Old beer ingredients ok?

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Active Member
Dec 7, 2012
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I got an Amber beer ingredient kit a few years ago as an Xmas present and just recently got back into brewing again. Its been sitting in a dark cupboard all this time, the kit is composed of a plastic bag sealed with liquid malt extract, and 2 vacuum sealed packs of hop pellets, no grains or anything. Its for a 5 gallon batch. I threw out the original yeast long ago but recently ordered some muntons dry yeast and was planning on giving it a try, unless anyone can think of why not to. Does this liquid extract go bad after a while? Its probably about 3-4 years old. I'm assuming the hops should be fine since they're a preservative themselves, is that right?
Beer gets better with age. Ingredients, not so much. Better Ingredients = Better Beer. But, if you got he space and time, give it a whirl.
I'd brew it. Like said above, it might not be the tastiest brew ever but it'll still be beer. Enough to get you going again.
Sooner or later during your brewing life, you'll brew a crappy beer. Might as well get the first one out of the way. You may also surprise yourself and and it might be good. I had some initial Mr. B failures, but kept brewing anyway. (They said it was daft to build a castle in the swamp...Monty Python)
It might turn out so-so, in which case you'll still have some decent lawnmower beer. Or maybe it will be great. A pig in a poke. You already have the ingredients, no additional expense, aside from the fresh yeast. Go for it.
I whole heatedly agree! I bought a Cooper's OS Lager can from the lhbs,& got it home with some other supplies for my next beer. Finally remembered to read the date on the can...it was 2 years old.
Long story short,it turned out great,but not the light colored lager wannabe it was intended to. More like a session version of Salvator doppel bock in color & flavor. I named it "Summer Ale" before seeing/tasting it in the glass. I should've waited & named it "Cougarator".
Anyway,I sent a couple bottles to Gary at Home Brewer TV,& got the full three thumbs up against a commercial beer. And it was only my second brew! There's a pic of it in my gallery if y'all wanna see.
So never say never...it could turn out great,just not what it would've been had it been fresh.:tank: