The Dysfunctional-Palooza Obnoxious Masshole BS Thread

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With one notable exception I've never had a BBQ'd pig anywhere, anytime that wasn't just flat out delicious.

I'm trying to remember where that horrible BBQ experience occurred but fortunately I've managed to block that terrible memory.

(Shuddering at the hidden buried memories of that horrible day that keep trying to peek out. Go AWAY!!!!! Bad Pig!!! GO AWAY!!! We don't like your kind.)
I don't know how pitchers don't lose it. Some of these calls are total BS. I'd be freaking out and yelling.

No kidding... there are some a foot outside the zone that are called strikes and ones in the zone called balls. Of course there is a uniform difference in those calls...

Edited next morning to add: Are you kidding me, INTREFERANCE CALL?!?!?!?!!
A) I suppose that by the technical terminology of the terms, it was, but to use it* in that spot as a game ending call? A rule that I don't think I've ever seen called in all my years of watching baseball???
B) for the second game in a row, a bad throw to third loses the game. Game 2, they should have held the ball at home, conceded the run (at the time to tie the game up) and let the guy sit at third. Take your chances with the batter coming up.
Last night they also had the force at home. Didn't see the situation at first, could they have tried that double play? IF not, Salty should have held it, play is over. Kozma hasn't been hitting well this series, take your chances with him.

*and for the second week in a row, a Boston team loses because of an obscure rule invoked, that I constantly see being broken.
I know, I know, tuck rule, Patriots 2001.
Yep. I thought it was real nice of the Krafts to let a local high school team come out and play the first half for the real team...

The first half and halfway through the third everything was going the 'Phins way... from then on every bounce was going the Pats way.
Last week Pats were warm in the first half and the walking dead in the second.
Hopefully they'll play a full sixty minutes one of these days...

Sox tie the Series 2-2!
What a great way to end the game - a pickoff with the tying run at the plate! Awesome!

And how hot is Ortiz? Loved that he picked the team up tonight!
Hope the momentum swings solid to the Sox for tomorrow's game...

Sox tie the Series 2-2!
What a great way to end the game - a pickoff with the tying run at the plate! Awesome!

And how hot is Ortiz? Loved that he picked the team up tonight!
Hope the momentum swings solid to the Sox for tomorrow's game...


No kidding. Of all the ways for this game to end, that was the last one I expected.
Lester tomorrow...
day off then back in Boston for game 6, whatever happens. That would be Wednesday, I think?
After the way game 3 ended, you pretty much have to be ready for anything :drunk:

Yes, game 6 & 7 would be Wednesday and Thursday.
One way or the other, the World Series ends in Fenway Park...

Can we agree that unless there's a laugher on either side, we've seen the last of Breslow this season? Three trips to the mound, totally ineffective, and caused me a metric crap ton of angst each time. Sheesh.

Otoh, how 'bout every other Sox pitcher tonight? From Buch getting through a solid four innings (wow - did I just say that?) through Dubront...and then Tazawa, and then Lackey - of all people - with a shut-down inning, and Koji wrapping it up. Farrell did a great job managing this insanity.

But I think the key to the game may be Ortiz's fifth inning Knute Rockne moment in the dugout. Whatever he said to the team, it sure seemed to change things for the better...

the_Wife asked me during last night's game (and I couldn't really answer) if Buch looked any better before he grew the beard - since right now, he looks like a drowned rat.
yeah... I fell asleep in like the 5th I think... it was interesting reading about it this morning though.

I heard an interesting break-down of demographics on 98.5 the other morning... they were talking about how baseball is in decline compared to popularity and the theory was that the trend is going to continue since the average age of the baseball "fan" is so much older than NFL, NBA, & NHL. Which, in this thread, kind of makes sense. (glancing at Paul)
Turning towards Cape and asking, 'Do you go to bed each night thinking up ways you can make yourself sound stupider the following day? It's working for you. Congratulations.'

And you actually listen to 98.5 in the morning? Who does that? Their demographic is teenaged boys and n'eer do wells living in their mothers basement.
Ummm. Which part was stupid? The part where i said baseball's average audience is older than the other sports ( which is true) or that you're old (also true).

.... and whattsa mattah? 98.5 too "young" for you??

"Baccccck in myyyyy day... We listened to Johnny Most! Annnnnd we LOVED it!!"

What's great about this is how few times Uehara has actually had to use his pickoff move this year; I mean, it's not like he gives up a lot of baserunners.
Turning towards Cape and asking, 'Do you go to bed each night thinking up ways you can make yourself sound stupider the following day? It's working for you. Congratulations.'

And you actually listen to 98.5 in the morning? Who does that? Their demographic is teenaged boys and n'eer do wells living in their mothers basement.

Perhaps he's hinting on a preference...
Never was a big basketball fan, always sucked at the game as a kid. But on the rare occasions when I did listen to a game I will confess to enjoying Johnny Most. I was driving home from NH listening to the game the night he dropped a cigerette and set his pants on fire. Ordway almost died laughing. That was some funny sheet. And we loved it.
Never was a big basketball fan, always sucked at the game as a kid. But on the rare occasions when I did listen to a game I will confess to enjoying Johnny Most. I was driving home from NH listening to the game the night he dropped a cigerette and set his pants on fire. Ordway almost died laughing. That was some funny sheet. And we loved it.

Johnny's most (see what I did there) memorable moments are the overplayed "Havlicek steals it!!", the "Oh my, I lit my pants on fire", and my personal favorite: when the C's played that Croatia team and he couldn't pronounce any of their names...

But of course the Bird steal in '87 was the best of them all..

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