What beer to get?

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Active Member
Jan 21, 2010
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Austin TX Area
I'm getting ready to go back home at the end of the month, and I'm looking for a homebrew to brew when I get home. I'll be moving aprox 6 weeks after I get back, and I'm looking for an extract or mini-mash brew that's simple to make with basic equipment, and one that will be drinkable before I have to move. A hefeweizen would be great!
That is a hard one. As a rule of thumb, the beer typically ferments and conditions for about 3 weeks, then you bottle it, where it should sit for another 3 weeks. That would run you up against when you will be moving. I have yet to have a beer make it to 3 weeks in the bottle before I crack into it at least a bit. Technically, its ready to go after the 1st 3 weeks, but it tastes like butt, not to mention its flat. The longer it ages in the bottles, the better it is. After the 2nd week, the changes are pretty dramatic in taste compared to the 1st day. After the 3rd week is really when you start to get what you wanted.

Outside of that, I really don't know, or have enough experience yet, to be able to tell you about any specific beers that may be done, and done right, in a short period.

Hope that helps.
if you brew in the first few days after you get back, then primary for 2 weeks the possibilities are nearly unlimited.
AHS has some quick turn around kits. I haven't brewed them, but there are threads on here talking about them being good...
Here is the Hefe I just brewed:

3# Muntons Wheat DME
1.5# Pilsner Malt
2# Wheat Malt
.25# Vienna Malt

1oz Perle
Wyeast Weihenstephan 3068

Mash at 125 degrees for 15 minutes and bring temp up to 152 degrees for 60 minutes. Boil for 45 minutes.
Tis the season for a good hefe! Plannin one soon myself. If you use WLP300 or Weihenstephan 3068, fermentation could very well be complete in just a couple days. I did EdWorts bavarian hefe last year and it turned out great. Youll have to convert the recipe though.
I'm assuming you are in the military..... first off.... thank you for everything.

Second, what is confusing? Learn as much as you can between now and when you come home. This is the best place to start. No question is stupid, and trust me, I've asked some really dumb ones.

I gave it a little thought, and I'm guessing you are wanting to brew up something to share with your buddies before you get discharged. One thing you can do is brew something up then give each person a few and either agree to open them up at a reunion some time in the near future, like 6 months down the road, or agree to drink at least 1 at the same time on a special date (20:00 Z on Thanksgiving for example).
Try the blood orange hefeweizen recipe from Extreme Brewing if you can get a copy of the book. (Actually, I believe the recipe is on here if you search for it.) And if blood oranges aren't in season, then substitute with some other oranges. That recipe has been my favorite so far.
You're correct iron_city_ap. This is my third deployment, and I'll be moving shortly after returning home. I think I've settled on doing a hefe, just need to decide on which one to do now. I've done a couple of extract brews in the past, and now I'd like to try a mini-mash. What do you guys recommend, a liquid or DME for mini-mash?