What do Americans think of Canadians generally?

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I don't know any Candians, so I obviously have no basis on which to form an opinion. I'd like to think they're not much different from their southern neighbors. But here's my favorite Canadian TV character:

YouTube - Red Green Show - Dents and Dings

Duct tape FTW!! :rockin:

Having been born in Canehda but raised in the States, the only Canadian jokes I hear are from Canadians. :confused: Don't really know how Amerrricans feel about Canuckians so I guess they're just fine with the northern neighbor.
Love this video, awfully funny... *LOL*
I had an uncle like that, he could fix just about anything using duct tape and epoxy and a bit of electronics knowledge with his soldering iron, he was just an amazing man.

I like to think im a little bit like that too. :)
Naismith is actually from Ontario. He was educated at McGill in Montreal. Invented hoops in 1891 at the Young Men's Christian School (the basis for the YMCA) and now Springfield College in Springfield, Mass.

Yay McGill :ban:

anyway, as an American living in Canada I really find no difference. The guys/girls from Toronto are like any other big city people in the US, the kids from Vancouver are much the same, just with abstract west coast experience. People from the coastal regions are a little more like the people I know from my home, the kind that rough it regularly.
Awesome people. Visited Paw Paw way to much back in the day. My only concern is that all my Canuk friends talk way to loud. I'm right here, you don't have to yell man. Other than that, good beer, good hunting, good times!
As an Anglophone Quebecer (and not a Montrealer here, from Quebec City (the "National" capital as the signage calls it here), I don't, and never have understood the desire for an independent Quebec. Francophone Quebecers say they don't feel like they belong in Canada; it certainly doesn't help when the provincial government actually forbids children from attending school in English even if they want to, and can only attend CEGEP in English (between high school and university). Such a ridiculous argument. I have been spat at, had FLQ graffiti painted on my school, had friends get in fights, been told off in French (it's nice to be able to come right back and give them a hearty **** off in perfect Quebecois...) for speaking English in Quebec City. You think I feel like I belong in Quebec? (ironically, my mum's family has been in Quebec for more than 400 years) Separatists can cram independence right up their asses...

i like canadians basically you guys are the same as americans as my fiance and her family put it who are canadian citizens. and when it comes to a war who needs war just duke it out on the ice with a couple of hockey sticks lol. i was brought up playing hockey so i got along with her father from the get go.

i have to say canadian women are sexy as hell.
it certainly doesn't help when the provincial government actually forbids children from attending school in English even if they want to, and can only attend CEGEP in English (between high school and university). Such a ridiculous argument. I have been spat at, had FLQ graffiti painted on my school, had friends get in fights, been told off in French (it's nice to be able to come right back and give them a hearty **** off in perfect Quebecois...) for speaking English in Quebec City. You think I feel like I belong in Quebec? (ironically, my mum's family has been in Quebec for more than 400 years) Separatists can cram independence right up their asses...

I find it quite odd, in the town i live in (near Sherbrooke in the eastern Townships) not very far from the US customs...
We have english churches, schools and most people in any businesses know how to talk and deal with customers speaking in English without problems.

My general take on the matter is that people from both England and France should have just stayed home and leave the first nation people alone on their land, then, everyone would reside in the country they belong and there wouldnt be such cultural issues.

But we cant go back like in them "Back to the future" movies, so we will have to grow up one day and learn how to deal with our cultural differences.
I find it quite odd, in the town i live in (near Sherbrooke in the eastern Townships) not very far from the US customs...
We have english churches, schools and most people in any businesses know how to talk and deal with customers speaking in English without problems.

The Eastern Townships have a more sizeable Anglophone population than Quebec City, which probably hovers around 1%. Don't get the wrong idea, there are a few English schools (2 high schools, 4 or 5 elementary) and an English-speaking community here. The tone of my first message was a bit harsh; this is a pet-peeve issue for me. I identify more with my English-speaking identity, but I am the first to defend Quebecois-culture in an argument. It's weird...
Yes indeed the fact that the town i live in is located pretty close to the US customs is a considerable factor, i have always have heard about how nicely "bilingual" all the province is and that tourists could easily find people that can talk English mostly everywhere, guess i'll have to verify that belief.
I've known a few Canadians, and they are good peoples.

Also, if you all elected GSP as your ambassador to the world, nobody would make a Canadian joke ever again. What a badass!
Our ambassador to the world is a pretty little Haitian born lady. We don't elect our Governors General; they are appointed by the Queen on advice of the Prime Minister. Her duties are largely ceremonial but she does have some real power under certain circumstances. I don't think she'd last long in a cage with GSP unless she smiled at him. Then he wouldn't last long.
If Canadians had any balls they would ditch the old lady that appears on their money. Really! Who the heck needs her! She is even more bankrupt than Britain's credibility as a strong nation!
If Canadians had any balls they would ditch the old lady that appears on their money. Really! Who the heck needs her! She is even more bankrupt than Britain's credibility as a strong nation!

Damn right...
I cant stand seeing the damn Queen of England on Canadian Money either, one of the reasons why a large part of Quebecers want to divorce from Canada in the first place.
Once again we agree Stef. It really ticks me off to see the GG reading the Speech from the Throne while the PM sits in a subordinate role next to her. I have nothing against England or the Queen, but it's their figurehead monarch and not mine. My allegiance is to the people and government of Canada. I will not swear allegiance to the Queen.
Exactly Fingers and Laughing Gnome, it really doesnt makes any sense to have that old Lady on our money, imagine the US having her on their money.... now that would be the Ultimate nonsense!!

Then, technically, even if it's ridiculous as Hell, Canada is still part of the silly British CommonWealth:
Commonwealth of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The old Lady comes here about once every other Ice Age or so...
How old is she anyways?
Man... Human is such a strange animal.
I think it should be very hot women on the bills. Then people form other countries would want to collect our monies, driving up it's value and surpassing the USD as the go to dollar. All part of a diabolical Canadian plan to take over the world.

BTW, any one figure out my avatar yet? :D
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4SDHMY9s3A&feature=related]YouTube - South Park - Canadian Idiot[/ame]


I love my neighbors up nort, eh? Land of Hockey, beer and backbacon!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BFPt001PYU]YouTube - Bob & Doug McKenzie - Take Off[/ame]

do you know how they came up with the name CANADA?

C, eh, N, eh, D, eh
Stef1966, I love the canadians in general, but I can't say much about the french canadians. I go to Ontario several times a year and spent a summer in Sorel Quebec a few years ago. The french canadians were fine while I was in Montreal or the strip clubs, but outside of Montreal when they weren't blowing up each other's biker shops they were busy being jag-offs...but the beer and Clamato's were awesome:drunk:

While in Ontario I have me people from all over Canada (Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland, etc) and I have never been at a loss for a drinking partner or a game of euchre :tank:.
While in Ontario I have me people from all over Canada (Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland, etc) and I have never been at a loss for a drinking partner or a game of euchre :tank:.

Where I come from, euchre is a verb.

Quote: "For f&*ck's sake! That son-of-a-***** got all liquored up and euchre'ed the whole god-damned thing!"

"Golly! Despite challenging parental deficiencies, he imbibed excessively and irreparably damaged the entire condom machine."

Well, something like that anyway.... :drunk:
Funny how this tread has made me realize how little i know about the country i live in, never visited the other provinces of Canada, been only once to Ontario and it was for a small 2 days business trip, my mind was focused on the business aspect so forget the tourist view here.

Been more often in the states in the summer at the ocean with my family than anywhere in Canada... thats odd thinking of it.

I have seen rumors on the internet saying you should not even mention you're from Quebec when traveling the rest of Canada... geeeh, hope it's just rumors, otherwise this doesn't look good for a Country that struggles to stay in once piece.
I have seen rumors on the internet saying you should not even mention you're from Quebec when traveling the rest of Canada... geeeh, hope it's just rumors, otherwise this doesn't look good for a Country that struggles to stay in once piece.

Just rumors, Stef. I'd be honored to host you at my home if you should travel to Manitoba and you'd be welcome anywhere around here. I've never heard about anyone being rude to people just because they're from Quebec. It's really a non-issue here.
Canada has one more thing that the USA does not.
We have this educational show called: :rockin:Trailer Park Boys :rockin:

I love Canada!
MY family is from Canada and Newfoundland or that was the path they took from Ireland and France.
way back in the day yo
Thanks Fingers, very nice of you to say so Pal, same goes for you and yours.
Cheers to that! :mug:

Glad it's just rumors.

Ceedubya, i remember when that song came out, i was still quite young then, funny how some stuff doesn't age that well... *LOL*
Geddy Lee's voice is quite awful on that one too... :)

millerbp, Sorel is the place where the Hell's angels and other criminal Bikers had some brawls in between clans a couple of years ago, no wonder you've heard about it when you went there, things seem to have pretty settled down since then.

No criminal bikers in my area as far as i know. :)
Ceedubya, i remember when that song came out, i was still quite young then, funny how some stuff doesn't age that well... *LOL*
Geddy Lee's voice is quite awful on that one too... :)

"Decent Singin, eh?"


I love the Mckenzie brothers, I still have the lp around here somewhere. My wife bought me the Strange Brew DVD a couple of years ago. :ban:

Best beer movie, ever. "This movie was shot in 3-B, three beers and it looks good, eh?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6v_pX6gDw4&feature=PlayList&p=3D1D154A652CCB2C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=52]YouTube - Bob and Doug McKenzie - Strange Brew Clip #16[/ame]

For all the great things to come out of Canada, nobody has mentioned the fishing yet. I used to love fishin for the big pike in Alberta.
One show we have is "Bob Gratton ma vie, my life" about a typical low life garage owner who swears every 3 words and is dumb as your neighbor's dog.

Here's a little cut scene where he gets all cranked up over that talking car that plays smart with him.

The weekly TV show is quite funny, although also found a little controversial and vulgar by some people around here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cood3ZnRJk8]YouTube - Elvis Gratton - Un chars qui parle--The talking Car[/ame]
One show we have is "Bob Gratton ma vie, my life" about a typical low life garage owner who swears every 3 words and is dumb as your neighbor's dog.

Here's a little cut scene where he gets all cranked up over that talking car that plays smart with him.

The weekly TV show is quite funny, although also found a little controversial and vulgar by some people around here:

YouTube - Elvis Gratton - Un chars qui parle--The talking Car

Nice little intro to Quebecois swearing... funny stuff.
indifferent. except for that fact that all the canadians are terrible drivers, when they visit florida. Understandably so because they probably don't want to get into an accident in the US, because they are not medically insured. just speed it up canadians.
Canadians are evil and are responsible for everything bad in the world. Including Hitler and 9/11.
Nah I love canadians they are like polite versians of Americans but with better medical. Ive been into a few arguments with Canadians...why the hell do you have to be polite while cursing at me damn you!!

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