Rest after dry hopping

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Jun 15, 2022
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South San Francisco CA
So, I am at work and watching different Youtube vids. The Apt Brewer is one of my faves, so I was watching one where he was doing a WCIPA. He said something that got me thinking. I always try and time my dry hop addition so that I can package the beer within 3 to 5 days after dry hops are added. He made a comment regarding removing the dry hops and letting the beer age. This is something I had never thought about and could improve my timing and how I do things. Does anyone else do anything like this? Remove the hops and let the beer age further before either kegging or bottling?
After trying several different strategies to dry hop WCIPA, I've settled on a cool-ish temp with a short (48 hour) duration.

I've been cold crashing to 40F for a few days after fully ferment to drop yeast out of suspension, then adding dry hops at 60F x 2 days only. After 48 hours I'll transfer to keg with fining for cold conditioning. 2 weeks or so in the keg conditioning.

This has given me the best aromas, without any vegetal add or hop bite.