Name Your Favorite Overhopped IPA

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brewt00l said:'s not the blast of hops that some other beers mentioned in this thread deliver

Their Hop Wallop is definitely more hoppy than hopdevil and could hang but I can't say I am a big fan of either brew.
Seconded, except I am a fan of both of those.
Brewing Clamper said:
Man, I feel inadequate... I don't really like overhopped IPAs.

Then get out of our thread, blasphemer!! :p

Arrogant Bastard, Double Bastard and Rogue's Imperial IPA for the win! :rockin:
cpz28 said:
Three Floyds Dreadnaught IIPA is amazing as is their Broodoo. I am a huge fan of Lagunitas Hopstoopid unfortunatley it isn't distributed here in northwest Indiana, but it is a mind blowingly great smelling/tasting beer ( I would kill for it since I can't find anywhere to buy it around here).

'Beer To Kill For IPA' would make a good name....:D
Oh wow i had a few bottles of Stone Brewery RUININATION IPA and WOW did it rip my taste buds a new one!

Imagine hops, squeezed of juices then having a cup of water added to thin it. Yea, it was powerful.....

....and i want MORE. Ive decided my next brew is gonna be an overhopped IPA :mug:
PeteOz77 said:
I know it was Avery.. Maybe it was this one!

I still have the bottle, I'll check it tonight when I get home

I stumbled across a picture of these beers that my mare in Texas sent me.. and the Overhopped brew that I had trouble drinking was THIS. I would really like to try one now....
I remember seeing one micro brewery on the modern marvels brewing episode where they ran the finished beer through a filter container, but instead of the filter they filled it with hops. Don't know if they actually do this or it was just an idea.
It's a toss up between Alesmith IPA and Ninkasi Tricerahops. After moving to the pacific NW my definition of 'hoppy' has been drastically altered. I used to think victory's hop devil and hop wallop were bold.
Bytor1100 said:
I remember seeing one micro brewery on the modern marvels brewing episode where they ran the finished beer through a filter container, but instead of the filter they filled it with hops. Don't know if they actually do this or it was just an idea.

Was it Randall The Enamel Animal?

These are the posts that I wish I never saw because I cannot stop reading them! First, I must admit that I have a hop addiction...with that said my favorites would be: DFH 90. Founders Devil Dancer Triple IPA, Bell's HopSlam, Bell's Two Hearted, and Stone's Ruination IPA.

Now I am going to have to try some of the suggested IPA's from this thread, thanks for putting a whole in my wallet!
kind of surprised to see so many votes for bell's two hearted. it's a great beer but i've never considered it all that hoppy.

also kind of surprised to see no votes for tupper's hop pocket ale from old dominion or double daddy iipa from speakeasy.

lots of good stuff in here though :)
PseudoChef said:
Wow, I must have really had an old and/or bad bottle of Bell's Two-Hearted when I tried it. (Bought a single when I was in vacation in NC this summer at the OBX). It wasn't hoppy at all and barely tasted like a pale ale to me. I was so let down after all the hype. I'll have to try it again.
Just wondering where you found the two hearted on OBX? We stay in Waves or Salvo every year and have yet to find it in that area. I am also from the Nashville area and travel up to Indiana for work and bring home cases of Two Hearted...awsome beer!
Hands down, Alpha King by Three Floyds of Munster Indiana is one of the hoppiest beers around and they call it a Pale Ale! Also (and I am NOT a wheat beer person) give their Gumball Head wheat a is NOT your fathers wheat beer! As they say on the label, "wheat beer with boatloads of amarillo hops". They aint kiddin'.
Otherwise, Stone Ruination is heavy on hops and for a hoppy-citrus finish give Bridgeport IPA a taste, very good.
Drinking some right now( Victory Hop Devil) and am very disappointed!! : (
Almost astringent, like the grapefruit taste someone else said. Probably the most expensive six pack I've bought as its just become available around here, but very disappointing. Good ABV though, at least it has that going.
Others have already voted for it several times but I have to throw one more in. DFH60. The ONLY bottled beer I like as much as my own (tap-served pub brews are excluded from this). I have not yet tried the 90 or 120 but I will do so shortly.

I was at the Phillies game the other night. Last year they had Flying Fish on tap at the beer stands but now it's just Yeungling's and a BMC. Now for those who want a BMC, you don't have to leave your seats, the vendors walk the stands with them endlessly.

BUT! DFH60 in the reefer! So I forgave them. I was amazed that at least half the people standing there were grabbing them.
Ale Asylum's Hoppalicious (APA actually). It's hoptastic. Actually their Ambergeddon has much more of a hop bite to it. Good stuff all around there.
+1 for Stone Ruination. It's pretty extreme. Stone has quite a few good IPA's if I'm not mistaken.
If you wan't a really strong beer (10.5%) get Bell's Hopslam. You should be able to find Victory Hop Wallop as well. If you are close to the Chicago area look into Three Floyds Dreadnaught. Dogfish Head 90 Minute is probably pretty easy to find.

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