using home grown hops

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
Pell Lake, Wis.
I want to brew a IPA using my cascade hops I grew last summer for the aroma and dry hops. Problem is I don't have a clue as to the IBU of these hops. Not sure how much to use . Should I weigh out an ounce or what. Any one have any experience at this?
The IBUs don't matter for flame out and dryhopping. I'd use about an ounce for dryhopping, wait a week, and then taste it. If it's not enough, add some more or let it go for another week.
I brewed a pale ale with HG cascade awhile back. I used an oz. at 10 min and an oz. at flame-out, 10 min. steep. Turned out really good.
Use the same amount you would of a commercially grown hop. The flavor/aroma oil levels vary much less than the alpha acid levels.
Out of curiosity, how have you preserved your hops? Did you harvest them, let them dry out, and then vacuum seal them? Or just go straight to vacuum sealing?
I have used my HG cascade for my last 3 APA's for flavor and aroma. Great taste and aroma. I judged them to be about 4% AA as an average AA of the hops I already had on hand. Not many left now.
There's always next year though.