NB Honey (Not Quite) Brown Ale

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
New York
So I received the kit a little over 2 weeks ago and brewed late on a Saturday. I smacked the yeast pack and then realized there was no bag with specialty grains. I decided to brew anyways and have been pleasantly surprised with the results so far. The OG was 1.05 and gravity reading after 1 week of fermentation was 1.008. I took another reading this past weekend and gravity is holding steady at 1.008. The beer is clearing up nicely (see picture) and the sample I pulled tasted pretty good for only 2 weeks of fermenting. I plan on letting it sit for another week and then bottling. Really looking forward to trying this one when it's ready, and happy this has been a much better experience so far than my previous 1 gallon kit.

I've had my eye on this kit for brewing in the next few months. Very curious how it turns out... keep us updated!
Let us know how this one goes. I currently have NB Sierra Madre in primary and have the bug to get another NB kit.
I did buy priming sugar with the kit, but am debating on using brown sugar or honey for some added flavor (albeit small) considering the absence of the specialty grains in the brew. Anyone have any thoughts?
And now the wait begins (again). Will update in 2-3 weeks on the taste, which should be pretty good if the runoff while bottling is any gauge.

Thought I'd update this for those who were curious. It's been about 4 weeks since I bottled and I've been trying "one" beer about every week to follow the aging process. So far the beer tastes pretty awesome and I'm very happy with the result, especially the progress from the week 1 beer. It's almost to the point that I don't want to drink it and let it age for as long as possible (that will never happen). Anyways, some flavor notes and picture from last night are below. (I am by no means a tasting expert so pardon any incorrect use of words :))

Week 1: Flavors are distinct and separate. Noticeable yeast smell and taste. Beer gives off a heavy "pungent" aroma. Decent carbonation but almost no head

Week 2: Flavors have started to mix and mellow. Bit of up front sweetness (don't know if this is from the honey). Still heavy aroma

Week 3: Further mellowing and sweetness has intensified. Aroma has begun to die down and head has increased to about a half inch. No noticeable flavor from the head of the beer

Week 4: Becoming very smooth. Sweet up front taste followed by full bodied ale taste. Aroma has died down significantly but still noticeable - by no means nothing that would keep you from drinking this beer (and quickly at that). Beer head still about 1/2 to 3/4in and a bit creamy.

I'll be leaving on a trip for about a week and a half and I imagine (and hope) that by the time I get back, this beer will be even tastier. I would definitely recommend to anyone thinking of purchasing.

