What do you do for a living?

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zoebisch01 said:
You sir, are my hero! :cheers:

That would be my choice if I could do so now.

today is my wife's first day back at work after maternity leave from our second who was born on Jun 4th. It's a nervous day for all of us. I'm about to wake up the little guy to take his big brother to school.

The fridge is full of milk and he slept through the night for the first time last night.

so far so good. I hope there's beer still in the keg by the time my wife gets home from work! (Just kidding for anyone reading this from CPS)
Survived the first day. Now it's time to go pull a nice pint of stout (no stout faucet) and celebrate with my wife!
I manage a local Pest Control company and remove/exterminate Africanized honeybees. Makes for some buzzy days. ;)
Dinbin said:
By the time I get to it, you won't want it. Pesticide Punch anyone? :fro:

You can always export it to China, they could use some payback for all the poison toys of late.
There's a local guy who does just that. Doesn't use pesticide to kill the bees (at least, not 'til he's gotten the honey) and sell the honey to the local stores. Our store has gotten some, and it makes GREAT Mead! Desert wildflower (urban.)

PintOfBitter said:
mechanical design engineer at Cessna

I'm Jealous! I am a full-time electrical engineering student also dabbing in professional aviation and space studies. I have worked so many jobs lately that it isn't even funny, from sales to home theater installer.

Oh and full-time tinkerer can go on that list too.
I am a captain at Republic Airways...

How about that Piper VLJ? NICE! ;)
So, I'm intrigued by a lot of posts here, mostly of which I'm seeing that we have a few pilots on hand (more like half of the daily posters here)

Well, let's have at it, what do you do for a living?

Don't forget to post a Hobby (besides homebrew)! Like if you fly for a hobby, but not for a living... We wanna know!

I'll start....

What I do for a living is kinda hard to explain... I can't give out company names b/c I've already gotten in trouble for mentioning it somewhere else...

So in a nutshell, I work for a company that specializes in Electrical Construction Management for off-site data protection, I'm a Lighting Designer (specializing in designing lighting layouts necessary for secured vaults and warehouses), Fire Alarm Designer, Fire Inspector and a Assistant Project Manager.

The vaults and warehouses are located all across the nation and store highly confidential documentation (old films, old recordings, government documentation, etc.)

As far as a hobby, I'm a volunteer Fireman and Fire Inspector... I also enjoy learning about anything that sparks an interest in me, I consider myself a handyman and I'm very hands-on :rockin:

btw, can a mod edit MBT to HBT... i haven't had my coffee today.
"Let me show ya somethin!" Sorry...I'm an Executive Search Consultant. I don't know what that means but I consider myself a recruiter. Not staffing though, actual recruiting. Sometimes people don't understand the difference. Basically we work for our clients, not our candidates. We don't find jobs for people, we find people for jobs <insert trademark symble>. Bottom line is, I can work from anywhere but I have my own office. My hours are flexible and not crazy. I'm very lucky to have this job and I try to appreciate it every day...

Edit - hobbys = brewing, golfing, playing guitar, Jeeping, snowboarding, surfing, hiking, cooking, building stuff, post whoring
I'm a computer programmer. However I grew up expecting to follow in my fathers footsteps and become a carpenter so I began training for that at an early age. I've been in and around the trade my entire life. Programming pays more however and I like being inside all day when it's -20C. :D

I wouldn't call flyfishing a hobby (way of life maybe?) but that is my other major pursuit when not working. I also enjoy cabinetry.
I worked as a car shop tech, then went to emissions testing. The state shut that down, so i had to decide what to do next. I filled that time as a landscaper/mower working for my BIL's sister... That sucked, so i decided it was time to go back to school. But what to study? Well, flying airplanes has been a desire since I was a little kid, so that made sense. But flying is really expensive, so how do I support that? Well, a couple grand invested in a computer based karaoke/DJ system provides the funds and the flexibility I need.. By the end of the year I expect to be instructing the next generation of pilots and finally be able to afford marriage and kids :ban:
There's an older thread floating around here somewhere about the same thing, but I'll chime in anyway.

I'm the IT Manager at a small ($100mm/yr) snack food manufacturer. Other than brewing I love spending time with my wife and 4 daughters, playing my guitars, playing poker, and just about anything to do with home improvement.
I'm the Executive Chef at a large private club and banquet facility where I live. I have been cooking for a living since I got out of high school 37 years ago.

I grow orchids as my other hobby.
Background is 20+ years of automation control programing, currently work as the process control engineer at a (sorta) paper mill with the (small) E&I staff reporting to me. Hobbies: while I am a certified pilot I haven't flown in about six months or so; quit until the plane I'd like to buy fits my budget (hopefully within a year or two, but perhaps never). Read a lot of fiction as well -- oh, and the stupid roasting coffee thread recently posted had me ordering a heat gun, burr mill, and green beans, so there's that coming up.

Heck, I'll throw in that I've been married for thirty years to someone who probably deserved much better, have two kids (22 & 18), and now you know enough to vote for me were I not these days so politically lackadaisical that'd I'd never run for anything (from something, yeah, but not for anything).

Edit: after reading my own post, I'll add that I'm also a parenthetical junkie (as you may have noticed).

I'm a graduate student getting my PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology, so I don't have a "real" job, but hopefully I'll be a professor sometime in the near future.
I am a Veterinary Student (2 years down, 2 to go!)

My hobbies include cooking, keeping the wife and I's POS cars running, and wasting hours upon hours of my life on video games :D
I'm a "retained counsel" with a large semiconductor manufacturer, working in Operations, so I work with the business folk here to plan strategies, facilitate deals, and address legal concerns. By "retained counsel," I mean that I'm a self-employed attorney with a full time client. I like that gig, too, as it gives me plenty of flexibility and security. Before that, I was with a large, international firm, working on intellectual property litigation, patent applications, trademark applications, patent opinions, IP counseling, and . . . you get the picture. Before that, I was a lab rat.

My other hobbies include barbequing, cooking of just about any sort, reading something other than contracts, and enjoying the time I have with the wife and kids.

I'm an undergrad student getting my Management degree this May (WOOHOO!). I'm the manager at a small (I'd be the only employee but bc school we have a couple other folks to fill in) storage facility. It's weird how I got my job, I started working here part time but six months or so ago my manager was arrested for check fraud and I stepped up and took over. It's also weird bc my dad owns/runs a storage place in Austin, he says it's in my blood :confused: . I'm going to stay here for another year while my Fiance and I plan our wedding (Feb. 7th 2009, our 5yr anniversery) and she applies to grad school. Who knows where we'll move to but hopefully I can manage something there...

Hobbies: I used to read A LOT, I was the prez of a book club in High School but haven't read much lately. I like to write stories/poems when I can but doesn't happen too often. I'm also OBSESSED with traveling, probubly bc all of the travel books I've read. I can't wait to plan some crazy trip someday
I am a branch Manager for a company doing Reverse Mortgages.

I have 2 daughters and a son. I love gardening, especially HOT Peppers and hops.
I've been working at a hospital off and on for almost 25 years. I was an EMT-S and then became a respiratory therapist. About 10 years ago, I decided I didn't like working 12 hour night shifts and weekends, so I went into office work. I fill in in various places (our Wellness Exercise Center, for example) and my real job is as the Lifeline Program Manager. Lifeline is a program for home-bound and elderly people to wear personal help buttons in their home. Anyway, I'm the manager and I'm the only staff member in my department. So, I supervise myself and work flexible part time hours!

For hobbies, I love to fish, hunt, camp, canoe, play hockey, read, and I'm passionate about travel. I'm pretty active and enjoy keeping fit, too.
Operations Manager for a small Telecomunications company that one of the BIG phone companies contract to do alot of work for. What this means is i sit in an office and tell people where to go and what to do. Before i got this position i tied string into knots. Any one in the telephony field should know what that is (i think they should or maybe i made it up cant remember). Used to be a bartender, ditch digger, electrician, order puller, and worked in a nut house. Along with several other jobs i cant mention. Hobbies i enjoy are...... cooking on my grill with the dog and drinking beer (of course) and for anyone that cares the top pocket on a pair of overalls makes a dang good beer holder. See avatar. :mug:

I'm a programmer for a medical software company. I work on the Billing application, and it's every bit as sexy as it sounds.

Hobbies include cooking, photography, playing with the dogs, and keeping SWMBO happy.
I'm a graduate student getting my PhD in Biochemistry. I study the structure of ubiquitin ligases (proteins that are, in part, responsible for "killing' other proteins) with both nuclear magnetic resonance and x-ray crystallography.

My hobby, if you don't know, is cooking. I strive to cook 90% of my food completely from scratch.
I am an Industrial electrician for General Electric.

My present position mainly entails building and maintaining equipment used to build and season X-ray tubes. I am hoping to get into another area later this year...

My other hobbies include motorcycle riding and computers. I am hoping to do a lot of motorcycle camping this year....:mug:

Short Drive...would that happen to be Roma Lodge???
What I do for a living is kinda complicated. By day I work as a media/audiovisual specialist for a Medical School in Detroit. Mostly I sit at a computer, and push buttons, but I also get to play with a lot of high tech toys, helping doctors teach medical students. Sometimes I get to do exciting things like make autopsy or sex education videos.

But that's not all I do.

I also sometimes look like a non-simpsonized version of this;


I'm an ordained Unity minister (a liberal denomintaion), but I'm not currently doing full-time "church work." Shortly after I was ordained a few years back, I had to put my new career on hold, and move back to Michigan, to help my elderly mom care for my even more elderly father, through a long illness which after a year and a half he succumbed to....

After doing that and being broke and exhausted I returned to my pre-ministerial career/job at the medical school, because, amongst other readsons, there are no churches in my denomination open in Michigan, and I made a promise to myself that I was staying here in Michigan (despite hating winter) as long as my mother is still alive.

So, most of my ministry type work is now confined to wedding, funerals, and the occasional guest speaking or workshop leading, and some writing. I also moderate an online forum on Sex and Spirituality on an erotic writer's forum site.

Hobbies...Besides beer making, I am a nut about cooking. In fact beer/winemaking is to me a natural extension of my passion for cooking....Plus Jesus had that whole "water into wine" thing going for him, and we know monks make darn good beer!

Oh, don't let the minister thing freak you out...You can still swear around me and I won't blush or anything...I'm extreemly liberal, and pretty irreverant as it is.

Hell, I host an online discussion of sex on a porn board for crissakes! I've heard and seen it all.

Most people who just meet me don't even know I'm one of them...

Oh and my favorite beer is,


rickylr said:
In my post I forgot to mention this was one of my hobbies, along with collecting bellybutton lint.


So do you have the lint in individual containers or is it all in the form of one big ball? :D :drunk:

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