Well-Known Member
Context: I brewed an american IPA which had an OG of 1.064 and calculated IBUs of 77.9 (including whirlpool additions). The beer turned out great and did very well in comps. Now Im wanting to scale this up to a double IPA with an OG of 1.075, and Im seeing some things that Im getting confused about. Ideally, I want the same percieved bitterness as my American IPA was. I use Beersmith. What beersmith is showing me is if I simply up the OG from 1.064 to 1.075 and don't keep the IBU level (ie the absolute volume of hop additions remains the same ) the BU:GU ratio obviously drops from 1.210 to 0.958 BUT the calulcated IBUs also drops to 71.8. So as OG increases and hop additions are unchanged, the calculated IBUs also goes down. was always under the impression that if you put a 60minute addition of a hop in for 20IBUs, this should still be 20IBUs regardless of gravity but the BU:GU ratio will obviously go down with increasing gravity. So beersmith seemingly adjusts the absolute IBU level when gravity changes but hop additions stay the same. If I target the same BU:GU ratio of 1.210 from my american IPA (OG 1.064) and adjust my double IPA (OG 1.075) to achieve the same ratio, my IBUs for the double IPA will be 91.3.
Concern/Question: I'm not sure if I should focus on upping the absolute IBUs vs the BU:GU ratio to accomplish this. These two variables seem to not be linear with each other. Will targetting the same BU:GU ratio really leave the perceived bitterness when drinking the beer the same? This is my goal: up the OG and keep the same perceived bitterness. Seems there are multiple moving parts here and me not knowing WHY Beersmith (or likely other calculators) lowers the absolute IBU level when gravity increases is a bit of a mystery to me. So BOTH the BU and GU change at the same time and not one staying the same while the other changes.
Now I will shamelessly tag others who have given me great advice on HBT but others are also and always welcome to chime in... @Dgallo @wepeeler @secretlevel @ihavenonickname
Concern/Question: I'm not sure if I should focus on upping the absolute IBUs vs the BU:GU ratio to accomplish this. These two variables seem to not be linear with each other. Will targetting the same BU:GU ratio really leave the perceived bitterness when drinking the beer the same? This is my goal: up the OG and keep the same perceived bitterness. Seems there are multiple moving parts here and me not knowing WHY Beersmith (or likely other calculators) lowers the absolute IBU level when gravity increases is a bit of a mystery to me. So BOTH the BU and GU change at the same time and not one staying the same while the other changes.
Now I will shamelessly tag others who have given me great advice on HBT but others are also and always welcome to chime in... @Dgallo @wepeeler @secretlevel @ihavenonickname
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