Lets Start up the Hate

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All Grain supports the Brain
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Jan 10, 2014
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Man, I've been looking to brew a bud light and possibly even a Michelob Ultra style beer. I'm SHOCKED at how much I've found people getting bashed on this sight for wanting to brew it. You know, I'm not a fan of Lambics... but I'm not going to hate on people for wanting to brew it. I am however a fan of Light Beers and can't understand why people have so much hostility towards them.

I originally wanted to post something in the Recipe section but I figured this was more of General topic. I'm just curious why a beer that is hard to brew get's so little respect. You would think the guy who successfully brews a Bud Light Clone would get some props, regardless of your opinion of taste.... but not here.

All the arguments I've heard so far are of little substance. Big Corporation type arguments. Do people not shop at Walmart, buy gas from Chevron, etc. I've heard the McDonald argument which is close to the better arguments out there. But hey, they appeal to the masses. Either way, I plan to brew one and would like some recipe success/failure stories that may prove helpful. BRING IT ON!!!!
Just brew what you want, who cares. There a recipes here and about the web for Light Adjunct Lagers to get you started. Seems like you are trying to pick a fight honestly.
Just brew what you want, who cares. There a recipes here and about the web for Light Adjunct Lagers to get you started. Seems like you are trying to pick a fight honestly.

Can't have a conversation and disagree without calling it a fight? I'm a worldly person and like to hear opinions and discussions... General Beer Discussion is where I posted this.
The majority of people on here will tell you to brew what you want and try to help as best they can. There will always be people that want to belittle others though, no sense worrying about them.

I've heard a lot of good things about the cream of three crops recipes on here. Maybe try that?
Light beer isn't that hard to brew once you've already tackled the nuances of water chemistry in this hobby. There are other styles of beer much harder to brew than light.

As for the machismo, kitty measuring, well that is just people doing what they do best.
I brew mostly APA and wheat beers. Pretty lite stuff. Don't really care for porters and stouts ect. Occasionally I'll do an IPA. not a fan of Bud lite but that's just not my thing. A lot of my friends drink it. Yeah we tease each other on our preferences but we still drink together. Each is their own.......
Just brew a Helles if you want a Lager or a Cream Ale if you can't lager...its really...really similar to Bud, Miller, Coors and ppl wont give you stink for it.
Light beer isn't that hard to brew once you've already tackled the nuances of water chemistry in this hobby. There are other styles of beer much harder to brew than light.

As for the machismo, kitty measuring, well that is just people doing what they do best.

Great advice here. I've actually purchased the Book Water by John Palmer. Funny how this Hobby never seems to end. It keeps going, and going....
I poured Bud Light in a few plain brownies, capped them, and noted the cap as a 2015 Lager. It was favorable by a beer snob acquaintance of mine with only a few critiques. I laughed at him because he's a dumb.

This is the most devious, and yet totally baller, thing I've seen all day.
I'm no expert but I've often thought it would be harder to make those types of beers. The lighter a beer is the more you can't hide any issues you have in your process. I've never tried a clone recipe but my guess is that it can't be easy.

But the best reason to brew one of these beers is because then your friends won't get absolutely wrecked when they come over for a party. I have Coors Light fans who drink my beer and I wish they wouldn't. They can't can't handle the ABV. Slowly I'm adding more low ABV beers to my rotation.
I'm no expert but I've often thought it would be harder to make those types of beers. The lighter a beer is the more you can't hide any issues you have in your process. I've never tried a clone recipe but my guess is that it can't be easy.

But the best reason to brew one of these beers is because then your friends won't get absolutely wrecked when they come over for a party. I have Coors Light fans who drink my beer and I wish they wouldn't. They can't can't handle the ABV. Slowly I'm adding more low ABV beers to my rotation.

ABV is partially the reason. Calorie count is another. The wife and I love to drink beers together, but are also fitness enthusiast. I love brewing, but damn the beers I've made before are so heavy that if you drink 6+ then your smashed, and fat.
I'm no expert but I've often thought it would be harder to make those types of beers. The lighter a beer is the more you can't hide any issues you have in your process.

I used to think this early on when I started brewing and enjoying beer. Now, I don't feel like it's true. As much as people want to say that it's true, I have come to understand that you can't "hide" flaws in beer, even if it is a strongly flavored (flavor as in: hoppy, malty, roasty, sour, whatever intended flavor really) beer. You just end up with flawed strongly flavored beer.

I suspect that you need roughly the same skill to brew a great fizzy yellow beer as you do to brew a great IPA, sour, or RIS.
I poured Bud Light in a few plain brownies, capped them, and noted the cap as a 2015 Lager. It was favorable by a beer snob acquaintance of mine with only a few critiques. I laughed at him because he's a dumb.

That is priceless, i can picture you laughing like hysterically directly at his face and him looking back you confused as F. :ban:
I'm no expert but I've often thought it would be harder to make those types of beers. The lighter a beer is the more you can't hide any issues you have in your process. I've never tried a clone recipe but my guess is that it can't be easy.

But the best reason to brew one of these beers is because then your friends won't get absolutely wrecked when they come over for a party. I have Coors Light fans who drink my beer and I wish they wouldn't. They can't can't handle the ABV. Slowly I'm adding more low ABV beers to my rotation.

Lager brewing in general is the mountain in the big picture. If you are accomplished enough to brew lagers consistently, then water chemistry is the flag you pierce into the peak of the mountain.

Neither is that difficult. But you have to be geared for it, and understand the whens, whys, and hows.

There is another thread around here that takes it to the next level. Low, to no, oxygen influence (oxidation) in the process. Wow!
Man, I've been looking to brew a bud light and possibly even a Michelob Ultra style beer. I'm SHOCKED at how much I've found people getting bashed on this sight for wanting to brew it. You know, I'm not a fan of Lambics... but I'm not going to hate on people for wanting to brew it. I am however a fan of Light Beers and can't understand why people have so much hostility towards them.

I originally wanted to post something in the Recipe section but I figured this was more of General topic. I'm just curious why a beer that is hard to brew get's so little respect. You would think the guy who successfully brews a Bud Light Clone would get some props, regardless of your opinion of taste.... but not here.

All the arguments I've heard so far are of little substance. Big Corporation type arguments. Do people not shop at Walmart, buy gas from Chevron, etc. I've heard the McDonald argument which is close to the better arguments out there. But hey, they appeal to the masses. Either way, I plan to brew one and would like some recipe success/failure stories that may prove helpful. BRING IT ON!!!!

Here is the recipe I found and a picture of the beer. I used gelatin to clear it up (the glass is frozen) Its crystal clear, light, and crisp.

munich helles.png

helles 2.jpg
Try brewing a nice light Kolsch, then add 30% more water to it, carbonate and serve.

I've been seeing this method as a suggestion. It may be a good one, idk... But I'm hoping to be able to accomplish this through natural brewing, not post brew additions. I don't know about the Michelob Ultra attempt though. May have to resort to this.
Also, just in general lower your mash temps for crisper lighter beers 152 would be the HIGHEST I would go..as low as 147. Some people also use corn or rice hulls in Bud light kind of beers.
ABV is partially the reason. Calorie count is another. The wife and I love to drink beers together, but are also fitness enthusiast. I love brewing, but damn the beers I've made before are so heavy that if you drink 6+ then your smashed, and fat.

This is a topic that is big enough for it's own thread but I think craft beers clash with traditional beer drinking. We all know that you don't sit around and drink glasses of wine over and over again, but that does happen with beer in some cases especially in the US. We have a long history with light lagers and drinking many of them at events. Many of us are used to having "beers" and not just "a beer".

My wife and I used to run 5 and 10k races with a group of guys and after the race we'd all finish a 6 pack each of who knows what light lager. Granted we were young but still it was only possible because we weren't messing with the latest highly ranked DIPA according to BA snobs.

Living in Texas or other hot areas might be factor but there are times when having more than a few beers sounds appealing and eventually you get to an age where you don't want the calories or alcohol to just crush you.
Also, just in general lower your mash temps for crisper lighter beers 152 would be the HIGHEST I would go..as low as 147. Some people also use corn or rice hulls in Bud light kind of beers.

Any type of Protein Rest? I've read after mash out some bring it to 120°F for 10 minutes or so.
I don't (yet) have much capacity to lager, but I make some blonde ales that are well received ( by me and others ) .. Cream of Three, Centennial Blonde, Brulosophers Best Blonde. If you have the equipment to lager a beer - go for it !

btw - when you lead with SHOCKED in all caps, it does seem a bit like wanting to start an arguement as opposed to a discussion. My 2¢
If you really want to brew a Bud Light, go for it. I don't know why you would go through the trouble since you can buy a case for not much money and it will taste just like the real thing.
This is a topic that is big enough for it's own thread but I think craft beers clash with traditional beer drinking. We all know that you don't sit around and drink glasses of wine over and over again, but that does happen with beer in some cases especially in the US. We have a long history with light lagers and drinking many of them at events. Many of us are used to having "beers" and not just "a beer".

My wife and I used to run 5 and 10k races with a group of guys and after the race we'd all finish a 6 pack each of who knows what light lager. Granted we were young but still it was only possible because we weren't messing with the latest highly ranked DIPA according to BA snobs.

Living in Texas or other hot areas might be factor but there are times when having more than a few beers sounds appealing and eventually you get to an age where you don't want the calories or alcohol to just crush you.

Fully agree! I love a vast amount of styles. It's what got me into the hobby in the first pmace. But have you ever played golf in 104° summer heat drinking IPA's, stouts or anything else of that nature? Disastrous recipe.
I don't (yet) have much capacity to lager, but I make some blonde ales that are well received ( by me and others ) .. Cream of Three, Centennial Blonde, Brulosophers Best Blonde. If you have the equipment to lager a beer - go for it !

btw - when you lead with SHOCKED in all caps, it does seem a bit like wanting to start an arguement as opposed to a discussion. My 2¢

Noted. Thank you.
If you really want to brew a Bud Light, go for it. I don't know why you would go through the trouble since you can buy a case for not much money and it will taste just like the real thing.

Great point. Same reason people climb a mountain instead of catching a chopper. (Though a chopper would be expensive). I enjoy the act of brewing. I enjoy going for something and accomplishing it. Same reason we wanted to go to the moon..... OK, to far.... lol. You get my point though. Brewing is fun. I like BL. Best of both worlds.
Here is the recipe I found and a picture of the beer. I used gelatin to clear it up (the glass is frozen) Its crystal clear, light, and crisp.

Doing a Google search, I can see that BL is 4.2% ABV and uses rice in addition to barley malt to lighten the body.
I can't find any reference to what hops are used, but I would imagine they use a blend of hops and only as a bittering charge, so it doesn't matter so much what they use.
Maybe go with a clean bittering hop that doesn't have a great deal of flavoring, magnum or galena for instance.
I'm not sure what to recommend for yeast. I've heard, and kind of agree, that BL does have a bit of an appley note, so a lager yeast that can produce some fruitiness.

Good luck!
For the price of Bud, I would say it's easier to purchase a case than to brew it. That is unless you have the set up to lager.

I cut my teeth on that stuff back in the day but I've come to these questions:

Taste great? Less filling?

It doesn't taste good and it fills me up

Maybe when I quit brewing I will change my view. :tank:
Any type of Protein Rest? I've read after mash out some bring it to 120°F for 10 minutes or so.

If you're using malt sourced from the US I wouldn't bother with a protein rest. If you want to do a protein rest you would do it BEFORE raising the temperature to convert the starch into fermentable sugar. Mash out would be the last step, which increases the temperature to such a degree that the enzymes (which are driving these processes) become denatured.

FWIW I'm a somewhat seasonal drinker of styles.

I usually stop craving beer in early February and take a break. In mid - late March, as soon as we get our first warm day, I start back up with mostly lagers and blondes outside of a Guinness or two on St. Patty's Day. By early May when things start to get really warm I find myself drinking more IPAs. IPAs turn into IIPAs by late Summer and my palate starts to crave fall seasonals. By mid September I'm getting excited to drink Oktoberfests and other fall seasonals. Around Thanksgiving it's time for winter warmers and stouts, as the winter season goes on the stouts turn Imperial and then Bourbon aged. After January starts I find myself drinking more whisky and less beer. By February I'm hardly drinking any beer. I feel like I've been in this cycle for the last 6-7 years. I'm lucky enough to live in a place where there are lots of interesting local seasonals and German imports are readily available in all supermarkets.

Best of luck to you in your pursuits. :mug:
Here is my Light Lager recipe.

Keeps my Father-in-Law happy and the day I bottle this beer I brew a bigger lager or a RIS and pitch the slurry.

This recipe originated from a BYO article for a Schlitz clone. I first brewed the partial mash recipe and then changed it to an all grain recipe. The partial mash recipe had the dextrose addition and I just left it since I do stovetop BIAB which allows me to reduce the grain volume.

I have brewed this recipe 4 times and have gotten consistent results with my OG and FG.

5.5 Gallon

4 lb. American 2-Row
3 lb. American 6-Row
1 lb. Flaked Corn
1 lb. Dextrose (late addition)

Single Infusion mash at 153 degrees for 1 hour
I use RO water with 0.25 tsp of Gypsum per gallon of mash water.

Liberty Hops for 17 IBU's at 60 minutes (Usually 0.95oz)

60 Minute Boil
OG 1.046
FG 1.009

Yeast - 2 Packs of Saflager 34/70

Ferment at 55 Degrees
D rest at 65
Cold Crash to 40 for a few days. I don't need to fine this beer as it has always come out crystal clear.

I bottle my beer so after the cold crash, I bottle and let it carbonate for 3 weeks at 70. I use Northern Brewers Priming calculator and prime for 3Volumes. I then "bottle lager" in my fridge for a few weeks.

This beer made it to the second round of the 2015 Bluebonnet Brewoff. I know that other light beers use rice solids so you could substitute the rice solids for the flaked corn.

Here is my Light Lager recipe.

Keeps my Father-in-Law happy and the day I bottle this beer I brew a bigger lager or a RIS and pitch the slurry.

This recipe originated from a BYO article for a Schlitz clone. I first brewed the partial mash recipe and then changed it to an all grain recipe. The partial mash recipe had the dextrose addition and I just left it since I do stovetop BIAB which allows me to reduce the grain volume.

I have brewed this recipe 4 times and have gotten consistent results with my OG and FG.

5.5 Gallon

4 lb. American 2-Row
3 lb. American 6-Row
1 lb. Flaked Corn
1 lb. Dextrose (late addition)

Single Infusion mash at 153 degrees for 1 hour
I use RO water with 0.25 tsp of Gypsum per gallon of mash water.

Liberty Hops for 17 IBU's at 60 minutes (Usually 0.95oz)

60 Minute Boil
OG 1.046
FG 1.009

Yeast - 2 Packs of Saflager 34/70

Ferment at 55 Degrees
D rest at 65
Cold Crash to 40 for a few days. I don't need to fine this beer as it has always come out crystal clear.

I bottle my beer so after the cold crash, I bottle and let it carbonate for 3 weeks at 70. I use Northern Brewers Priming calculator and prime for 3Volumes. I then "bottle lager" in my fridge for a few weeks.

This beer made it to the second round of the 2015 Bluebonnet Brewoff. I know that other light beers use rice solids so you could substitute the rice solids for the flaked corn.

Wow that looks great!! Think I may try this. Thanks!
I've got a bunch of idea's now. Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm now looking deep into Water. I live in Waco. Not sure if anyone on here lives there as well.... but the water is awful. Not sure what the profile is, but it doesn't matter. It tastes terrible by itself. Wouldn't dream of putting it in beer. I've always used Ozarka so, I'll probably go with that again. I know I can manipulate water any way I want, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. I'll get Palmers book read and go from there.
Any type of Protein Rest? I've read after mash out some bring it to 120°F for 10 minutes or so.

No, I haven't tried anything like that yet.

I also used this method works beautifully. There is a large thread on this..but honestly just read the directions and follow it....everyone kept trying to make changes and wondered why it didn't work lol

I poured Bud Light in a few plain brownies, capped them, and noted the cap as a 2015 Lager. It was favorable by a beer snob acquaintance of mine with only a few critiques. I laughed at him because he's a dumb.

I love to tell the story of the party I got invited to a couple of years back. I didn't have anything really good to bring but, as I was working on a book chapter on beer color, I took a not too outstanding VMO, put some into each of two growlers, added a dollop of Sinamar to one and asked people to compare and contrast these two 'similar' lagers. There were BJCP Master beer judges, pro's from Victory and Gordon Biersch and many others of the local beer cognoscenti present. I could not believe the BS I got. Vanilla notes in this one, ribes in that one... One little gal was very apologetic, said that she really didn't know much about beer and was only there because of her boyfriend but that she really couldn't taste any difference at all. Remember the story about the emperor?

Several of those people have not spoken to me in over a year and I have not been invited back but it was well worth it - a treasured experience for sure! And it certainly validated the statement that I had heard Charlie Bamforth (the editor of the book) make in a lecture: "We taste with our eyes."

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