Let's Remember Some Beers (In Memoriam: Old Whales)

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Town Hall Masala Mama. It was high on the Top XXX list over there for years. I must have shipped out 50 growlers over the course of my trading career.

No one has even asked me about Masala since about 2015.

Haha, Live Oak was the only trade-able item in Austin before 2011. I remember when I traded two Live Oak growlers for two Masala Mama growlers for the 2010 Super Bowl. Worth it.

Kuhnhenn used to get tons of praise. I had a bunch of their barleywines and eisbocks at a share years ago and now I can't remember the last time anyone mentioned them.

Still a fanboy. I'll take all the BBBW, BB4D, & Solar Eclipse you have. Also, still looking for the OG genie bottle of Kuhnhenn KRE....
That's what years of not giving a **** will do

Man, back when Kuhnhenn's beers were awesome it was charming when they'd lose a pallet of Eisbock for a few years, or give you the worst ****ing service of your life. It was their schtick!

Turns out they're just bad at business. We were all duped!!!
Back when I gave a **** about beer I really wanted a Leon. I eventually got one after funny Buddha sold like 50 growlers of no crust. I felt bad after tasting Leon that I traded a ****in PB n J growler for it.

Then at one point I found life is like bottles. I traded one for like 4 new Glarus shelf beers. I must have had 20 something messages in my inbox about 5 minutes after posting that trade.

Man Leon was good...
Pursued so many whales back then that no one would care about now:

Midnight Sun Barfly
Surly Two
Norrebro Saison Lambic Pinot Noir
Southampton Berliner
Dogfish Head Festina Lente
Pizza Port Le Woody Brune

I remember trading stakem and others for Selin's Grove growlers. Great times.

One of you Chicago homies sent me a Barfly, that **** was delicious. Recently realized I traded for another one and never drank it. Hiding in a fridge for a few years, I'm sure it's awful now.
One that immediately comes to mind is Captain Lawrence Cuvee de Castelton. This is a brewery I probably haven't had a beer from since this beer was hyped.

This (well, the newest batch of it) is on the shelf at my local store in bumb**** nowhere SC. If that isn't a sign of how the game has changed...
If you're still ISO Rorie's there's an outside chance some friend of mine has one kicking around from when Toronado sold it to go at one of their anniversaries. No idea what the ask would be, though. (Best part of that was that Chussain and his mule army had no idea what the bottle was so skipped it.)

I've had it a few times, some from that release, once at the Eclipse party, poured by Hoey himself. IIRC he said he doesn't have much left.

In terms of "old whales no one would give a **** about now" T-20 has to be up there. Though who knows, maybe RR has more shitlord cachet than I give it credit for.

I'm definitely interested but I really have no idea where to go with it. One of the reasons I was fishing for it on buy/sell/auction type groups is I figured most people who had any left would be more likely looking to sell (i.e. downsizing/getting rid of old beer) rather than trade. Don't go out of your way but if you happen to mention it to him and he sounds interested, let me know. Definitely a curiosity tick for me.
I'm definitely interested but I really have no idea where to go with it. One of the reasons I was fishing for it on buy/sell/auction type groups is I figured most people who had any left would be more likely looking to sell (i.e. downsizing/getting rid of old beer) rather than trade. Don't go out of your way but if you happen to mention it to him and he sounds interested, let me know. Definitely a curiosity tick for me.
No idea if anyone even has any left but I'll ask.
Cant help but think yeahnatenelson got inspiration for this topic based off splinter blue talk this morning ;)

The amount of beers already mentioned here that I still have bottles of is making me feel some kinda way.

I think I've said this before in another thread, but I actually met you at the Splinter Blue release. You don't forget a tall, bald man who talked about Berliners for 3 hours straight. You actually gave me a sample of one of your homebrewed Berliners that was really damn good. Someone also was passing around a bottle of infected KtG.

Splinter Blue was so goddamn good.
I think maybe people on this website, but other than here?

Yeah, those two beers are extremely highly valued by the whale-ticking crowd. SHBRL has sold for ~$1500 (and traded straight-up for a Cable Car Kriek as well, if I remember correctly), and VSB has gone for ~$500-600. Those numbers might be a bit off (plus I haven't paid attention to that stuff in a little while), but they are definitely still hot commodities among people who spend huge amounts of cash on vintage beers.
SHBRL has sold for ~$1500 (and traded straight-up for a Cable Car Kriek as well, if I remember correctly), and VSB has gone for ~$500-600.
I know that was true a few years ago, but is that still the case?

Throwing another beer of yesteryear in the mix:

I remember feeling like such a badass when this got brought out a "whale" share.

Edit: stakem, we are on the same wavelength, though I didn't go with one of yours.
We are nearing page 4 and noone mentioned Bullfrog yet...

black cherry bomb
blue cheer

old toad barleywine (ok, was never a sought after whale but might be my favorite bullfrog beer.)

These are the old school whale ticks that I'd really like to try but know there's absolutely no way it will ever happen.
Gonzoillini had a good post (I think in Random Beer Thoughts a few weeks ago) along with pictures of someone bringing the first few years of Sexual Chocolate (including the first BASC batch I think) to his Birthday bottle share in Chicago several years back and - I think I'm paraphrasing the post correctly here) "acting like he had the nuclear codes in his cooler".
I think I've said this before in another thread, but I actually met you at the Splinter Blue release. You don't forget a tall, bald man who talked about Berliners for 3 hours straight. You actually gave me a sample of one of your homebrewed Berliners that was really damn good. Someone also was passing around a bottle of infected KtG.

Splinter Blue was so goddamn good.

I recall the KtG passing around and recall asking why it was tangy (thats the wine treatment bro!) My buddy Josh and his brother Justin were the ones sharing that and OG alpha kong that day.

RIP Josh :(

Some things never change - still a berliner tool, but doubt I had the power to preach 3 hours unless i was hammered and hammered i mighta been.
Speaking of berliners, at one of the first big beer festivals I went to my favorite beer of the day of the OG Smuttynose Strawberry Short Weisse. Bottles of that were extremely hard to come by from what I recall (I had it on draft). I still can't recall having had a better with a better presentation of sweet strawberry fruit flavor than that one.
In the future, I expect to be tagged for threads like this.

What was that bar in Charleston that was growlering/bottling off kegs they got? I traded a Vagabond for one of their 12oz handbottle of CBS in... 2009ish?

The Captain Lawrence releases were ridiculous, but those still the most fun releases I've ever been to. Drinking a Brute vert in 30° near-darkness!
In the future, I expect to be tagged for threads like this.

What was that bar in Charleston that was growlering/bottling off kegs they got? I traded a Vagabond for one of their 12oz handbottle of CBS in... 2009ish?

The Captain Lawrence releases were ridiculous, but those still the most fun releases I've ever been to. Drinking a Brute vert in 30° near-darkness!


Good seeing you Saturday.
4 pages and no one has even mentioned Isabelle Proximus yet?


Izzy was excellent back when I finally got to try it in 2015. A bottle was opened at a big share a few months ago in Miami that I showed up late for and I just missed getting a pour. Which was no big deal since I'd had it, but I was definitely curious how it was doing.

I actually thought about mentioning it, but declined to do so since it still seems to be a beer that people seek out.
Excerpt from an actual e-mail I once actually sent in real life: I've got a BA BORIS for trade, would love to get Flying Fish Exit 1.

Anyone else remember Beatrix...? Not sure I ever got the real story on that one.

I still remember trading through the nose for my Live Oak Hefe growler to tick the top 100.

Charleston Beer Exchange?

Yes! That's the place.
Does anyone still care about the early batches of Love Child? I believe #1 was extremely hard to get at one point, I have a friend who had a vert going back to 2 and that was his white whale. He was chasing it all over the Facebook groups for a while, but I'm not sure he ever got it before dropping out of the trading scene.
Does anyone still care about the early batches of Love Child? I believe #1 was extremely hard to get at one point, I have a friend who had a vert going back to 2 and that was his white whale. He was chasing it all over the Facebook groups for a while, but I'm not sure he ever got it before dropping out of the trading scene.

IIRC B1 was an employees & friends only batch, and all of the others were wide release.