Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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The people I work with are extremely lenient. They just fired one of our designers for calling in once a week, claiming vehicle troubles despite having a 2015 Subaru. The lies did the person in. I don't even call. I'll text him "yo mad hungover, if want me, ill be there after lunch"... usually just get back, "lol idiot". Honesty is what got me the job, lifes too short to lie.

i've noticed a trend in our industry...... people are getting tired of the BS/lies/avoidance/blaming.
Much to the owner's chagrin, I am brutally honest with clients...."yeah, you can't have that **** by then, not possible. BUT, I can give it to you on XX" They seem to appreciate that. And when myself or one of team screws something up, I go to the client and own it. "hey, we f-d this up, but, we're going to fix it, and I'll let you know when it's done." You'd be surprised how much they appreciate that, and when it's time for another project, we're getting much closer to the top of the list.
i've noticed a trend in our industry...... people are getting tired of the BS/lies/avoidance/blaming.

Its pretty amazing. I didn't have a good excuse, so just told him I was hungover. Got a kick out of him laughing at me for it. It does help that I had a few beers with my bosses boss, one day, and he told me he calls in "sick" to go golf all the time.

So. Its pissing rain right now. We work in a steel building. You can tell its raining because you can't hear yourself think its so loud in here.

"Woah... is it raining?"
"Wow its really coming down!"
"Holy crap, hope you brought a boat to work! lololol"

Last hour. About to start laughing maniacally from my office to freak them all out again.
Its pretty amazing. I didn't have a good excuse, so just told him I was hungover. Got a kick out of him laughing at me for it. It does help that I had a few beers with my bosses boss, one day, and he told me he calls in "sick" to go golf all the time.

So. Its pissing rain right now. We work in a steel building. You can tell its raining because you can't hear yourself think its so loud in here.

"Woah... is it raining?"
"Wow its really coming down!"
"Holy crap, hope you brought a boat to work! lololol"

Last hour. About to start laughing maniacally from my office to freak them all out again.

I was asked to turn in a vacation request for 15 minutes this morning.
I got in at 8:15 because I had to drop my son off at school and they don't allow drop offs until 7:45.

I still haven't turned it in.
Might just let this one escalate and see how far it goes.
Me: "So I have read all the documentation that is posted for this, and still have questions. Can you help?"
Them: "Sure, no problem, here is a site with all the documentation posted."




5:1 he calls out sick again within the next four weeks, 10:1 that sick day is a Monday or Friday

There's a 40% chance people are going to be sick on a Monday or Friday.

You know, as a sick person I have to say, I can't help it.

I have a horibbly deviated setpum that leads to horrific sinus infections (puss in the sinuses) and I have at least a few headaches a month. I mean like, I can't see out of my right eye. I'm blind. I go smell blind, but it's not as detrimental to work.

On top of all that my life has several emergencies each and every month without fail. Emergencies that aren't my fault despite their repetition.

Really though, lets go back to the 20 hour work weeks...of feudalism. That's right, when you were serf (nice term they came up with for someone more than a slave, but less than a person) you worked 20 hours a week.

Think you're truly free? You're not. None of us are. I love it, but invisible walls make it harder to understand your limitations.

And I'm babbling...sorry...have a headache.
i've noticed a trend in our industry...... people are getting tired of the BS/lies/avoidance/blaming.
Much to the owner's chagrin, I am brutally honest with clients...."yeah, you can't have that **** by then, not possible. BUT, I can give it to you on XX" They seem to appreciate that. QUOTE]

I've taken to telling people "I can tell you a lie that will make you happy, or the truth which will make you upset, which would you like?"
Ok, love venting on this thread!

Coworker has called out sick today so and does frequently on Mondays/Fridays so I searched in Outlook and came up with the following days he has called out sick:
Monday 4/27 April
Friday 5/29 May
Monday 6/29 June and Tuesday June 30*
July out on vacation 2 weeks through the end of the month
Friday 8/14

* - Now I think it was the June time, he was legitimately sick as he sound horrible when he came back on Wednesday. This made me think ok, maybe its just a coincidence. He has been fine all week and it just so happens he falls ill on a Friday. SMH.

The real question is given this pattern, will his next out period be on Monday August 31st or will he wait a full 4 weeks to get sick again?

We had a gal who was on short term disability for years. She knew how to work the system. You have to be off of STD for a certain amount of weeks in able to re-qualify and not have it go to FMLA where your own PTO is used. Sure enough, she would come back for a few weeks, then boom, another "injury" that allowed her to come in and sit on her a$$... Best part is, her shift is only 2 days a week! After a bunch of management changes, they started picking up on the trend. Hell, even when she was cleared to work, she was horrible. Literally took two lunches one night and watched me and other person drown with patients while she sat there and ate for over an hour. She ended up resigning a few months later.... I havent got a confirmation from my supervisor, but its pretty evident it was a "you can resign or you can be fired"
i've noticed a trend in our industry...... people are getting tired of the BS/lies/avoidance/blaming.
Much to the owner's chagrin, I am brutally honest with clients...."yeah, you can't have that **** by then, not possible. BUT, I can give it to you on XX" They seem to appreciate that. And when myself or one of team screws something up, I go to the client and own it. "hey, we f-d this up, but, we're going to fix it, and I'll let you know when it's done." You'd be surprised how much they appreciate that, and when it's time for another project, we're getting much closer to the top of the list.

Now this is exactly what I would want from a company that I am doing business with.
i've noticed a trend in our industry...... people are getting tired of the BS/lies/avoidance/blaming.
Much to the owner's chagrin, I am brutally honest with clients...."yeah, you can't have that **** by then, not possible. BUT, I can give it to you on XX" They seem to appreciate that. And when myself or one of team screws something up, I go to the client and own it. "hey, we f-d this up, but, we're going to fix it, and I'll let you know when it's done." You'd be surprised how much they appreciate that, and when it's time for another project, we're getting much closer to the top of the list.

Now this is exactly what I would want from a company that I am doing business with.

I agree with you two, when I get BS lines I just call and ask for updates every morning. Hell I am trying to be their fist call of the day! :D
Eh. I get ten hours of sick time every month. I'll only get to cash out 20% at retirement. If I retire with 40 years of service without utilizing sick leave benefits, I've paid a lot of money to show up for work. :p
Eh. I get ten hours of sick time every month. I'll only get to cash out 20% at retirement. If I retire with 40 years of service without utilizing sick leave benefits, I've paid a lot of money to show up for work. :p

If I don't use my 120 hours vacation and PTO per year, it vanishes. Guess who takes every Friday off in November and December.
They cut our PTO earnings and now give you 7.2 hours (on 12 hr shifts) of PTO to use if you work the holiday in your PTO bank ( IF you dont work that holiday, you have to suppliment your own PTO with the 7.2 hrs to make up for shift pay). You have to use that PTO time within two weeks or they put it on your paycheck.

Ive called corporate and complained about it bc its BS that I cant use my PTO on my time. Im off at the end of the month, but my July 4 gained hours have already been paid out (and they F'd it up already)... All so the whole corporation can "balance" their payouts... Ridiculous
They cut our PTO earnings and now give you 7.2 hours (on 12 hr shifts) of PTO to use if you work the holiday in your PTO bank ( IF you dont work that holiday, you have to suppliment your own PTO with the 7.2 hrs to make up for shift pay). You have to use that PTO time within two weeks or they put it on your paycheck.

Ive called corporate and complained about it bc its BS that I cant use my PTO on my time. Im off at the end of the month, but my July 4 gained hours have already been paid out (and they F'd it up already)... All so the whole corporation can "balance" their payouts... Ridiculous

I don't understand any of this. Every January, 120 hours show up on my check, and it's a countdown from there. I get quite a bit of flex because I'm on call 24/7, so I bleed hours at a glacial pace. If it isn't scheduled, it doesn't get docked.
I don't understand any of this. Every January, 120 hours show up on my check, and it's a countdown from there. I get quite a bit of flex because I'm on call 24/7, so I bleed hours at a glacial pace. If it isn't scheduled, it doesn't get docked.

Only salaried employees get theirs banked like that. Hourly employees earn at a given rate (a certain rate for 1-5yrs, 6-10yrs, and 11+). We used to earn a great deal. Now its horrible since we merged with another company. Hence, why they cut our accrual and give us a "chunk" if we work that specific holiday. It doesnt make any sense. And it screws a lot of people. We have been screwed a bunch the past few years (no raises, a certain % of total employee cuts, etc) and now they are re-hiring to fill said positions. Ive been on an exit strategy for the past 6 months.
Only salaried employees get theirs banked like that. Hourly employees earn at a given rate (a certain rate for 1-5yrs, 6-10yrs, and 11+). We used to earn a great deal. Now its horrible since we merged with another company. Hence, why they cut our accrual and give us a "chunk" if we work that specific holiday. It doesnt make any sense. And it screws a lot of people. We have been screwed a bunch the past few years (no raises, a certain % of total employee cuts, etc) and now they are re-hiring to fill said positions. Ive been on an exit strategy for the past 6 months.

Yeah, I'd bolt. I've been with my company 15 years though.
Yeah, I'd bolt. I've been with my company 15 years though.

Had some bites recently, just hoping something falls through. Its funny, my buddy and I joke about going back to construction ( we both work ~6 yrs to pay our way through college) because it took care of us, we were paid well, there was no BS, and we were taken care of...
Yet again, the boss is off for the week, and the money is off. Why does this always happen the week he is on vacation? Please, count the friggen' money before you leave me in charge of it!!! :mad:
We get our entire shift off, paid for jury duty. We can also take a vacation day with 30 minutes notice and PTO at any time we wish. I let my guys use vacation for sick time since we buy back PTO at 1/2 rate, double if you don't use any at all.

Because they're people first and workers second.

Heck yea! I can fill in for my crew any day, I expect my boss to fill in for me as well. PTO is earned....
Calls Cecil the lion Cecile.

Other than that and a few other things the says a bit funnily she is all good.
Personal Time Off.

Where I work (local gobblement) we get 12 paid holidays, 12 paid sick leave days and anywhere from 11 to 21 paid vacation days per year depending on time served. You can accrue unlimited sick time (I have about 1700 hours - after being off three months following surgery)and cash out up to 500 hours worth at retirement with the rest counted as time served in calculating retirement. You can keep up to two years of vacation time on the books but won't accrue any more.

We were "offered" PTO instead of SL & vacation. It would have been about six days less than the current total and would be capped at 500 hours accrued. It was questionable whether time accrued would add to our pension but they would cash it out at retirement.

The only up side was, in theory, your supervisor couldn't question you too close when you took the time off. Sorry - a jack@$$ supervisor is not going to change their ways and if they want to give you grief over time off they will no matter what you call it. It was a bad deal and nobody went for it.
Where I work (local gobblement) we get 12 paid holidays, 12 paid sick leave days and anywhere from 11 to 21 paid vacation days per year depending on time served. You can accrue unlimited sick time (I have about 1700 hours ....

I was talking with my uncle (works for state of NJ, no he's not Chris Christy) about this this weekend - said about the same. Blew my mind: 1700 hours of sick time (he has 1500)- thats 42.5 weeks!
Our country is the same way lots of sick time and pensions ate based off last 2 years of work. Drives me nuts some people do nothing for 18 years and only put in 2 of what they should have to get the cushy benifits at the last chance.
Rant over, back to some HB Beer. Wish this keg would kick to make room.
My work's PTO only benefits the slackers that call off regularly. If we don't use it, we lose it. However, in our work environment, calling off only screws your coworkers... surprisingly, the only person who never loses her PTO (anything over 40 you lose on your anniversary) is the same person who calls off all the time. It's just not right...
I'm leaving my job in two weeks but I got all my PTO dropped in my account on July 1. Use it or lose it. I'm trying to take as much as I can, but I still actually have work to do.
Gave the intern a meaningless task to draw some basic parts, since nobody is utilizing him. I felt bad. If I'm bored, he's gotta be ****ting himself trying to look busy. Now he's interrupting my bosses quiet time with trivial questions. Its a beautiful thing.

I may have to send him back to the machine shop to find a spare welding pencil to get him to bug someone else.
My company had an unlimited* sick leave policy. The problem is that we are required to hit a number of billable hours for the year. My project I am only allowed to work 40 hours per week (which is awesome) but that means to take all my vacation and holidays I only get 3.5 sick days to hit my billable numbers, anymore sick time and I theoretically lose vacation. Luckily I don't normally have to take more than a couple days a year
Gave the intern a meaningless task to draw some basic parts, since nobody is utilizing him. I felt bad. If I'm bored, he's gotta be ****ting himself trying to look busy. Now he's interrupting my bosses quiet time with trivial questions. Its a beautiful thing.

I may have to send him back to the machine shop to find a spare welding pencil to get him to bug someone else.

Get him to design a left-handed smoke shifter.
Get him to design a left-handed smoke shifter.

One of my old roommates, who worked in a landscaping/interlock company, gets newhires to run around for the day trying to find that darned brick stretcher. Everybody "just saw it", so it's around somewhere...
My Mom and stepdad got together when I was about 18. He was old school Navy (60's era) and asked me to go grab a left hand wrench. I just started laughing, and he said we'd get along fine. He had a whole list of fools errands that he said they'd harass all the young'uns with.
If they'd get their mortar joints right from the start, they wouldn't need the dang brick-stretcher! Ah, noobs...

100 feet of flight line
A bucket of prop wash
Relative bearing grease

The most evil one I heard of was from friends who worked at a supermarket during high school. They had the new guy going up and down the salad dressing aisle shaking the bottles because they needed to keep the contents from separating. He actually did it!