Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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Cape, you obviously don't understand the meaning of "trash talking". First, it's my "team=awesome, your team=suck", now this? Don't bother taking the time to remove your mouth from Thom's cock to blabber in this thread, because your trash talk is nothing but FAIL!
I'm sorry I cant hear ya'll through the roar of THREE Superbowl wins in my adult life, 21 wins in a row, the team of the decade and an undefeated regular season.

Oh I know they lost the big game due to three fluke plays in a row but PLEASE give me a call when one of the teams you are emotionally involved with wins 14 Mmmkay?

Kinda sucks huh? Looking up all the time strains the neck doesnt it?
I lived in Dallas when they won three super bowls in the 90's. It's cool - I'll definitely give you that. Enjoy it while it lasts because its coming to an end. You can count on it.
I lived in Dallas when they won three super bowls in the 90's. It's cool - I'll definitely give you that. Enjoy it while it lasts because its coming to an end. You can count on it.

Maybe but you gotta give the Patriots this, our owner isnt a meddling fool who thinks he knows more about football than the guy who brought his franchise to glory.

Jerry Jones is a fool, I bet he gets busy in Burger King bathrooms
Cowboys haven't really been HORRIBLE since their last glory days. I mean, they were 5-11 for three seasons in the beginning of the 1990s, but even with all of Jones' meddling and a few dumb moves, they've basically been a .500 squad this decade and a fair amount better than that since '02.

One thing that the Pats do that ought to make them be able to transition to the post-Brady years is always picking up those future draft picks. I mean, what's that pick we got for Seymour going to be? Next year's Oakland first rounder? We could well be drafting the QB of the future and letting him learn behind one of the all-time greats for two or three seasons. I'll be shocked, SHOCKED if that pick is outside of the top 5. St. Louis might still be worse than Oakland next year, but you know Oakland's going to be horrible again.

I fully expect that the Pats, post-Brady, will be a mediocre squad for a little while - but I've got a lot of confidence that they won't stay mediocre for long.
Cowboys haven't really been HORRIBLE since their last glory days. I mean, they were 5-11 for three seasons in the beginning of the 1990s, but even with all of Jones' meddling and a few dumb moves, they've basically been a .500 squad this decade and a fair amount better than that since '02.

One thing that the Pats do that ought to make them be able to transition to the post-Brady years is always picking up those future draft picks. I mean, what's that pick we got for Seymour going to be? Next year's Oakland first rounder? We could well be drafting the QB of the future and letting him learn behind one of the all-time greats for two or three seasons. I'll be shocked, SHOCKED if that pick is outside of the top 5. St. Louis might still be worse than Oakland next year, but you know Oakland's going to be horrible again.

I fully expect that the Pats, post-Brady, will be a mediocre squad for a little while - but I've got a lot of confidence that they won't stay mediocre for long.



Stumbled across this site:http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ken-carbone/yes-less/penalty-nfls-helmets-kick-season-unneccessary-blandness
The guy doesn't like a few NFL helmets and gives his suggestions on replacements. I would love it if the Patriots were playing in these helmets that he suggests:

LOL That's amazingly bad. The one that he does for the Redskins looks like a cross between a tar and feathering and the Eagles. I wish I had some knowledge of Photoshop, I think that I would be fun to mess with some teams helmets. Get rid of that crow on the Ravens helmet for example.
That helmet reminds me of Evel Knievel, Easy Rider and this guy

Wheres my helmet Balboa!


3 minutes of GOLD right here:
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So, the Broncos beat the Patriots.

The Redskins beat the Broncos.

Therefore The Redskins > The Patriots.
All I got to say is this... some great teams lost his weekend; steelers, cowboys, broncos. So I feel everyone should write off this weekend as an underdog weekend. Especially those f'ing packers (im a cowboys fan if you cant tell).

The Pats offense had put up almost 500 yards up offense up until that point and also at that point int he 4th, Manning was marching up and down the field at will.

So what are your odds? Are your odds better that you're going to get 2 yards on offense or stop Manning in a two minute drill, regardless of where he is on the field, to win the game? Belichick thought he had a better chance of getting two yards.

Was is a bad call? Obviously in hind sight it was since it didn't work but it's not the thing that cost them the game. They lost the game because the offense got completely shut down in the 4th and the defense couldn't stop the Colts... at all.

Tough loss no matter how you slice it. The Pats had the game in hand and it slipped away. We'll see 'em in the playoffs and see how it plays out then.
Agreed. The decision to go for it on 4th down was ballsy, but the Colts were going to score whether they got the ball back at the Pat's 30 or at their own 2 yard line. Peyton's a helluva player, he was absolutely clicking, and the Pats were worn down on D.

Figured the odds of the Pats getting those two yards was about 70%; would have had it if Faulk didn't juggle the ball (Faulk's as sure-handed as it gets, bad time to bobble it). If they complete that play, they've won the game. They get those two yards more often than not.

Figure that if they punt the ball, the Colts have a >>50% chance of going down the field and scoring. BB knew that. He knows that his best matchup (by far) is Brady/ Welker/ Moss/ Faulk against the Colts' D. Manning versus the Pats' D... not so much.
As a Pats fan, I'm disgusted but there is some justice in Belichick's out-thinking himself. You have to play smart football there, regardless of how little trust you have in your defense. At that point, NE's offense was doing nothing so I'd say the odds were better that Manning might make a mistake.

Shoot, giving him all of 28 yards to work with is just stupid. At least make it somewhat challenging. That was just stupid football, pure and simple.
Me neither. I haven't heard anybody say that. And I agree that he has to go with what he feels gives them the best odds of winning (ldo). So it's not just the odds of getting the first down...there's also non-zero odds the Colts don't score even if the Pats go for it and fail (Colts don't score 100% of the time even from the 28). And there's always the chance of a blocked punt, bad long snap, punt return for TD, etc. if they do punt it away but that's offset/cancelled by the muffed punt return, fumble, holding penalty during return, etc.

But even with all that I still think you have to punt there. I think people are way overstating the likelihood the Pats get that first down. It's not the same as any other garden-variety 4th-and-2 because there is zero long-threat, the Colts can purely defend for a 2-3 yard play and don't have to worry about long plays whatsoever. It's no where near 70% imo.
Yeah, justify the sweaters decision all you want, you still lost.

And, you might see them in the playoffs, but if you do it will be in Indy again.
And another thing: the Pats are going nowhere with that defense. Nowhere.

Combined record of the teams NE has beaten: 20-33. Only two of them have winning records.
Combined record of the teams that have beaten NE: 19-8. And that includes the hapless Jets and that moronic big mouth Rex Ryan.
However, I think my Jaguars made an even stupiderest decision to kneel at the 1 yard line WHEN THEY WERE BEHIND! Too many things can go wrong...take the sure points imo.
However, I think my Jaguars made an even stupiderest decision to kneel at the 1 yard line WHEN THEY WERE BEHIND! Too many things can go wrong...take the sure points imo.

That was absolutely brillant. It was 1 point and the odds of something going wrong while taking a knee and kicking an extra point is next to nothing. You see a 1 minute scoring touchdown drive much more often.
Quote from another message board, this pretty much sums up my feelings about it:
My point is that going for it down there like that is a selfish, arrogant thing to do. After his team had played it's ass off against an awesome Colts team, he more or less took the game out of the players hands, and put it into his.
Speaks VOLUMES about the man, and not the coach, imho.