[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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find the ino file to put there
In my version, the Ino is automatically uploaded to the Arduino so you don't need to do anything with it.

However it is in the Arduino directory where you placed Rpints (i.e. /var/www/Arduino)
In my version, the Ino is automatically uploaded to the Arduino so you don't need to do anything with it.

However it is in the Arduino directory where you placed Rpints (i.e. /var/www/Arduino)

What... for real, that's awsome! So I just connect it with USB after connecting the flow meters to any random GPIO's and it just works!
just the nginx config to get php to run my quick research and example configs didn't work.

My thought is to put RPints on a sub directory so the URL would be
Cool. I've attached the nginx.conf and default site. Let me know if that does the trick.


  • nginx.zip
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any random GPIO's and it just works!
make sure to configure the GPIO on the tap list page on the admin screens

Also when you installed it should have prompted where you were connecting the Arduino, hopefully you set it to USB.
Also after you plug in you may need to restart the service because the upload only happens on startup
from the terminal
sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon restart
its read only..dont know why
Security is the reason its left read only, but feel free to make it writable
from the terminal (assuming defult /var/www/html directory)
sudo chmod +777 /var/www/html/styles.css

or the whole directory
sudo chmod +777 /var/www/ -R
make sure to configure the GPIO on the tap list page on the admin screens

Also when you installed it should have prompted where you were connecting the Arduino, hopefully you set it to USB.
Also after you plug in you may need to restart the service because the upload only happens on startup
from the terminal
sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon restart

that's so freaking awsome, yup selected USB but was worried when it only mentioned that other board typ (alamode? something) I might have missed this somewhere in all the posts but is there a easy way to calibrate the pulses/L. Still waiting for the YF-S401 to arrive in the mail!
Security is the reason its left read only, but feel free to make it writable
from the terminal (assuming defult /var/www/html directory)
sudo chmod +777 /var/www/html/styles.css

or the whole directory
sudo chmod +777 /var/www/ -R
Thanks for great support!
easy way to calibrate the pulses/L
not yet, trial and error are the only ways now.

I should add an option to correct a pours amount then calculate the pulses from there, but that will be when I get time to work on it.
I wonder if someone can give me a pointer or two. After installing RandR+ 's version I navigated to the install page on the Pi (xxx.xxx.xx.xx/install/).
I left the database server and database fields at their defaults.
I entered "phpmyadmin" for the Root User and entered the password that I created during the installation of the phpmyadmin packet for the Root password.
Finally, I filled in the fields to create my Rpints management account for adding and removing beers.
I clicked submit and received the following:

Validating Entries...Success!
Checking DB connectivity...Success Connecting to Database!
Checking config folder permissions...Success!
Update config files...Success!
Update admin config files...Success!
Creating RPints database...
Cannot Create new Database[raspberrypints]: Access denied for user 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost' to database 'raspberrypints'
Cannot USE Database[raspberrypints]: Access denied for user 'phpmyadmin'@'localhost' to database 'raspberrypints'

Please press the back button on your browser to fix these errors.​

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help!
"phpmyadmin" for the Root User
When you say install, do you mean ran the installer script? Or do you mean got from git? If you run the installer then there is no need to run the install page, just navigate to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to see the list and xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin/index.php for the admin login

phpmyadmin doesn't have the correct permission to do any create database that is why it fails. you need to use a run user, BUT on the latest MariaDB root is disabled by default so the only way to gain root is to do "sudo mysql " from the terminal then create a user and grant full privilege to it
When you say install, do you mean ran the installer script? Or do you mean got from git? If you run the installer then there is no need to run the install page, just navigate to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to see the list and xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin/index.php for the admin login

phpmyadmin doesn't have the correct permission to do any create database that is why it fails. you need to use a run user, BUT on the latest MariaDB root is disabled by default so the only way to gain root is to do "sudo mysql " from the terminal then create a user and grant full privilege to it

Thanks for getting back to me! I should have been more clear, I ran LBussy's script and selected the Rand R+ version. The script ran without errors. I was under the impression that following the script, I needed to generate an admin username and password to be used on the Rpints Login page (xxx.xxx.xx.xx/admin/index.php) by filling out the information on the "Welcome to Raspberry Pints" page found at xxx.xxx.xx.xx/install.

If I don't need to do the above, how do I create a username and password for the Rpints Login page? After typing "sudo mysql", I dont know what to do next.

Did I mess something up while running the script, is that why I'm running into this issue?
If I don't need to do the above, how do I create a username and password for the Rpints Login page? After typing "sudo mysql", I dont know what to do next.

Did I mess something up while running the script, is that why I'm running into this issue?

oh something i can help with! Try to just leave them both blank when at the admin page and login. Once in you can head to "Drinker Accounts" on the left side menu and change the name and password of the current admin account in the top row. Don't think you need to do anything in the console at the start tbh

I'm not sure how to SSH into the pi tough, installed Randr+ with the script... need to enable wifi and can't find it in the GUI settings :D
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If I don't need to do the above, how do I create a username and password for the Rpints Login page?
For others reference the install script asks for admin user (default: admin) and password (default: [blank])
The prompts are
Admin Username?
Admin Password?
can I ask for a feature @RandR+ if it's not to complicated.
I'm planning to add a smaller keg with a continuous water lid, an option in the keg settings for a auto refill mode where it hides the amount left etc. but still counts pours made would be great.

Must say I love the software, easy to manage, loads of settings to personalize it and addons galore! I got my RFID reader yesterday and the flow meters, still waiting for the UNO but after that I'll mount it all up!

What's the recommendation on positioning the flow meters, keg/middle/tap of the beerline?
an option in the keg settings for a auto refill mode where it hides the amount left etc. but still counts pours made would be great.
ask and you will receive, I just committed the change. There is now a check box on the keg form (when editing a keg) for the continuous lid. If checked the keg will always be full, if checked and start amount on the tap =0 then the amount remaining will be hidden from the display list.
ask and you will receive, I just committed the change. There is now a check box on the keg form (when editing a keg) for the continuous lid. If checked the keg will always be full, if checked and start amount on the tap =0 then the amount remaining will be hidden from the display list.

Oh my god... do you have a donate link or something so I can give something back to you?

one last (I hope) stupid question, when connecting things like ds18b20, PIR and RFID is it the *wiring Pi pin* I should enter in the setup, or the physical pin or is it even the GPIO number?
btw, got a error message when upgrading?
Validating Entries...Success!
Checking DB connectivity...Success Connecting to Database!
Checking config folder permissions...Success!
Upgrading RaspberryPints...error in query 43[CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `vwKegs` AS SELECT k.id, k.label, k.k] [Unknown column 'k.hasContinuousLid' in 'field list']
can you post your code line here? cant get it right..

Here you go..Note that the line numbers might be slightly different in your files.

stle.css file
Line 106
h1 {
margin: 0;
font: Georgia;
color: #de6b32;
line 448
table thead th{
font: .65em Georgia;
color: orange;
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: top;
line 468
table h1{
color: orange;
font: 1.5em Georgia;
font-weight: bold;
line 461
table h2 {
color: #0ef32b;
font: 1em Georgia;
-webkit-margin-before: 0px;
-webkit-margin-after: 0px;
text-align: center;

This is actually line 125 of BeerlistTable.php and will allow you to fit in the bigger tap images.

if(count($imgs) > 0) $style .= ($style != ""?";":"").'background:url('.$imgs[0].') no-repeat center; background-size:cover; -webkit-border-radius:0px; -mox-border-radius:0px; height:100px; width:70px';
Only suggestion there are double quotes inside double quotes and single quotes inside single quotes. While these may be OK, it's easy to miss a needed quote. Probably better to use double quotes for the outside quotes and single quotes for the inside quotes.

Of course, double vs single quote have special meaning in php
i'm trying to update RandR+ version of rpints and am getting the following error:
Found /var/www/html in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default*.
Installing to: /var/www/html
/home/pi /home/pi
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.
Updating 1798cfb..0a11439

How do I commit my changes or stash them? I've also tried updating via the button in the install section of rpints configuration. It says it updated but I don't see any changes- I'm looking for the ability to get this working with plaato keg system (as discussed earlier).


nevermind. i got it updated doing the following:
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it worked great, i only had time to test it out a little. i was using an old pi so didn't bother setting it all up. i did get a pi 4 i'm going to set it up on ...... i'm also going to run craftbeerpi3 on with raspberrypints to control my whole brewery. when i'm not brewing i will us it to show the on tap menu. I'm currently working on getting craftbeerpi3 installed and running. then i will setup raspberrypints. in my test though it worked good on showing the keg level. maybe in the future pours can be added. Also the plaato kegs are working well for me and seem pretty accurate, I'm not having any of the ghost pours ppl are complaining about.

Where do I find the "device auth token" ? thanks!


i have to email them to get it?

Hey, @day_trippr - Is there an updated link to the above? The fundamental instructions on the raspberry pints website still say to install MySQL and that's no longer available per apt-get. I'd like to install a no-counter version first...
There’s a new website.
curl -L install.rpints.com | sudo bash

And if you can't remember that, look at rpints.com.
Mention what the admin user/pass are somewhere in the config script?
if you ran the install scrip it should prompt for admin user and password separately from database user and password.

Ill have to run it again to make sure and that the defaults are working
if you ran the install scrip it should prompt for admin user and password separately from database user and password.

Ill have to run it again to make sure and that the defaults are working

I had trouble updating prints as i noted above. I was able to get it updated but I lost certain settings.

One of the settings I lost was the brewery logo. I am unable to upload a custom logo. It returns error “sorry there was a problem uploading your file”. This problem persists even if i try and restore from backup.

Is there any fix or should i just do a clean install?

is there a better way to update?

IT appears that this was a permissions issue. Fixed it.
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if you ran the install scrip it should prompt for admin user and password separately from database user and password.

Ill have to run it again to make sure and that the defaults are working

I think I found a bug. On the taps that i enabled plaato ID: the beer style, %abv, calories, and OG are all empty.

Also, if it would not be too hard, is it possible to set it up so drinks remaining are only shown on taps that have a plaato auth token? For example, i have 7 taps but only 4 of the plaato keg systems. So i would like the ability to only show the drinks remaining image and gallons left on those taps that have the plaato keg system.
RandR Version
Mid January 2020 Install
Running great until a couple days ago.

Having issues with my 3B+ RPi communicating with my Inland Uno R3 (w/ ATmega328 and powered by its own 9V Source).

I’ve tried the Flowmon Stop, Upload INO, Flowmon Start
I’ve tried a hard reset of the Uno
I’ve powered down the RPi then shut down the R3 and restarted both.

no matter what I do, this is where my RPints log ends.

any recommendations on what to try next?


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