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Very cool. How do you date something like that?

Brew on :mug:
It's well established regional geology. France is where much of the original geological knowledge was acquired centuries ago. Our house is on Cretaceous shallow water deposits, less than a mile away is a fault that splits much of western France. On the other side of the fault is the older Jurassic Period. As a retired geologist I research the geology wherever we travel, some people call me a nerd but I don't care.
Split-Ear may be pregnant
Fun fact; A PET scan really does make one radioactive. I'll be interested to know how long this lasts, they told me 8 hours, but I doubt many of their patients have the means to test themselves.
It's about a 2 hour half life for FDG, but your body is also getting rid of it in the natural ways that bodies get rid of stuff.
You're currently emitting antimatter, which is pretty cool.
Fun fact; A PET scan really does make one radioactive. I'll be interested to know how long this lasts, they told me 8 hours, but I doubt many of their patients have the means to test themselves.

View attachment 866275
Drink water and eliminate it. I hope the results are what you’re looking for.
it's like a mini push-mower FOR YOUR FACE!

I would love to TRY IT

but $130 is too much for buyer's remorse

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It's about a 2 hour half life for FDG, but your body is also getting rid of it in the natural ways that bodies get rid of stuff.
You're currently emitting antimatter, which is pretty cool.

And I thought antimatter was a semi theoretical construct in cosmology, somehow obliquely connected to the theory of relativity.

But I read on line "it is used being used in medical field". I gathered while talking to the med-tech that whatever isotope(s) I was prescribed to be injected with is likely to react with certain types of cells to produce a detectable affect, not that the guy said so in those words.

"Fascinating captain".
And I thought antimatter was a semi theoretical construct in cosmology, somehow obliquely connected to the theory of relativity.

But I read on line "it is used being used in medical field". I gathered while talking to the med-tech that whatever isotope(s) I was prescribed to be injected with is likely to react with certain types of cells to produce a detectable affect, not that the guy said so in those words.

"Fascinating captain".
It's just, for instance, a positively charged electron, or positron, being the "P" in "PET scan".
Yeah, I knew the P was for positrons, but I still don't know really what that means, to be honest with you, even though I can put the word in a sentence. ; ]
Man, just the concept of thousands of homes and businesses totally destroyed by wildfire is hair-raising even from the opposite coast. While this was going on we were having some high winds ourselves and I was thinking there's still bound to be some moron outside with a wood fire toasting mashmallows and watching the sparks fly :oops:

We don't have the housing density - far from it with 2 acre zoning and even way bigger actual lots here - but because of that the entire area is covered enough by forest with a high canopy if it ever got caught up there's no telling how far it would range...and we haven't had dick for rain here since September...

I'm a big fan of web cams for practical applications. Like, showing me what's happening inside my ferm chambers right now - without having to trek downstairs :)

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I still need to get help making a pi zero 2w and its camera be a webcam attached to Brewpi or stand alone. I keep starting and stopping, but there always seems to be something to do.
Back in 1972 my parents took my little brother to a swim/diving meet in Memphis, 2 hours before it started snowing in Mobile. By 4 AM when the oak tree outside my window split in half taking out our electricity, we had 4 inches of wet, heavy snow that completely shut Mobile down for 2 days. My sister and I had to hammer firewood of the frozen woodpile to keep the house slightly above freezing. Bama is not the best place to be caught in a snowstorm.
first winter I lived in Atlanta, they got 3 inches over 2 days & it shut the city down.

they are just unprepared. didn't help the snow would partially melt during the day, freeze at night.

only people on the road were just me & my buddies from Hollywood, MD, with a bunch of drunk rednecks bumperskiing/skitching on the sides & back