OK, so I will start by saying I have very little knowledge on this at all. I bought some of those test strips that shows PH as just a fun attempt at seeing where I am. After the boil I tested my PH using one of those test strips. It seemed to be the color of about 6. After doing some more reading, I have found this to be a bit on the high side. Of course with that said, I have also read those strips are not the most reliable to use either, but they were cheap and I figured why not give it a try. Just a bit more info on this brew. I forgot to add the Campden tab in the water before I started, just a brain fart on my part. I have used them in the last few brews so I am wondering if that might have affected the numbers? But, when I first started I did not use them and I don't notice anything different than what I am getting now. Also, I overshot my OG by about .005 from 1.049 to 1.054. I did not think that was a big deal, and to be honest I am a bit happy because that means I got more out of the mash than I expected. I set my efficiency at about 71% I think, so maybe I am in the 75% area? Also, I transferred my grains to a cooler and sparged them in about 3 gallong of 170 degree water for about 15 mins to get a little more out of them. Not sure if that has anything to do with PH or not. I am trying to wade in the baby pool of water chemistry, and I figure the PH side of it is the best place to start. Any input is welcomed.
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