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I need me one of them stay at home jobs.

Yeah, this all the way. How do you even get such a thing? When my boss told me they asked him to make engineering services, out of office positions and he turned them down because "he would lose his mind if he didn't get out of the house"... oh man... never wanted to cut someone so bad.
I was skeptical about this when I heard about it, but there's something there. Light skunky actually does add some complexity to the saison funk, more than I thought it would. But it's hard to get those light levels without overdoing it. My bottle of Le Vermentoise was almost to the point of undrinkable. For how unpredictable it is, I'm a little surprised breweries go full-production with it (ala St. Somewhere).

Yea, I'm not losing my sh*t over it like some folks are (though it's amusing to read some of the rants). It's cool that they're splitting batches to do some side by side comparisons.

Unlike some other breweries using green glass, it's not like their beers sit on many shelves these days, so they have more control over storage conditions.
Yeah, this all the way. How do you even get such a thing? When my boss told me they asked him to make engineering services, out of office positions and he turned them down because "he would lose his mind if he didn't get out of the house"... oh man... never wanted to cut someone so bad.

I want an in the office job with the option to telework. I would go stir crazy if I were always home, but being able to work from home when its snowy/icy or rainy or I am overly hungover or what have you would be nice.

Sounds like he may not like SWMBO or something. Worklife may be his panacea for his homelife.
I want an in the office job with the option to telework. I would go stir crazy if I were always home, but being able to work from home when its snowy/icy or rainy or I am overly hungover or what have you would be nice.

Sounds like he may not like SWMBO or something. Worklife may be his panacea for his homelife.

I typically work from home on Fridays. My wife works odd hours based on the OR schedule on a given day, so she's home a lot during my work hours.

She has a hard time with that system though, wanting to talk/be around me while I'm 'working'. The fact that I travel Mon-Thurs does not help either...
Yeah, this all the way. How do you even get such a thing? When my boss told me they asked him to make engineering services, out of office positions and he turned them down because "he would lose his mind if he didn't get out of the house"... oh man... never wanted to cut someone so bad.

I want an in the office job with the option to telework. I would go stir crazy if I were always home, but being able to work from home when its snowy/icy or rainy or I am overly hungover or what have you would be nice.

Sounds like he may not like SWMBO or something. Worklife may be his panacea for his homelife.

I'm currently working two jobs. Day job is in an office, 8-5 M-F. It's soul crushing at times.

Night side-job is essentially the same job, but a different company, and I do it from home on my own schedule (contract work). I actually find I'm much more productive.

I can't go 30 minutes at Day Job without checking in to see what you boobs are up to, but at Night Job, I'll often work for hours without a break. It also helps not having employees, emails, phone calls, etc constantly interrupting my train of thought.

I'm hoping to transition to full-time work-from-home in the near future, if I can swing it.

Definitely have to set some boundaries with SWMBO though. When I'm working, she's not allowed to bother me.

Edit: coffee

Finding it increasingly difficult to leave the house in the morning when I have to say goodbye to this face now.
Coffee until I get to go home and enjoy some gifts from Gavin C.. who is apparently impossible to tag.

Oh wow your in trouble. How could you leave that poor girl alone.

Water. Trying to find motivation to start the day, maybe after I catch up on ash vs evil dead.
More coffee. Why does it always seem when you're out for a couple of days, people lose their minds and send the most idiotic and banal emails? It's going to take me all morning to get through this...

My method - take all emails when you were out and put them in a folder and move on. If it was really important, when they question you about it, you can dig it out. 95% of those emails never get opened.

Office coffee.
My method - take all emails when you were out and put them in a folder and move on. If it was really important, when they question you about it, you can dig it out. 95% of those emails never get opened.

Office coffee.

Wow, that method would have me missing all sorts of important ****. People email me once and don't really follow up because they know it's going to get done.
Coffee at work. I almost feel bad for sitting here sending out job applications while at work, almost.
Wow, that method would have me missing all sorts of important ****. People email me once and don't really follow up because they know it's going to get done.

my company has an issue with CYA emails and 'informational' emails. i'll get 130-150 emails in a day that don't get automatically filtered to a folder, with maybe 5 that I need to respond to. I'm not sorting thru that crap when I'm outta the office sick or on vacation.

Stuff that needs to get done goes on 1. Helpdesk or 2. the project management tracker for longer complex projects.


Jealous. You mfer. Look at you all fancy like with special bottle baskets making all of us jealous. Jerk. I kid, well. Mostly.

my company has an issue with CYA emails and 'informational' emails. i'll get 130-150 emails in a day that don't get automatically filtered to a folder, with maybe 5 that I need to respond to. I'm not sorting thru that crap when I'm outta the office sick or on vacation.

Stuff that needs to get done goes on 1. Helpdesk or 2. the project management tracker for longer complex projects.


Ugh. I wish it was only 130-150 emails a day I have to sort through. I must delete 200-300 emails a day. Then there are the two other mailboxes that need monitoring. I must look through/review 500-800 emails a day. Then again, I am part of the Helldesk. And account creation/management teams.
Jealous. You mfer. Look at you all fancy like with special bottle baskets making all of us jealous. Jerk. I kid, well. Mostly.

Ugh. I wish it was only 130-150 emails a day I have to sort through. I must delete 200-300 emails a day. Then there are the two other mailboxes that need monitoring. I must look through/review 500-800 emails a day. Then again, I am part of the Helldesk. And account creation/management teams.

Time to let the emails pile up.
Goose island IPA

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