Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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The navy... not just a job, it's cleaning the *navy term for bathroom* every day and having it inspected by the XO

Best way to get him in & out as fast as possible was to use so much pine oil his eyes would sting and he'd be forced to rush through
Oh, the memories! Field day-ing berthing and the head. One of my shipmates waxed the floor in the head to make it look nicer. Everybody nearly killed themselves.
I work with this jerk that's always coming in late, eats my food, never does anything so I end up doing it all last minute, he never cleans up his desk and he's always walking around the office in jogging pants! So unprofessional! Whenever I try to talk to him about it, he just starts copying everything I say like a child!!!

I went to HR about it...

My wife told me to take the mirror down...

Apparently I work at home...
I work with this jerk that's always coming in late, eats my food, never does anything so I end up doing it all last minute, he never cleans up his desk and he's always walking around the office in jogging pants! So unprofessional! Whenever I try to talk to him about it, he just starts copying everything I say like a child!!!

I went to HR about it...

My wife told me to take the mirror down...

Apparently I work at home...

I work with this jerk that's always coming in late, eats my food, never does anything so I end up doing it all last minute, he never cleans up his desk and he's always walking around the office in jogging pants! So unprofessional! Whenever I try to talk to him about it, he just starts copying everything I say like a child!!!

I went to HR about it...

My wife told me to take the mirror down...

Apparently I work at home...

Newest management techique, I'll have to remember this one day...

...when you have a staff member working through process for first time ever, on data that is pretty high priority short turn around...

...send the only subject matter expert to lunch. Like loudly walk into their cube and ask them if they have had lunch yet and then tell them the should go get lunch.
Newest management techique, I'll have to remember this one day...

...when you have a staff member working through process for first time ever, on data that is pretty high priority short turn around...

...send the only subject matter expert to lunch. Like loudly walk into their cube and ask them if they have had lunch yet and then tell them the should go get lunch.

Sounds like a good way to test for resume fraud :ban:
Admin once called the Operations Control Room to pick up a dead bird. Never mind the logic of taking an Operator away from the sole reason for our existence to discard of a dead Grackle. Their logic was, "It might have bird flu." Gee. Thanks.
Listening to my co-worker rant about her ex-husband. She is divorced and remarried, and has custody of their 2 teenage sons. Apparently he texts her constantly, alternating between insulting her, begging for a hook-up (he's also remarried, of course) and threatening her. He also accuses her of keeping their kids from him, when in reality they just don't want to be near him because he's such an a-hole.

My problems don't seem so bad in comparison.
Coworker: i know you are slammed, but here is a massive amount of work that i am pushing off on you. Let me know if i can do anything to help.
Me: ok, can you take care of xyz?
Me: hey i'm about to wrap this up, did you finish xyz?
Coworker: no, i've been busy.
Boss: Hey, we have a lot of work coming in so I'm going to hire 2 new people.
Me: Ok, do they have any CAD or Revit experience?
Boss: oh, it will be great. They are both recent engineering grads
Me: So they don't have CAD/revit experience
Boss: They'll go to the 3 day Revit class then you can get them up to speed, It should only take a couple weeks.
Me: It takes a while for people to get proficient.
Boss: It will be great. They'll be able to help you.

Me to new guys: What kind of drafting experience do you have?
New guys: I've seen Solidworks in school.
Me: Any AutoCad or revit?
New (idiots) guys: I'm aware that it exists
Me: Awesome

Boss: (a couple weeks after new guys start) Hey why is this wrong? Why isn't this done? You need to make sure they are doing this stuff right.

Me: (in my head) What do you want me to do? Train these 2 new guys that have no clue, work on the job that needs to go out, or spend hours trying to decipher your sh!++y markups?
Who told you it was a good idea to hire 2 new "engineers" fresh out of school that have never used a CAD program and don't know a thing about construction? Guess it didn't occur to you that I'm going to have to spend so much time training them and fixing their screw ups, that it's actually making everyone less productive.

Me: (to new guys) Why did you do that like that? That's wrong.
New guys: Well (boss) said to do this.
Me: If you don't know what you're doing, ask. I don't expect you to know this stuff, so you need to ask me rather than just do whatever you think is right. (Boss) doesn't even know how to open AutoCad, let alone Revit, so you need to ask me how to accomplish what he is asking of you.

Back to babysitting. Rant over for now.
Back to babysitting. Rant over for now.

Still hiring?

We're about to go through this. They wanted me to train the 60 year old sales guy, who still has a flip phone and barely turn on his computer. I tried. He got way too frustrated and couldn't draw a stick figure house.

Now they want to hire fresh out of school engineers. Same thing.
I need to get out asap.
Back to babysitting. Rant over for now.

The girl I'm dating is trying to hire a medical assistant.

Apparently it's now commonplace for people to put selfies on their resume. :eek: When did that become a thing? I mean, this is a job that requires a certification. It's not barista at Starbucks or waiter at Hooters. Stand on your credentials and experience, not your duck-face selfie!

And if you actually get someone to *show up* for an interview, they're already way ahead of the game. She had someone who was supposed to come in for a working interview (2nd interview!) yesterday who just flaked. Basically I think it was at the point that if the person did okay in the working interview, she'd have gotten the job. And she didn't even show up, or call, or anything.

It's sometimes amazing how far you can get in the world by simply:

  1. Showing up.
  2. Doing your job.

When did those become optional?
Still hiring?

We're about to go through this. They wanted me to train the 60 year old sales guy, who still has a flip phone and barely turn on his computer. I tried. He got way too frustrated and couldn't draw a stick figure house.

Now they want to hire fresh out of school engineers. Same thing.
I need to get out asap.

There just might be a BIM/drafting manager position opening up soon. I'm trying to get out of northern Virginia and the working remotely idea doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

I didn't even mention the somewhat new "engineer" that works in the DC office that I'm somehow responsible for. She's an hour away, how do I know what she's working on/screwing up? Oh yeah, we also have a 60 yr old that struggles through autocad, at least he can draw a stick house.
Oh yeah, we also have a 60 yr old that struggles through autocad, at least he can draw a stick house.

Nothing against the age, I know a few older gentleman that could school me in CAD. This guy, never touched it in his life and said "I can do that... have him teach me". And screw them for thinking so little of my position, that I could teach a guy in a few weeks what I've practiced since 6th grade. Get out of here.
The girl I'm dating is trying to hire a medical assistant.

Apparently it's now commonplace for people to put selfies on their resume. :eek: When did that become a thing? I mean, this is a job that requires a certification. It's not barista at Starbucks or waiter at Hooters. Stand on your credentials and experience, not your duck-face selfie!

My wife is a medical assistant. Her office has a policy of no facial tattoos, crazy hairstyles, excessive piercings, etc. I could see offices requesting a picture with the application to weed out the people who don't meet those standards.

Now...if the applicants ate voluntarily deciding, "hey, wanna see my cute club pics?" without any prompt from the employer, then I don't wanna live in this world anymore.
Nothing against the age, I know a few older gentleman that could school me in CAD. This guy, never touched it in his life and said "I can do that... have him teach me". And screw them for thinking so little of my position, that I could teach a guy in a few weeks what I've practiced since 6th grade. Get out of here.

You're right, it's not an age issue. The lady that taught me most of what I know drafting and AutoCad wise was in her 60s and had been drafting for 30 years, starting with pencils. She knew pretty much everything regarding drafting and autocad. Now she did get frustrated when it came to Revit, but that's just because you gotta be a little more honest when using Revit.
a coworker, who owns an iPhone, just asked me to print him "mapquest" directions.
to a decent sized town right off an interstate exit that is an hour from us.
a coworker, who owns an iPhone, just asked me to print him "mapquest" directions.
to a decent sized town right off an interstate exit that is an hour from us.

Make sure he doesn't miss the one rest-stop on his way. He might need a nap.
Mapquest? Really?

not even google directions.
mapquest. feel like its 2002 over here.

all the technology in-capabilities aside, to get to the place he wanted to go, you literally get on one of the largest interstates in the US, drive west for an hour, and get off at the exit that is labeled with the town's name.
My wife is a medical assistant. Her office has a policy of no facial tattoos, crazy hairstyles, excessive piercings, etc. I could see offices requesting a picture with the application to weed out the people who don't meet those standards.

Now...if the applicants ate voluntarily deciding, "hey, wanna see my cute club pics?" without any prompt from the employer, then I don't wanna live in this world anymore.

It's the second one. :(
It's the second one. :(

Ugh. :smack:

Well, then I have to go back to your question of "how did this become a thing?" Like, who did this and had successful results that others were inspired to follow suit?

I did find THIS, which makes a little more sense...basically a video version of a cover letter. I can then just hope that some dipchit misunderstood the term "resume selfie" and thought their duckface pics would suffice. In that case, at least the employer would know which applications to throw out first.
It's sometimes amazing how far you can get in the world by simply:

  1. Showing up.
  2. Not setting anything on fire.

When did those become optional?

FTFY. Seriously, this was the minimum at one job I worked...most folks failed one or the other.
I was wondering if anyone would catch that. :D

Caught it too. ;)

Coworkers in the building next door are trying to take our per diem staff person who is filling in for someone using a planned vacation day tomorrow because someone over there called off for tomorrow. Not gonna happen. They had advanced notice, and my building shouldn't be punished by being single staffed.
Who told you it was a good idea to hire 2 new "engineers" fresh out of school that have never used a CAD program and don't know a thing about construction?

I think the whole construction industry is infected with this thinking. We are a subcontractor and I don't think a day goes by when we don't have to explain to a GC why he is an idiot. It seems to be worse, the bigger the company. We were on a $450m project and every single one of our contacts at the GC's office was a freaking intern!
FTFY. Seriously, this was the minimum at one job I worked...most folks failed one or the other.

Had to laugh at the setting things on fire. Reminded me of a Maitenance worker who used to work here. Grinding near a bucket of solvent, sends a hot spark into sad bucket igniting it. Runs all over the shop looking for a fire extinguisher that was right behind him to begin with. Inserts end of extinguisher into bucket and sprays. Needless to say flaming solvent sprayed all over shop which promptly was out out. Then noticing bucket still on fire inserts end of extinguisher and repeats spraying flaming solvent all over Maitenance bay. Can't imagine why he no longer works here.
Had to laugh at the setting things on fire. Reminded me of a Maitenance worker who used to work here. Grinding near a bucket of solvent, sends a hot spark into sad bucket igniting it. Runs all over the shop looking for a fire extinguisher that was right behind him to begin with. Inserts end of extinguisher into bucket and sprays. Needless to say flaming solvent sprayed all over shop which promptly was out out. Then noticing bucket still on fire inserts end of extinguisher and repeats spraying flaming solvent all over Maitenance bay. Can't imagine why he no longer works here.

I'm visualizing that scenario right now, with Yakety Sax playing.
I hate that HR will confront me now and then about not clocking out for entire lunches.. being +/- a minute on a 30m break. Sorry, I got **** to do. Yet, every salaried person in here comes and goes as they please. Ex: Boss left at 11am today to go downtown for lunch. Two hour lunch? Sure. I don't take a full 30m and get scolded.

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