Transferring wort from brew day

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Newark, DE
Ok, tried search but maybe I didn't search properly. We have a club brew coming up and I have to transfer the wort home to my conical. Done this several times but I was wondering:

Can I pitch my yeast and transfer the whole thing a few hours later or should I just cool the wort into the carboy, transfer that to the conical and then pitch?

I've never pitched before transfer and I'm wondering if this would be detrimetal? Will probably boil and all in the morning and transfer around 4-ish so it will be in the carboy for about 6 or 7 hours.

It's a matter of lag time. I have had fermentation get going within 3-4 hours and you would not want to be transferring your wort at that point. If you were talking 30 minutes I would say fine I guess... I just prefer to pitch the yeast it the vessel Im fermenting in or when I'm home.
I would pitch immediately. There's no reason not to. The timelines in question are not nearly long enough for any meaningful krausen to form. Any risk of aeration is irrelevant, since you'll be at the very beginning of fermentation and the yeast will reabsorb any oxygen added during "sloshing" while moving it.

Chill it, pour it into the carboy, aerate it, pitch the yeast, bring it home, and transfer it into the conical.

You want those yeast getting a foothold as soon as possible, so they can become the dominant colony. The risk of waiting a few hours is pretty small, but it's still a non-zero risk, and there's no reason NOT to pitch your yeast right away.
I'd wait until I had it in a stable environment and the wort was at the proper temperature for pitching and wouldn't fluctuate.
So we seem to be evenly split here. lol. I'm thinking along the lines that pitching and then dumping later shouldn't make much of a difference. (Plus it's a 6 or 7 mile ride home. There'll be plenty of sloshing on the way home)

A stir plate keeps yeast in motion and I have also read, finally found a thread, that higher gravity beers re-aeration is good to do after 24 hours or so. However this will be a Namaste clone. OG should be around 1.043-ish.

I'm thinking the yeast has yet to really do its' job so there shouldn't be a worry about left over o2. And temp isn't going to be much of an issue either because it's not like it will go from extreme temps. It isn't going to be lagered so fluctuation will be minimal like a cpl degrees at best.