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Honu is a Pale Ale/NEIPA I've brewed a few times featuring columbus, mosaic, centennial, and nelson sauvin. I made the label using a still image from GoPro footage I took snorkeling in Hawaii. QR code links to the GoPro video.


I used ChatGPT to generate the image for this year's Christmas beer with nectaron hops.


Here's a draft of an AI designed label for my latest NEIPA with Columbus, Citra, and Mosaic. On the same trip to Hawaii that I snorkeled with the turtle in the Honu label, I went snorkeling with Manta Rays at sunset. It was an amazing experience. I have footage, but it's pretty dark and won't work for a label so I used ChatGPT.

Manta Ray-1.jpg

Edit: When I first started trying to make labels with AI, I would ask GPT to create a beer label. It'd often display an image that included a beer bottle or can with text that didn't make sense. It's still pretty bad at creating text in an image. I didn't start having success until I started asking for the images without mentioning it's for a beer label and then adding the text in Photoshop.

Here's the prompt used to generate this:

"I need an image that is wider than high. It should be a manta ray swimming near coral reefs in Hawaii. It should be at sunset with a nice sky and stars. Half of the image should be under water showing the manta ray. The other have above the water showing the sky."
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After a frustrating hour+ spent gluing my plain-paper color printed labels with milk for adhesive onto 24 bottles (xmas gifts!), I'm looking for alternatives!

What's everyone else using? I'm leaning towards Avery labels (where I just upload my image and they take it from there)... But those are pretty expensive. 🤔
I buy Avery Presta 94248. They are 3.75 inches by 3 inches. I find these work well on most bottles, vertical or horizontal. They are the ones on draft pick porter, above. I buy them on their site. They come 6 on a sheet. You download their 94248 template for printing. Like anything, they are cheaper the more you buy. I buy 100 sheets at a time, 600 labels. Comes out to about .13 per label. They have different surfaces. I buy the durable white film. I’ve found these work great with my inkjet printer and have some water resistance. I would not soak them but they tend to not run. When you put them on look for the seam line that is created when they made the bottle and use that to line up your label. When you’re done these almost always come off in one piece with a little finger strength.

Avery also makes a label that is one sheet, 8.5” x 11”. You can use these for any non standard sizes or shapes or to make neck labels, etc. Make your own document 8.5” x 11”, fit as many as you can and cut them out with scissors. You might have to score the back to peel off the label. I use an old Xacto knife. Works perfectly

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Trying to figure out AI creation.. Funny otherwise

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I usually just generate an image. Then I use photoshop to add the text. For my main logo I have a blank photoshop template that already has that in place. Then I just add the image and text to it.

I used to put a lot of work into my images, but now with AI I just use that. I'll put effort into the beer, but I just want a label to put on my tap handle to know which handle goes to what beer. I got tired of spending hours on a label with 3d art (it used to be another hobby of mine). But I still want it to look cool 😁
Well this is fun!
From looking at others’ i need to include more info on my labels. 🤔
Minimum I put the name of the beer, the kind of beer it is, and the alcohol %. Because I think those things are important for someone who didn’t brew the beer to know what they are drinking. You can include ibu if you want. Most of the breweries do. If you have enough space you can write a description and include info about grains and hops used. If you really have space you can put the Surgeon General Warning.

Font is Vicious Stencil as always, picture is AI generated, name of the beer Wreszcie means At last. Lekkopiwian Belgianu is some sort of funny memesque version of "belgian light" so can be grisette/ table saison (field worker on the right), as well as patersbier (monk on left) since one fermenter runs on Abbaye, other at Farmhouse yeast, both from LalBrew
