmer. I know it's not winter but I was born in Miami so I freeze at anything below 70. Now I just need to get my pipeline full so I don't need to buy anymore!