Men: Getting snipped. Yay or nay?

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Apparently, my doc uses some sort of "liquid bandage" to seal the holes. The holes are tiny anyway, and the liquid bandage is supposed to flake off in the shower after a couple of days, and by then, the holes should be sealed.

Liquid bandage is cyanoacrylate glue (otherwise known as "Crazy glue"). Apparently someone took a good idea from gluing their fingers together one day...
Liquid bandage is cyanoacrylate glue (otherwise known as "Crazy glue"). Apparently someone took a good idea from gluing their fingers together one day...

Makes sense, as long as it's safe to use on an open wound and won't cause an infection, I suppose. We actually have a little bottle of that "Liquid Bandaid" in our medicine drawer, and I've used it a few times on minor cuts or pricks. Stings like a motherf***er.
I hate this thread.

Calling for mine this week. Tournament is next week and I'll have to take a long weekend coming up here soon.
Cut my thumb bad once. Wife said I had to go to the ER to get it fixed up. I told them I was just going to super glue it. The nurse told that's a bad thing to do because of risk of infection. Then I told her I was going to sterilize some thread and Rambo that thing! She just shook her head.

Turns out the glue they use is really just Super Glue. What a waste of my money to have them pour it on instead of me!

Of course, that's just my thumb. I'd probably choose to have a professional glue my Johnson. Don't want it to accidentally get glued to the side of my knee...
“No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy”

Then, the vas is severed using “thermo-cautery,” which is a device with a heated metallic tip, rather than a sharp scalpel.

In electronics circles, that's what's known as a soldering iron...:D
I had mine done last March, after my son was born, and it wasn't too bad. My doc was a fellow home-brewer so we talked about beer and brewing while he did the procedure. The procedure itself was pretty pain-free but I did get kicked a couple of times afterwards by my boy and that was painful.
Liquid bandage is cyanoacrylate glue (otherwise known as "Crazy glue"). Apparently someone took a good idea from gluing their fingers together one day...

From what I understand, it was ORIGINALLY used as battlefield sutures because medics couldn't be bothered to sterilise a thread n needle. Then people started using the stuff to fix cracked mugs 'n such, and it took off from there.
Ending my reproductive ability this Friday. Haven't had time to brew lately so gonna have to stock up on commercial brew tomorrow.
“No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy”

Then, the vas is severed using “thermo-cautery,” which is a device with a heated metallic tip, rather than a sharp scalpel.

It may hurt less. It doesn't sound any better.

Wife is hinting I should do this.

Notice it doesn't say "No smoking flesh".


Ending my reproductive ability this Friday. Haven't had time to brew lately so gonna have to stock up on commercial brew tomorrow.

That's a euphemism, isn't it?

In the meantime, she's not on any birth control at all. And I'm still a little over 2 weeks away from my "snip." I can't wait to get it over with.

Just remember that after the snip, you'll still have live rounds in the chamber for a little while before you start shooting blanks.
Just remember that after the snip, you'll still have live rounds in the chamber for a little while before you start shooting blanks.

Yep, I've read the material. I think it's something like 20 "shots" before you submit a sample for testing? I've read that some doctors require you to submit 2 samples before getting the all-clear, but mine only asks for 1.

TMI alert: I've actually ordered a microscope so I can periodically "check" myself to ensure there are still no swimmers. I've heard rare cases where things can "re-connect."
Yep, I've read the material. I think it's something like 20 "shots" before you submit a sample for testing? I've read that some doctors require you to submit 2 samples before getting the all-clear, but mine only asks for 1.

TMI alert: I've actually ordered a microscope so I can periodically "check" myself to ensure there are still no swimmers. I've heard rare cases where things can "re-connect."

The 20 shots is a loose approximation, I had to get 2 tests for the all clear; In reading the first test report I think I was good to go but they failed me for a couple of non-motile stragglers. So I think they go pretty conservative until they can be sure.

If you are going to go with the "DIY" approach, I would suggest taking pre-snip samples so you know what you are looking for, how to set up the microscope to be sure you see what you need to see. The problem with this approach is you won't know if a sample is negative because there isn't sperm in the sample or if the sample was collected and analyzed correctly (I'm assuming you aren't a medical diagnostic lab tech, doctor, etc.). A good approach would be to look at a known positive sample (non-snipped ejaculate) side by side your sample, so start asking your buddies!:D....hey, you want to go TMI I can oblige!

As for the probability of re-connect, I think it would be pretty rare given how long the procedure has been done and how they do it. (I think the standard is cut, remove a section of the plumbing and tie-off/cauterize the ends). I suspect the re-connect statistics include some more probable but less easy to discuss scenarios (e.g. there is another rooster in the hen house). That is the cynic in me talking though...
If you are going to go with the "DIY" approach, I would suggest taking pre-snip samples so you know what you are looking for

That's the plan. The only wrinkle is, I ordered the microscope last week, and it's taking its sweet time getting here. My "estimated delivery date" is anywhere from Feb. 29 to March 16. My procedure is scheduled for March 18. :eek: That's cutting it closer than I like, and I have no intention of "storing" a sample for later analysis once the microscope arrives, or asking a buddy.
Has anyone made it clear to your wife that she has to provide handies or hummers to get those last remaining swimmers out? Ask your doctor to have that conversation with her. Also ask the doc to let her know it's a few dozen times, just to make sure that they are all gone!
" Originally Posted by Mirilis View Post
well i got fixed on Friday.. it wasn't all that bad.. i never took any of the pain medicine they gave me and the pain is only mild discomfort. The killer is my wife kicked me out of the house for the weekend.

We had talked about it once before after my consultation appointment and she was not totally on-board and so after some debating i told her that i wouldn't schedule the procedure because I dont want a rift in our marriage. A couple weeks after that she seemed to be cool about it and said she would schedule it so she set the date, and kept saying "i understand the logic, and it makes sense to have it done since we have 3 kids already. I just dont like that i will lose the choice to have more if i want more in the future". She also said things like "I will be an ******* the day of it but i will eventually get over it".

well I had it done and the minute we got home she kicked me out and i spent the weekend at my dads house. she finally started talking to me and basically saying stuff like she cant believe i did it, and shell never forgive me etc. It even got to the point she is considering leaving me.


Me thinks this posters wifey is a little nuts. First she is against it, then she is for it and ACTUALLY schedules it for him, then bitches cause he had it done. As my friend says "All womens nuts". You just can't win with them it seems. Chris Rock said it best once. Guys will never ever win an argument with a woman because men have this insane desire to make sense :)

I feel bad for the author of this. Sucks. Hope it worked out.
Just got home from getting fixed. It wasn't bad. The lidocaine shots were about as bad as tetanus shots. I also tend to have a fairly high tolerance.

Other then that, it was the anticipation of pain that was the worst part. That and the smell of burnt flesh. I'll post back once the numbing agent wears off and I've had a chance to feel the pain.

On the upside, Troeg's cultivator (helles bock) and perpetual IPA are currently keeping me company. Also have SN Bigfoot waiting.
As I said I would, here is an update. The eve of the surgery, it felt like an nfl punter had punted my nuts. Not the initial doubled over sharp contrast pain, but lingering soreness that surely would follow.
24 hrs after, there is some discomfort and a significant ache in the left side. Not debilitating but not running a 5k anytime soon. Significantly less pain than last night though.
Swmbo has been awesome about waiting on me hand and foot and caring for the boys. (Boys not = balls btw)
TMI alert: I've actually ordered a microscope so I can periodically "check" myself to ensure there are still no swimmers. I've heard rare cases where things can "re-connect."

Continuing TMI Alert: I finally received all of the equipment necessary to check my own "samples," and took a peek yesterday so I'd know what to be on the lookout for post-procedure. Even with a cheap microscope (I bought this one), you can clearly see all the little swimmers, even at just 250x magnification. It was pretty surreal to look through the eyepiece and see thousands of little swimmers thrashing around. But at least now, if I'm ever worried about anything reconnecting, I can do a quick self-check to reassure myself.
Hey guys I saw this pop up in the feed again and I thought I'd share something.

I previously posted how easy it all was, yadda yadda. Well lately I've been having issues and this is well over 6 years post surgery (doctor retired 6 years ago so it was at least that long.) I've been having a lot of pain, initially it was diagnosed as Epididymitis. Antibiotics have had no impact. Research has led me to believe it might be Post-vasectomy pain syndrome. I have another appt with the urologist coming up and we're going to talk about reversal.

If you think about it, you know sperm shoot out at 28-31 MPH. The epididymis is a tube about 6-7 feet in length through which our little swimmers shoot. The theory is firing them off into a plugged cannon effectively is what can cause inflammation and pain.

So, many years later I'm having issues. I just thought I'd share that as something to think about.
Continuing TMI Alert: I finally received all of the equipment necessary to check my own "samples," and took a peek yesterday so I'd know what to be on the lookout for post-procedure. Even with a cheap microscope (I bought this one), you can clearly see all the little swimmers, even at just 250x magnification. It was pretty surreal to look through the eyepiece and see thousands of little swimmers thrashing around. But at least now, if I'm ever worried about anything reconnecting, I can do a quick self-check to reassure myself.

This ^^^ is some serious dedication. :D

Hey guys I saw this pop up in the feed again and I thought I'd share something.

I previously posted how easy it all was, yadda yadda. Well lately I've been having issues and this is well over 6 years post surgery (doctor retired 6 years ago so it was at least that long.) I've been having a lot of pain, initially it was diagnosed as Epididymitis. Antibiotics have had no impact. Research has led me to believe it might be Post-vasectomy pain syndrome. I have another appt with the urologist coming up and we're going to talk about reversal.

If you think about it, you know sperm shoot out at 28-31 MPH. The epididymis is a tube about 6-7 feet in length through which our little swimmers shoot. The theory is firing them off into a plugged cannon effectively is what can cause inflammation and pain.

So, many years later I'm having issues. I just thought I'd share that as something to think about.

I guess everyone is different. I had mine done after my youngest daughter was born. She turns 18 in May, no issues...unless you count the expense of college.
Continuing TMI Alert: I finally received all of the equipment necessary to check my own "samples," and took a peek yesterday so I'd know what to be on the lookout for post-procedure. Even with a cheap microscope (I bought this one), you can clearly see all the little swimmers, even at just 250x magnification. It was pretty surreal to look through the eyepiece and see thousands of little swimmers thrashing around. But at least now, if I'm ever worried about anything reconnecting, I can do a quick self-check to reassure myself.

show us your sperms.
Continuing TMI Alert: I finally received all of the equipment necessary to check my own "samples," and took a peek yesterday so I'd know what to be on the lookout for post-procedure. Even with a cheap microscope (I bought this one), you can clearly see all the little swimmers, even at just 250x magnification. It was pretty surreal to look through the eyepiece and see thousands of little swimmers thrashing around. But at least now, if I'm ever worried about anything reconnecting, I can do a quick self-check to reassure myself.

Yeah! Pictures or it didn't happen!!
Continuing TMI Alert: I finally received all of the equipment necessary to check my own "samples," and took a peek yesterday so I'd know what to be on the lookout for post-procedure. Even with a cheap microscope (I bought this one), you can clearly see all the little swimmers, even at just 250x magnification. It was pretty surreal to look through the eyepiece and see thousands of little swimmers thrashing around. But at least now, if I'm ever worried about anything reconnecting, I can do a quick self-check to reassure myself.

This is a pretty elaborate ruse just to get SWMBO to ok a brewing microscope. I admire the dedication.
FYI, just something to think about for those of you guys considering it...

Marriages don't always last forever. As some of you know, mine is on the way out, and I'm back on the dating market.

When I considered getting snipped, I told myself that if the marriage failed, I'd have to look at how long it would take me to find someone new, to be comfortable enough in a relationship to make it long-term, to marry, and prepare for kids. I knew that would put me into at least my early 40s, and per my own life goals that's too late to have more kids.

Well, now I'm on the market. And there will probably be some women for whom the inability to have any kids of their own is a dealbreaker. And that's fine, actually... If someone dreams of having their own kids, I know I'm not ready to give that to someone new. That *is* a dealbreaker, and it should be. But I can imagine that if it the only dealbreaker with a really amazing woman, that'll suck.

Looking back on it, I'm still glad I did it. I still know it was the right decision for me.

But it's something that all people considering it might want to think about in advance...
Hey guys I saw this pop up in the feed again and I thought I'd share something.

I previously posted how easy it all was, yadda yadda. Well lately I've been having issues and this is well over 6 years post surgery (doctor retired 6 years ago so it was at least that long.) I've been having a lot of pain, initially it was diagnosed as Epididymitis. Antibiotics have had no impact. Research has led me to believe it might be Post-vasectomy pain syndrome. I have another appt with the urologist coming up and we're going to talk about reversal.

If you think about it, you know sperm shoot out at 28-31 MPH. The epididymis is a tube about 6-7 feet in length through which our little swimmers shoot. The theory is firing them off into a plugged cannon effectively is what can cause inflammation and pain.

So, many years later I'm having issues. I just thought I'd share that as something to think about.

I saw this pop up and I wanted to say that I am experiencing pain from time to time. Its been about 7 years since mine was done. Not major pain more like discomfort.

I will say the procedure was pretty insane. Felt like an alien laying on table being experimented on. When the doc started cutting I found out that I have a higher tolerance to Novocain then most people. Ouch! I do enjoy the benefits but would I go through that again. Probably not.
Wife dropped the V bomb this morning. She's having a major surgery in August, and the doc wants her off the pill. So a Friday procedure, and a ton of beers, and ice? I can do dat.

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