Strangest thing that fell in your wort

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
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My father-in-law was helping me brew yesterday. We had some chips and snacks sitting on the table next to the brewstand. I was in the process of collecting wort, when I noticed he had "accidentally" dropped a peanut into the wort.

I was supper pissed, as a peanut flavor is not what I want in a Berliner Weisse, but figured it'd be ok because it was "pre" boil.

Anyways, it got me thinking, this would be a good topic. Whats the weirdest thing you ever had dropped into your wort?
Not dropped in, but no matter how much I sanitize and rinse and visually inspect... I often find a dog hair in my primary, sometimes before the wort goes in and quite often as I am siphoning into a secondary... dog hair is juts part of my life now.

Maybe, I will call my brewery the "Hair of the Dog Brewery"
Not dropped in, but no matter how much I sanitize and rinse and visually inspect... I often find a dog hair in my primary, sometimes before the wort goes in and quite often as I am siphoning into a secondary... dog hair is juts part of my life now.

Maybe, I will call my brewery the "Hair of the Dog Brewery"

Someone already beat you to it.
I was fly sparging with a short length of hose that kept wanting to flip out of the mash tun. A guy that was helping me, laid a 12" cresent wrench across the top of the mash tun to hold the hose in place. I hear "ka-plop" and was a bit surprised when I fished the wrench out because I didn't know what he'd done. That beer is now a regular in my keezer... "Rusty Wrench Red Ale". And just to make it authentic, I still use the wrench as a mash paddle (not really, but that's the story)
One of my digital thermometers feel into my post-boil wort while I was chilling...

Also one close call we had at least once was when we were brewing in the garage in the winter, then opened the uninsulated garage door more and collected puddles of condensation on the garage door were close to the chilled pot.
A brush that I use to clean my cast iron skillets with. I used to hang it from an overhang above the sink. During my very first batch the hook that held the brush came loose and my cast iron cleaning brush that I never wash except with hot tap water went plopping into the wort. It was mortifying. I was absolutely convinced that the batch was ruined. However beer and yeast prevailed and a nice Irish Ale was consumed.
This wasn't necessarily into the wort but they were in my airlock. I was fermenting an IPA in my mini-fridge, then on bottling day I found a half dozen or so fruit flys (I think that's what the little bastards are called) in the airlock. The beer tasted fine so I guess the airlock succeeded in keeping the bad stuff out.
Broken glass...lots of it. I had a rather drunken brew night with a friend once (or twice). We got hungry and cooked a frozen pizza on a Princess House cookie sheet (glass). It was cooling on the stove next to the brew pot. I intended to turn on a back burner to boil a bit of water for my the front burner under the pizza instead.

Suddenly we smelled something burning and I realized what I did. I turned off the burner and as soon as I turned around the glass exploded. What a mess. I still continued my boil but left a good bit in the pot when I racked. We also filtered it all through a strainer just to be safe.
I don't know what it happened, but I found a complete three-piece airlock in the trub after racking a beer. It's obviously too big to have fallen though the little grommet on the lid of the bucket, so I still don't know how it got in there.

Let's see, what else? Oh, I was using a clamp to hold my racking cane, and that fell in. And one time a dirty screwdriver fell off the counter and went right into my nice new batch of beer. :drunk:
Not dropped in, but no matter how much I sanitize and rinse and visually inspect... I often find a dog hair in my primary, sometimes before the wort goes in and quite often as I am siphoning into a secondary... dog hair is juts part of my life now.

Maybe, I will call my brewery the "Hair of the Dog Brewery"

I always find a damn cat hair in my mash water. I try and fish it out but I figure it'll get stuck in the mash anyways. I don't really notice cat hair any other time but that's probably because my cats' hair is fairly close to the color of the wort.

Freakin cats.

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