NHL 2009/20020 Season - Drunken Trash talk Allowed

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Fleury is a much netter deal than Sundin right now, Sundin's Value dropped last year significantly, and he thinks he is god now and only works on his own time. At least Fleury is out working his ass off, any team would benefit from his presence.
This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets a highly movable object.


I can't WAIT for hockey season this year, but I'm really sad that kessel got traded. Despite what the press said, I believe he is an awesome player and it was a poor decision to get rid of him.

Either way, I'm pumped. I will be going to the January 1 game in Fenway. I can't ****iing wait.
My god I went to the Wings/Leafs game with 30 med students who were Canadian. The Wings really didn't look good til the 3rd. It's like they finally woke up after sleep skating through the first two.

But geez I hate shootouts, and especially sudden death shootouts.
Shootouts should be confined to lining Bettman and some of the eastern owners up agaisnt a wall and firing at them with hockey pucks till dead.

I wouldn't be suprised if Sundin retires and canucks pick up fleury on the cheap.
Fleury just announced his retirement. Guess the legs just can't cut it anymore.

What does fleury mean in French? Flower boy?
I like shootouts! Why not have them for regular season games? Of course in the playoffs, it should be play till everyone is too tired to stand. The shootout is an exciting way to end a tied game. No more boring, "well, let's just share the point and head back to the hotel..."
I would expect this type of comment from the typical 'Wings fan. i.e. a bandwagoner who doesn't have much knowledge of the sport. Were it not for the team's recent successes, this type of fan wouldn't give a crap about the hockey.

I'm not saying you are the typical 'Wings fan, but you certainly talk like one...

The shout out is a farce. A good hockey team, just like a good hockey player, has a balance of offensive and defensive skills. The shoot out ignores this and puts all of the emphasis on offense. Additionally, hockey is a team sport. Team sports should not end a game with one-on-one competition.

If the only "excitement" you find in hockey is scoring, you should probably look for another sport. Try basketball or tennis.

What really chides my crotch (even more than bandwagon 'Wings fans!) is watching game highlights that include the shoot out. That just ain't hockey.

EDIT: How's that for trash talk?
Shootouts are stupid.
It's a shame when players bust their asses for 65 minutes to have the game decided by an all-star-like skills contest.
Keep that crap at the all-star game or in the minors so those yokels can eat it up.
I bet they LOVE shootouts in Peoria. Not sure about Rockford, but they love jangling cowbells the whole damn game and a stupid siren when the gloves come off. That's probably worse than shootouts. Stupid cowbells.
I would expect this type of comment from the typical 'Wings fan. i.e. a bandwagoner who doesn't have much knowledge of the sport. Were it not for the team's recent successes, this type of fan wouldn't give a crap about the hockey.

I'm not saying you are the typical 'Wings fan, but you certainly talk like one...

The shout out is a farce. A good hockey team, just like a good hockey player, has a balance of offensive and defensive skills. The shoot out ignores this and puts all of the emphasis on offense. Additionally, hockey is a team sport. Team sports should not end a game with one-on-one competition.

If the only "excitement" you find in hockey is scoring, you should probably look for another sport. Try basketball or tennis.

What really chides my crotch (even more than bandwagon 'Wings fans!) is watching game highlights that include the shoot out. That just ain't hockey.

EDIT: How's that for trash talk?

Wow, that IS a great trash talk! I'm not saying I'm a typical Wings fan, at least according to your inaccurate assumptions. I've been a Wings fan since before Stevie Y was a rookie, and was there tuning in on sat. when they were the "Dead Things". I see that their "recent" (if you call nearly 20 years of continuous playoff presence recent) success has made you hate them like a lot of other people. No matter.

My preference would be to play every game until someone scores a winning goal, but that is completely an unrealistic expectation during the regular season. Too many games, and too many late nights for the teams and people in attendance.

I've seen too many games where the teams appear to not be trying to win the game, and instead, would rather each take a single point. This disappoints the fans, who did not come to see either team give up on the game.

If you think the Wings have won out by the use of the shootout, I suggest you look at their success rate. Last time I heard, it was not very good.

So tell me again why the tie game ending is preferred??
So tell me again why the tie game ending is preferred??

To quote myself:
A good hockey team, just like a good hockey player, has a balance of offensive and defensive skills. The shoot out ignores this and puts all of the emphasis on offense. Additionally, hockey is a team sport. Team sports should not end a game with one-on-one competition.

When the game ends in regulation time with the score tied, each team gets one point. In case you haven't noticed, points are a big deal in the NHL. Playoff rankings are determined by points. A difference of one point at the end of the regular season season can mean playoffs or season over.

Your comment about teams "not trying to win the game," is inaccurate. They are playing to gain a valuable point. Inclusion of the shoot out after OT does not change this.

4-on-4 OT is awesome. But to award one team an extra point for an individual skills competition is a travesty.
4-on-4 OT is awesome. But to award one team an extra point for an individual skills competition is a travesty.

I can't believe I agree with you on this. And yes im a wings fan, born and raised in Michigan. And I root for the lions, tigers , and pistons. So get that "your a typical wings fan" outta my face!

Although being a goalie myself (and not much of one), shootouts make my stomach hurt, but their fun!
Well to each their own. I like the shoot out just fine. It doesn't happen that often and it gets the heart pumping.

What I think is a travesty is only giving them 5 minutes of 4-4 hockey. Why not a whole nother period of sudden death? 5 minutes is hardly enough time to decide a game. Probably wouldn't need a shootout if they had 10 or 15 minute OT periods.

I like how you said that because I like shootouts, that means that is the only exciting part of the game for me. Not sure why you figure that because I enjoy one aspect of the game, I should not enjoy any other aspect. As if they were mutually exclusive.

Oh well, I guess some people are just unable to cope with the Wings success, even in a cap system. At least I'm proud enough of my team to tune them in every game I can and proud enough to display their logo. Wait, what is your favorite team again?

We were talking about the shoot out.

Yeah. I remember that. It wasn't me who brought up the typical Wings Bandwagoner thing. I just assumed you were a typical RedWings hater due to your comments.

You probably see a lot more of the bandwagoners than I do, living out there in CA, while I'm living in the middle of the lower penninsula, where everyone I know is a long-time fan.
I am a hater, but not the typical variety. My disgust for the franchise dates back to the Norris Division and beyond. It is only surpassed by my contempt for the Hawks.

We were talking about the shoot out. It's just bazaar and typical for a 'Wings fan to play the 'Wings card in a discussion that has nothing to do with team allegiance.

Take that, you myopic octopus tosser!!
Allright, so...

What are your picks?

West Finals - Vancouver v Chicago

East Finals - Philly v Washington

Cup Finals - Washington over Vancouver.

take it to the bank

Vancouver = Luongo

Chicago = only team left standing from the central

Philly = Richards + Hartnell + Pronger

Caps = Ovechkin

If someone calls it better I will send you $1 and a liter of homebrew.
Still waiting to see what the **** Vancouver does as far as another big center. Sundin may have been past his prime but he was a big experienced guy in front of the net. Pyatt has the size but not the experience.

We've been shooting a live web feed for a BCHL (Junior) hockey teem (Westside Warriors) and I have been to busy to even pay attention to what the 'nucks have been doing. I guess I better catch up fast. Game 1 is tomorrow....er today.

I wish they would have booted the coach. He's to inconsistent. Just watch. It will be win streak, lose streak, win streak, lose streak.. ****.. it's like a fracking "forget me not"!

h, and for the record. Shootouts are lame. They were "offically" implemented to save time. But in fact they take as long as a full period most of the time due to set up etc.

A 10 min OT would be great. I suppose Bettman would never approve though. He'd probably go for a puck juggling contest though. Player who could juggle the most pucks for the longest period. :rolleyes: How the bless did that weenie ever get the gig as comish anyway. I think Mr. Bean knows more about hockey (and would probably be more competent to boot).
Opening day!
What are your picks for tonight's games?

I'm taking:
WSH over BOS
MTL over TOR
Sharks over Avs
CGY over VAN
I am a hater, but not the typical variety. My disgust for the franchise dates back to the Norris Division and beyond. It is only surpassed by my contempt for the Hawks.

We were talking about the shoot out. It's just bazaar and typical for a 'Wings fan to play the 'Wings card in a discussion that has nothing to do with team allegiance.

Take that, you myopic octopus tosser!!

I see! Some old-time hatred from way back? I can respect that. I remember when the Blackhawks took out the Wings a few seasons when my hopes were up. That's about the time I started hating on them too.

I just hope they crash and burn this season. With the adds they got, they should do well, but I'm hoping Hossa not only brings his curse, but has a lousy season and they leave in the first round.

It's going to be an entertaining season in the Central, except for the Blues of course. Meh...
Still waiting to see what the **** Vancouver does as far as another big center. Sundin may have been past his prime but he was a big experienced guy in front of the net. Pyatt has the size but not the experience.

We've been shooting a live web feed for a BCHL (Junior) hockey teem (Westside Warriors) and I have been to busy to even pay attention to what the 'nucks have been doing. I guess I better catch up fast. Game 1 is tomorrow....er today.

I wish they would have booted the coach. He's to inconsistent. Just watch. It will be win streak, lose streak, win streak, lose streak.. ****.. it's like a fracking "forget me not"!

h, and for the record. Shootouts are lame. They were "offically" implemented to save time. But in fact they take as long as a full period most of the time due to set up etc.

A 10 min OT would be great. I suppose Bettman would never approve though. He'd probably go for a puck juggling contest though. Player who could juggle the most pucks for the longest period. :rolleyes: How the bless did that weenie ever get the gig as comish anyway. I think Mr. Bean knows more about hockey (and would probably be more competent to boot).

Oh, crap! I have not looked at hardly any of the other teams yet!

Buttman is the worst thing to have happened to Hockey. He is the person I loathe the most in all of hockey. I'd even buy claude lemieux dinner before I shook Buttman's hand.
No one is going to make a season prediction besides me?

Seriously? C'mon, I offered a buck and a liter for the best picks!!

And, oh yeah, Bettman is a fvckhead. He should be taken out back and shot.
I got 3 of my picks last night.
I don't think anyone picked Colorado to win.

Picks for today/tonight:
CHI over FLA (2+ points for Toews)
STL over DET
Philly over CAR (Pronger with at least one cheap shot)
Pens over NYR (Godard vs. Brashear)
Yeah, the Avs kicked butt. I split my picks.


CHI over FLA
DET over STL (They are playing in Sweden tonight and tomorrow)
CAR over PHILLY (Close one to call though)
PIT over NYR
WFinals = DET vs CAL = Calgary
EFinals = BOS vs NJD = New Jersey
SC Finals = NJD vs CAL = New Jersey

Kind of out on a limb, but playoff hockey always comes down to goaltending and I think Kiprusoff and Brodeur will carry their teams deep into the playoffs with Brodeur having coming out on top.

Should preface that I'm a lifelong 'Hawks fan, but couldn't stand the Bill Wirtz keep the fans in the dark and ride the stars out of town (Roenick, Belfour, Savard). Like the direction the team is going when they're not fighting cabbies, but I don't think Huet is the answer in goal and I hope Hossa's and Milton Bradley don't hang in the same circles.