Passion...about beer that is :)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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San Diego CA
So I work in a emergency room in Boston MA. Im in school for nursing. I am 27 years old. Most people I work with if you asked them about me will tell you I like to make people laugh and smile as much as I can. In the line of work I and others are in you need someone like me where we work.

Its kinda late here on the east coast right now but I wanted to post this thread for awhile. The reason I put the topic as "Passion" is because most people I talk to at work ask me why I am working where I am and not working in a brewery or opening up my own place. I then tell them how hard it is and explain to them that I just love good beer and love brewing it.

People are funny. Most people I work with tell me that after talking to me for more then 20 mins they will want to grab a beer after work, even if they dont like beer I will make them want to go have one just because of the way I speak about it. People come to me all day long saying "Brian...what should I try out there besides Miller light and the rest..." I then try to explain my reasons why I drink different beers and brew them.

Bam...Pow....Bang...they are hooked. Sooo many people have no idea what taste is out there or what you can create in your own home. They start to ask me sooooooo many questions and thats when I send them here online and to Charlie's books.

I love talking about beer and brewing it as most of you do. The main reason I started this thread is that soooooo many people I know drink crap beer all the time because they dont understand what is out there for them to taste. Let me tell you this...I work with a guy from Puerto Rico, he likes light lager brews. I had him go out and try a few beers with me a few weeks back. The main brew was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I explained to him how to drink it, taste it, enjoy it. He F'n fell in love. I told him about the history about microbrews, brewing and craft ale. Hahahahaha guy wants to brew with me in the next few weeks. Did not even know you could brew good beer at home.

The main point I am trying to make here is that the passion we all have is amazing on this website. I thank you all for bringing that out everyday that you post here. Every chance you get to talk about beer with people...DO IT!!! Most people will fall in love and want to talk more about it with you.

Wow I think this is the longest post I have ever typed here...Im going to bed.

- Brian
I found it rather amazing how people react when they find out your a homebrewer. Very positive, even from the BMC crowd. I try to stay away from the beer snob attitude as much as possible. But sometimes you do run into a handful that say some pretty silly things. For instance my own father who I work with daily always gives me **** about how I never make him "Bud Light". Its pretty tough to argue the fizzy water argument when people are so passionate about the stuff. :drunk:

I also keep a "The Family Tree of Beer Styles" poster up on my office wall. I have a small branch drawn out of "Pilsner" with a box called "Swill". Its high lighted bright yellow. When I get confronted on how awesome Bud Light is I calmly point to the box and say, "this is you". Then their eyes light up when noticing how insignifigant there little yellow box is in the huge family tree. This strikes up many interesting conversations, and I have even gotten requests to make copies for them to show their friends.:tank:

But anyhow, I like being passionate about beer and love spreading anything I learn here and otherwise to the masses. The saddest part of my life however is that out of everyone I know, only 2 people will stray from light BMC. :(
I also keep a "The Family Tree of Beer Styles" poster up on my office wall.

Is that just this printed out or does somebody sell a nice (maybe even color) version as a large poster?

And Brian, great post about beer evangelizing. I've converted a few people myself. Most were already wine people and just hadn't considered really enjoying beer. Living in AB land has something to do with that. With some 'splainin and sampling, they quickly saw how much complex and interesting beer is out there and really started enjoying it on its own rather than seeing it as ice cold, fizzy water to be had with pizza and wings. It's a good feeling.
Great post :mug: I was in this little family market in a small town that had THE best selection of craftbeer per sq ft of space that I'd ever seen. So I was at the counter and I complemented the cashier on their beer selection and told her I did some homebrewing and she just gave this big smile and told me about her aunt who built a home recently and had a room built just for brewing. People, so far, have been very responsive to the homebrew concept.
This is the only hobby I've had that I've felt passionate about since childhood when I built models on a daily basis for about 5 years. Either I can't get into things or I'm just plain lazy, but this hobby trumps all that.

I consider it a good thing that I'm annoyed that I won't have the time to brew for awhile. It's eating me up. :(
As young person, I know many people who know hardly any differences between types of beers, or even basic alcohols. I myself took a bartending course during spring break last year so that I could stop myself from being one of the ignorant. Now that Im brewing I find more people (friends) asking me questions about differences in beers, which in turn is a challenge for me to keep learning!

When I was at Harpoon Brewery in Wilder, VT last year I saw a really cool "beer spectrum" poster that was more like the periodic table of elements and I was itching to buy one...alas they were out of stock
Great post! :mug:

I know you're busy with work and school, but since you have the passion for it, have you considered teaching a beer appreciation tasting class through your school districts adult ed, or through a neighborhood beer store?
Actually, Bud Lite is pretty amazing stuff! In it's own way.

I was afraid someone might say that after I already posted. I just want to go on record and say that I do believe there is a place for light lagers, my stomach just isn't one of them. :mug:
Great post! :mug:

I know you're busy with work and school, but since you have the passion for it, have you considered teaching a beer appreciation tasting class through your school districts adult ed, or through a neighborhood beer store?

That would be a great idea...but time sucks right now.
Is that just this printed out or does somebody sell a nice (maybe even color) version as a large poster?

And Brian, great post about beer evangelizing. I've converted a few people myself. Most were already wine people and just hadn't considered really enjoying beer. Living in AB land has something to do with that. With some 'splainin and sampling, they quickly saw how much complex and interesting beer is out there and really started enjoying it on its own rather than seeing it as ice cold, fizzy water to be had with pizza and wings. It's a good feeling.

Ya I wrote this after going to a brewpub last night. I was looking around the place the whole time I was there and said to how much I love beer and everything that goes with it. So I came home after a few pints and had to post here :)
I wanted most to read this as others on another thread just have no clue what they are talking about right now so maybe they will see this thread and actually get what I am trying to say... :)
Great post. I have people in the building I work in stop by all the time asking me about what type of beer to get, I'm pretty flattered when it happens. I think the thing with BMC drinkers isn't that they don't want to try other beers, a lot of them are intimidated by the sheer number of other options out there.
Ya I think some are just scared of prices too. They like spending 15-20 $ on 30 beers instead of spending 20$ on 2 12 packs

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