Noob ringwood issues

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Hey guys,
Been doing a lot of research today and can't seem to find any advice for my issue.

Brewed a DFH 60 minute extract clone on Friday, 5 gallons. I admit I screwed up and out of laziness didn't make a starter. Well not as much laziness as having 1 small kids. Anyway instead, I pitched 2 wyeast 1187 ringwood smack packs. They swelled nicely in the 24 hrs I let them sit.

The boil and cool down went great. No issues. I even used the brewvint yeast fuel, brewvint alcohol boost and whirlfloc. Smoothest brew session I've had to date.

S.G=1.070. Serious stirring of the wort before the pitch. Have it sitting in a large bucket of water around 69 degrees since.

Now I sit 48 hrs later with nothing. No airlock activity after 45 hrs so I checked gravity and it's still at 1.070. Gave it another vigorous stir.

So now what? Heard mixed reviews on ringwood.

LHBS isn't open til Tuesday if I want to get dry yeast. If you do reccomend dry, what type sf05? And if so how much of it?

Please help. Pretty discouraged that it was a really smooth night but it looks shaky at this point.
You did underpitch your yeast, but that is not an issue to prevent still quite a few healthy yeasties from getting to work here. Every yeast has different attitudes, some start faster than others. My first reaction is RDWHAHB.

One thing to consider here, since fermentation hasn't kicked off is to remove the airlock, put your sanitized finger on the hole, and shake the hell outta the fermenter. A stir is not enough to aerate the wort. Shaking for a few minutes is. Replace your airlock and give it time. (If you really wanted to pitch more yeast, pitch another smak pack of ringwood)
Finally saw a little activity this morning. Took it out of the swamp cooler last night so maybe the ambient temp rise plus the vigorous stirring yesterday got it moving.

Now, so I keep it at room temp (72) or put of back in the cooler around 68 now that there has been some life.
I would personally put it back in the bucket of water with a frozen 1 liter bottle, swapping twice a day to get you around 65 or a little lower. That is just my preference. If room temp is 72, the temp inside the fermenter can be anywhere from 5-10 degrees higher. Once initial fermentation is done, then letting it warm up a little over 70 would be good.
Just sounds like a slow start to me. Probably not a well aerated wort so there will be significantly lag time. I'd expect you to see normal activity in the next day or so.... Could also just be a super slow fermentation- I've had repitches (at proper rates and we'll aerated) take two weeks to go through primary. Just let it go and put it back on the cooler if you notice elevated temps... You're going to create esters at 72 though...
Watchout for diacetyl with Ringwood. Especially, with a high temp and a low pitch rate. It will clean up but it will need some time.
Almost 2 months later and this is the best beer I've made by far. So happy with the results. People are begging for more. It's a good feeling.
RDWHAHB really needs to be written somewhere in my home. Thanks for all the advice.