Using Star San as Insect Killer

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2016
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I know this is not a homebrewing topic but I just noticed that insects die almost instantly on contact with Star San. I had plenty of Star San in spray bottles that I normally use for brewing and one day by accident (curiosity mostly) sprayed a bunch of spiders in the back patio and they all died almost instantly. Not sure what’s the mechanism of action other than the phosphoric acid reacting with the insects outer shells?, whatever it is it works better than a professional grade pesticide and probably safer although now I question using it for making beer LOL..
Star San also works great at killing spotted lantern flies (if you happen to live in a part of the US that is infested with them).
Yeap, I sprayed one today, that’s what reminded me to post about this topic 😉

Recently, I tried using SS to kill fruit flies, and the effect was really good