New brewer Hello from NC!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Garner, NC
Just wanted to say hay yall and do sumthing to kill some time. Im getting my brew equip via ups today. I will hopefully be brewing my first batch ever this afternoon! Im excited to brew and to be here. So cheers!:mug:

Garner just south of Raleigh. And Im brewing an amber exstract recipe that comes with the kit. Figured why not start with something easy.
It was a freebe for ordering the kit. American amber style exstract. Not what I would pick but its free and for a first batch why not.
Well got my brew kit and wouldnt you know it something was broken. Figures.
My airlock was shattered as well as the hydrometer. Guess Ill be waiting just a lil bit longer to brew. Still waiting to here from the place I bought it from to see what they are going to do about it. :(

Welcome :mug:
Don't worry too much about the airlock.
If you really wan to brew right away, just put a piece of paper towell over the small hole you would put the airlock in, and when the airlock shows up then install it.
There should be enough outgassing from the fermentation to keep anything "bad" out till then.
Thanks DDragon , but I went by my local home store and got a new air lock and triple scale. So I brewed my first batch and just got done pitching yeast. Feeling pretty good hit my target gravity for the og. So im stoked.
Just an update. On my very first batch I hit all my target gravitys. Have fermented put to secodary and bottled. I am currently drinking a bottle, that I opened prematurely but I had too it was stareing at me. And its pretty good. I have a feeling that when it has a lil bit of age on it and some better carbination that itll be alright. So now I know beyound a shadow of a doubt that I can do it.
Just an update. On my very first batch I hit all my target gravitys. Have fermented put to secodary and bottled. I am currently drinking a bottle, that I opened prematurely but I had too it was stareing at me. And its pretty good. I have a feeling that when it has a lil bit of age on it and some better carbination that itll be alright. So now I know beyound a shadow of a doubt that I can do it.

So, let me see: you brewed on Friday, November 14, and now, on November 23, you're drinking the beer you already fermented and bottled?

Not to get you worried, bro, but are you sure you actually were done fermenting? I mean, it's been just 8 full days since you actually brewed, and you can really run the risk of having two cases of bottle bombs if you bottled before the beer was done. Shards of glass do not feel nice, and they can really put the damper on a new hobby.

I'm just sayin'. Welcome to HBT.
That is a pretty fast schedule, but I wouldn't be too worried. I'm willing to bet that almost all of my batches are at FG in a week's time.

My first 3 or 4 batches were made from kits. Not knowing any different, I followed the instructions that came with the to the T.

All of those batches were bottled just 1 week after brewing

Of course, I waited a week or two for carbonation to develop before drinking it, but a week is plenty of time for a simple middle-of-the-road ale to ferment out completely. Certainly past the point of being bottle bombs.
Just wanted to say hay yall and do sumthing to kill some time. Im getting my brew equip via ups today. I will hopefully be brewing my first batch ever this afternoon! Im excited to brew and to be here. So cheers!:mug:


If your in Raleigh, you need to check out Aviator brewery in Fuguay. They contribute a lot to the home brewers, if your interested in all grain brewing.

Best of luck on your first batch!
Thanks guys. I wont be able to go to that get togeather Walker. Fmily should be here in about an hour or so. As far as the ferm going fast it was stable or same gravity for 2 days back to back wich was the target gravity. I assummed it was done. I didnt leave it secondary very long, and I know I should have to allow it to clear some. Also I knew that it was qwik and made sure that all my bottles are in igloo coolers in the garage with the lids shut and locked so that if they wanted to pop glass and beer mess contained. Thanks for the warning and the worry. I think they will be fine.
So what home brew stores are in this area? I know american brewer over off stooney brook rd in ral. Are there any other ones ariound this area?
Sounds fine to me. Pretty much what I did on my first batches and everything went just dandy. You were at FG and holding.

I started leaving my beers in the carboys for longer only when I REALLY started producing a lot of it. The pipeline would get full and be limited by my consmption. :)

Nowadays, I am just more patient with things.

Thanks guys. I wont be able to go to that get togeather Walker. Fmily should be here in about an hour or so. As far as the ferm going fast it was stable or same gravity for 2 days back to back wich was the target gravity. I assummed it was done. I didnt leave it secondary very long, and I know I should have to allow it to clear some. Also I knew that it was qwik and made sure that all my bottles are in igloo coolers in the garage with the lids shut and locked so that if they wanted to pop glass and beer mess contained. Thanks for the warning and the worry. I think they will be fine.
AMBrew is where the guys I know all go. I think there is another shop in Durham, but I get the impression it is not as thorough.

Search for the brew club "CARBOY" on google. I think their website has a list of LHBS.

So what home brew stores are in this area? I know american brewer over off stooney brook rd in ral. Are there any other ones ariound this area?

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